Saturday, October 29, 2011

Big Ghost presents: The Ambition Review....

Ayo whattup its ya boy Big Ghost aka Thor Molecules aka Phantom Raviolis aka the Hands of Zeus...better known as the inventor of the slap namsayin. Word...I aint gon lie n pretend like the god is a fan of this niggas music or nothin b...but that dont mean I aint gon give the muthafucka a fair chance n shit. I aint gon front on the niggas art jus cos he a arrogant dude. Son declared his shit a classic already b. So rite there he already lowered the expectations for the god namsayin. Imma actually be expectin this shit to be wack as fuck. Cos any nigga thats gon suck his own dick like that gotta be tryna compensate for his shit bein weak nahmean. So if this shit even halfway decent he gon already be shockin me par.  Lets get into this shit tho.


1.  Don't Hold Your Applause - Aight son...its 6 seconds into this muthafuckin album n son already distress croonin on some la la la bullshit. Either this shit bout to be Sideline Story all over again...n son plannin to serenade his way thru 15 hooks or he jus gettin that shit out the way from the jump namsayin. He spittin some decent shit on this joint...but he also sayin some flamboyant shit here n there. Son also said "GQ men of the year, Cudi, Drizzy n Me". That was '09 tho b. They called them the "Gangster Killers of The Year" in that issue son....which Im thinkin was sposed to be a joke or sumthin my dude. N when they actually did start puttin rap niggas on the cover for that shit the next year...they aint honor Cudi n Wale yo. They only showed love to the rap Tyler Perry that year son....lets jus keep it real here. Speakin of Young Eeyore tho...its like son was possessed by the ghost of Jermaine Cole on this hook b. Anyways yo...I aint sayin its wack but the god probably wont be listenin to this shit ever again son.

2. Double M Genius - I guess son is on his humble shit b. Nigga said "Wale" like 87 times on this muthafucka too yo. The beat on this joint is like some low budget J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League shit son. I aint sayin its wack but lets jus say that Ricky Rozay probably passed on this shit n "saved it" for the homie Folarin nahmean. The hook is some bullshit tho. I dont kno who singin that shit but the nigga sound like a transvestite son.  I probably wont listen to this shit ever again neither b...but I aint really mad at it like that namsayin.

3. Miami Nights - I think most of yall done heard this shit by now...n this was never like my favorite shit or nothin....but its aight. The beat sound kinda like some 80s cruise ship entertainment type I be picturin old white people startin conga lines to some shit like this in my head yo. The Bawse drops a couple words of wisdom in the bridge n shit....but no bars or nothin. Real talk tho...I dont really wanna hear this shit ever again par.

4. Legendary - 1.5 seconds into this muthafucka n this shit was already my favorite joint so far b. This beat got some actual hair on its chest son. I aint even kno it was a Toomp joint til I recognized this shit was superior to all the shit I been hearin n checked the credits son. Actually this shit makes me HATE the 3 joints before it even more. The nigga actually spittin forreal on this shit too yo. Its kinda hard to take the "fuck fame, n fuck money" hook serious tho...since the nigga been in full time diva mode for like 2 years now son. But I dig this shit nahmean. Imma probably even dump this joint into a playlist on the iPod my nigga.

5. Lotus Flower Bomb (ft Miguel) - Aight first off yo. Fuck this song title b. This shit dropped a while back n I never even peeped the shit cos the song title sounded like a yoga pose nahmean. Its sounded like some shit the broad in Coldplay might bang vaginas wit Gwyneth Paltrow too yo. But after listenin to this shit I feel like I need to slap box witta minotaur jus to restore some manhood to my senses b.  This shit is like havin a waterfall of ovaries comin thru all the windows n doors in ya crib when you listen to it son. Its like audio breast milk. Ayo I understand you gotta gear summa ya shit to the females bruh...but this shit is straight bitchmade son. A dude listens to this shit one too many time n he gon get a period if he aint careful g. I hope I dont hear this shit again for like the rest of my life yo.

6. Chain Music - Aight...straight up....this beat is ferocious my nigga. Son kinda flowin like a muthafucka on this shit too yo. This shit is jus mad ignorant b. Yalls already kno that Zeus Hands fucks wit that ignorant shit heavy tho nahmean. This shit so tuff I almost forgot bout that Lotus Vagina Bomb joint that came before it son. 

7. Focused (ft Kid Cudi) - Soon as this shit started...all I could picture was muthafuckas wit glow stick necklaces twirlin ribbons around in they skin tight metallic outfits b. This that 2 dudes in a Mitsubishi Eclipse sharin one dancin white broad shit rite here nahmean. This joint is softer than baby shit. This fool Wale even said "Killin these black heads, my rap is Noxzema" yo. Son jus compared his shit to a face cream my nigga. This shit is jus mad corny son. I mean...I kno theres muthafuckas out there thats gon dig this shit...but Tone probably wont never listen to this shit ever again par.

8. Sabotage (ft Lloyd) - This jus some more hoe shit but it sounds like Hit Em Up compared to the last joint son. That human ovary Lloyd is beltin out the hook on some serious tender nigga shit for this one yo. I guess son gotta do his joints for the females tho. So I can respect that b.

9. White Linen [Coolin] (ft Ne-Yo) - Ok son...I was tryin to chill but I dont kno how this nigga jus gon drop 3 bitchmade ass joints in row like this...but apparently thats what he jus did here yo. All 3 of these muthafuckas is bout to find they way to the recycle bin tho. Cos I aint wastin no precious time hearin this bullshit ever again my dude.

10. Slight Work (ft Medium Sean) Word is bond...the world famous Diplo did this joint nahmean. Unfortunately this shit jus sounds like Swizz Beatz kicked in the door...erased the joint Diplo made n tapped out one of his basic ass dogshit beats...then left THIS shit there for em instead. I feel like Beyonce spose to be upliftin the low self esteem havin broads of the world over this beat son. This shit is jus ass b. Mr Finally Famous need to get the fuckouttahere too yo.

Why the boy Wale rockin a size XS hoodie n a 5-3/8 fitted tho?

11. Ambition (ft. Meek Mill & Rick Ross) Yall mighta heard this shit before. Son got The Ralph Tresvant n Bobby Brown of MMG on this joint (word....Wale definitely the Ricky Bell of that shit). This shit probably the best joint on the whole album son...which kinda makes up for that 4 song streak of tampon music that came before this muthafucka namsayin. Not really tho...cos those joints was like listenin to son drop down n get his eagle on for like 15 minutes. I aint probably gon forgive the nigga for that shit b. But this joint goes hard as fuck son. This shit make you wanna go cop a 8 ball to cook up n start sellin to ya own nephews n nieces on some guerilla pimp dont give a fuck bout nobody type shit nahmean. 

12. Illest Bitch - Son wanna be the latest nigga to attempt the "I be empowerin broads by callin em bitches" type song that intelligent females usually dont be feelin...but causes these hoodrats to g'head n start p-poppin at family picnics yo. This joint kinda laid back it aint really gon get these hookers throwin bows n breakin they nails or nothin like that...but they gon be quotin bars off this shit for months either way yo. Little niggas is gon be dedicatin this joint to they 14 yr old girlfriends n gettin em seeded up to this shit come Valentines Day namsayin. Hoes in the after hours spots is gon be closin they eyes n pointin to the sky when this shit start playin b. Grimey ass broads is gon be pourin out they liquor to this shit. Son even goes into some spoken word bullshit towards the end that I aint really gon get into tho. By the way son...Im grown I dont really be knowin no low self esteem havin teenage broads that shit like this might be useable on...n I dont need no more hoodrats in my life b. So this muthafucka goin into the recycle bin too son.

13. No Days Off - This shit sound kinda like the beat to Biggie's Me & My Bitch...but witta Toomp twist to it....which is basically what this beat is namsayin. But the nigga Folarin aint sayin nothin THAT creative on this muthafucka.  The boy jus spittin that usual come up shit that 75% of niggas be spittin bout nahmean. I wasnt mindin this shit til I heard son say some shit like "higher than high school Mariah tunes n fire flutes on fights n hoopers in light shoes". Now Im jus feelin disrespected son. I mean...that probably aint even exactly what the nigga said but Im still feelin disrespected either way yo.... like...nigga thats jus some bullshit. 

14. DC or Nothing - This shit starts out wit some bitch nigga oooohin over some emotional ass synths...but then the shit starts pickin up namsayin. I mean....even tho son still jus talkin more of that come up shit I was actually kinda feelin this one yo......til the hook came in. Ayo son...I dont kno who it is...but dude singin this shit sounds like he rocks mad Abercrombie n Fitch shit b. Im sayin like...I can see the tight ass Club Monaco gear n canvas sneakers in my mind when I hear this muthafucka sing b. He sounds like the type a dude who be inventin suspect ass drinks that end wit "tini" when he goes out son. I aint really tryna shit on the nigga...but I bet the dude drives a hatchback tho. This shit aint horrible or nothin....but it definitely aint gettin no itunes play son.

"Thats that nigga who wont gimme back my watch bro...."

15. That Way (Ft. Jeremih & Rick Ross) - Damn yo....the homie Lex Luger did this shit? Ayo the Superfly shit aint nothin new but Lex kinda changed his shit up here b. As far as the vocab...I mean at first you might think its jus another joint aimed at broads...but this one kinda fly nahmean. Rozay did his thing of course. Jeremih croonin some gentle ass shit as usual...but this shit jus works yo. See a lot a yall might think that the god dont like no laid back shit that you can cool out wit a broad to...but I jus dont like when that shit aint done rite son. This shit here is some fly ass smooth shit yo. Anyways son...I fucks wit it.

Ayo listen son.... the biggest mistake a nigga can make when he bout to drop his album is declare that shit a classic b....UNLESS he gon deliver on that shit nahmean. The boy Wale been callin this shit a classic for a minute now son. A couple months ago son asked niggas why he cant jus say his shit is as good as Reasonable Doubt. Im sayin...that shit is cool my dude...but once you open that door you gotta step thru it at some point yo. You start pointin out into the upper deck before the better be tryin to knock that shit out the park fam. So yeah...same way that Young Eeyore shouldnta even said the word Illmatic while he was hypin his own coma-fied ass album...the boy Wale shoulda jus kept his mouth shut bout Jay's first born nahmean par. That Hov shit was, is, n gon STAY a classic g. Word is bond son. But if any nigga gon actually say Ambition a classic n mean that shit....I hope that muthafucka gets hit by a asteroid b. Aint like Ambition is wack or nothin son...namsayin you could even say the shit is "good". But son...even tho Reasonable Doubt was mainly jus all joints bout hustlin...there aint no two songs on that muthafucka that covered the exact same ground over again yo. That shit was a journey namsayin. That shit told a story. This shit is jus some half decent joints n a couple bangers mixed in wit a whole lotta average shit. I mean...the boy Wale got like 5 or 6 ballads on this muthafucka b. Tender ass ones too yo. So nah...that shit aint official like that par. Son shoulda compared this shit to Kingdom Come or whatever. When you in the presence of excellence you either bow or you challenge that shit son. For example yo...that nigga Kanye got a big mouth n done talked mad shit...n niggas BEEN hated dude for that shit yo. What makes that nigga unfadeable rite now tho is he keep backin up all his talk namsayin. Niggas HATE to love that boy Yeezy son. Niggas hate THEYSELVES for likin that arrogant muthafuckas joints nahmean. Niggas hate theyselves for knowin the WORDS to that niggas shit too par. But Wale...son need to stick to bowin before greatness namsayin. IF niggas hate Wale its cos he arrogant as fuck n DONT prove niggas wrong nahmean. So nahhh son aint cut out for greatness like that yo...but at least he aint wack. He makes a good addition to Rawse's team. He aint cut out for individual greatness like that tho. He kinda cut out for okayness or goodness namsayin. So he gets that.

This shit gets 3 Zeus Slaps from me tho my nigga. But son got a perfect 5 outta 5 n Taboo 'Sidekick Salutes' namsayin.
Aight peace.

Aka the niggas in BEP who aint or Fergie


  1. proud to say i've never heard a wale song...don't plan on it either!

  2. he neva shoulda called this a classic, ambition is not even better than attention deficit

    great review as always big ghost

  3. "Little niggas is gon be dedicatin this joint to they 14 yr old girlfriends n gettin em seeded up to this shit come Valentines Day namsayin. Hoes in the after hours spots is gon be closin they eyes n pointin to the sky when this shit start playin b. Grimey ass broads is gon be pourin out they liquor to this shit."


  4. On point. That is all.

    Oh yeah: "Hoes in the after hours spots is gon be closin they eyes n pointin to the sky when this shit start playin b."


  5. You slippin my nigga. Officer Rick Ross is still one wack motherfucker, and Wale is definitely below average. They might be tight compared to Tyga and Soulja Boy, but they can't even come close to niggas like Immortal Technique and Kweli.

    And for the simpletons who still think this is Iron Man; would he REALLY give that much props to these Maybach mermaids? Y'all heard Big Doe Rehab, you tell me.

  6. ay Tone, good review. still tryna figure out how a real muhfucka like you gon fuck wit Officer Ricky aka Sargeant Seizure. he fake and his music wack. some nice beats, but he uses the same ass tired flow and talks about the same shit that everybody knows are lies. w/e tho, cant wait to read the Take Care review

  7. I've listened to a few Wale joints to see if he was wack or not. He definitely was so I didn't plan on listening to him ever again. So I'm glad you confirmed that by pretty much saying this album is just average. Hip hop doesn't need another average rapper we need another Nas. Wale is just a average ass rapper who's trying to get his club bangers on and make money. So I can't hate on that but he definitely isn't good. But good review as always Ghost keep doing your thing. Fuck those haters they are all softer then baby shit. Keep writing my man.

  8. Comments visible after approval the fuck is this shit son? This sound like you scared to hear some niggas opinions on shit.

  9. Scared? I been publishin ALL comments b. Im dealin wit spam n one bitch ass clown who leaves the same comments 20 different times son.

    s/o to CLV...suck my dick. I got ya free speech rite here bitch nigga. Click my name.

  10. Ghost why didn't you review the When Fish Ride Biycles album by the Cool Kids when it came out .....

  11. ghost you gonna review riff raff's new album? riff has been dropping some heat lately you crazy if you don't review that shit nigga.

  12. yall gotta stop askin ghost to reveiw these no name nigga's albums foolie. next yall gone be askin him to review yall mans mixtapes and shit. stop that shit yo.

  13. Yo, but on the REAL, ghost..

    Can you do a review/list of the top tuffest(even if they on welfare money) in the game right now?

    I wanna know who the monsters in your Ipod my chainsaw... I wanna know who you think is birthed from the wolves den, who emerged from a rift in the space time continuum from where Conan is from..

    so whats up?.. bless us with some "whos on they shit" awards.


    and Im not just talking about old legends and shit.. Jay, Nas, Big, etc...

    Im talking about heads not many would know.. backpack of not.

    ima sit in between these candles in tattered monk robes meditating on your response..


  14. I don't know where you take all that strenght from, to actually listen to all this garbage but one thing's for sure: your ears must be bleeding heavily everytime. And I guess that's the reason why your posts are so rare because you have to recover from all these traumas you go through. After listening to them shits, you probably have to follow a strict recovery-playlist for days. Like the first commenter said, I'm also proud to have never in my life listened to any of these new and soft-ass faggots' so called music or even worse, Hip-Hop. Fuck them all and long live Big Ghost!

  15. Big ghost chopping niggas with his shaolin way of the pen, keep this shit up holmes.

  16. fucking hell, ghost, we all know these albums are shit- maybe average at best. review some shit you'd actually recommend!

  17. Great as always but you reviewing wack shit is kinda getting old, would love a post about like the 10 best in the game right now.

    Or something different like pick the 10 best songs from an artists you think is wack

  18. Ghost you a bitch ass niglet with an obsession with Drake, wait till take care bitch slaps your ass and you'll have no choice but to give 5 slaps for a bigger classic than illmatic.

    Ovoxo nigga, tired of playing round here.

  19. Tone only approves comments sucking his cock, that's some real suspect shit.

    You're faker than the rappers you're always dissing. Shit is sad bruh.

    Ovoxo nigga

  20. Gotta second that realest in the game shit, you gotta hit us up with some of that freezer shit, some of that Sean Price shit

  21. Take Care a bigger classic than Illmatic??? You must be either 9 years old, high as fuck or heavily retarded to say shit like that. Can't even laugh at that shit.

  22. I agree with some of these dudes, you should review the 10 Hardest muthfuckas in the game, I know what NOT to like, now I need to know where to go if I want to have dragon skin and atomic bomb bitch slaps and shit

  23. Son you starting to spam too,just get the fuck out of here and go suck Drake's dick you fucking Drake stan.

  24. I don't think I've ever commented on a blog simply to stan it but I need to tell you this is the funniest thing I've ever read. Your paragraph detailing Yung Berg's failure prowess building to the King of New York line is the high point of the internet itself. srsly, you are gifting the world with your writing, so thank you.

  25. I second the above commenter's comment. Your shit is some of the funniest shit on the internet. Fuck the haters. Keep doin you son.

    That said, I also agree that you should review some of the good shit too. I know you think highly of Em and Royce, yet you never reviewed their EP. Shit was tight, but also not universally praised either. It's the "could go either way" joints that you def should throw your two cents in to settle the debate and shit nahmean?

  26. Yo I'm thinking about creating a youtube account and doing voiceovers for all your old and new upcoming critiques and posts God. Then I would link everything back to this blog, we could collab. Put in music, shit would be fresh to death. Or better yet..YOU SHOULD DO IT!

  27. Man some a y'all need to sack up and go find some shit for yaselves nahmean. I mean I don't fuck wit pretty much anybody talkin bout hip hop cept for the man Ghost but even I know where to find me some jewels. I mean it ain't like KRIT or Spitta or Gibbs is exactly unknown to anyone with an internet connection. You need Ghost to tell you Str8 Killa is the goods? Fuck outta here with that shit.

    Ghost, stay true god.

  28. I mean it..god it would be ridiculous

  29. Legendary and That Way were the best songs on the the album, his mixtape 11 one 11 theory was better in my opinion... but i got homies who jsut love wale i listend to him and im like "eh he ight" hes better than drake smh i think wale is good for hip hop tho, he got talent for sure

  30. word gave the post 3.5 outta 5 google ad clicks namsayin. aint a carter iv review but i fucks wit it. feelin due some Huntin or Tales From Shaolin shit soon tho.

  31. Better than Drizzy? Son you need to shut it with that shit, word is bond, take care is going to elevate Drake to goat status, you niglets think think I'm playing, well just watch and take care ovoxo bitchessssss

  32. nomination for freezer ninja/10 hardest in the game: Mr Muthafuckin eXquire, dude is a beast

  33. BigGhostStan you really need to hop off the Gods dick though. Voiceovers? Nigga,get something else to do with your pathetic ass life. The God don't have time for doing voiceovers and Youtube channels and bullshit with your candy ass. Get a life you little creep ass nigga.

  34. lol I pretty much agree with what you saying about those ballads but the only dude on Ambition that came with it was Mill, the other two verses was ass though. Check my review too lol.

  35. Aye you are finally back bruh trill shit. You were kinda falling off but this is some objective shit! I fucks with that shit heavy. Gotta give credit where it is do. You should do hip hops toughest tho real talk. That would be some versatile shit. That Kanye reference is the main reason why I fucks with this blog. You dropping jewels. Niggas hate Ross but that fake niggas verses are official. Salute.

    H-town 3rd ward to be exact

  36. Thank you Based God. I mean, Big Ghost.

  37. The Bozo who said that Drake is on his way to GOAT status needs to be cyber jumped, bullied, forced to eat a gun and become the next Lifetime special....STFU. Drake is ruining real music with is bullshit ass crooning and making ya'll believers just because he curls up his lip as the dumb shit spills out. Snuggle, the downy bear has more heart that Drake.....

  38. Nah nigga, That boy Drake raps have substance. It isn't about pulling the Mack Milly if someone act silly. That's bullshit and no message for our young black people. Nobody wants to hear that trash, I'm ashamed of thw gangster rap i used to listen to as a youth, it has no place in soceity.

    Drake raps about real things real people can relate to.

    His multi syllables are on point, so are his metaphors. Dude likes to sing because he has talent to switch it up. This is a movement of artists with actual talent, ovoxo changing hip hop for the better.

    You'll hate now but thank him later. Mark my words.

  39. Wow, I had to Google "Ovoxo" ... so Audrey DOES have goons, huh? HAAAAAAAA.

    Btw I promise you will hate this album even more if you listen to Paint A Picture, Hate Is The New Love and 100 Miles & Runnin' aka Wale's First Three Mixtapes aka That Good Shit Before The Schizophrenia Presented.

    You can't go off and sign with Rick Ross AND be the self-appointed unifier of the DMV, especially after (by some accounts) getting run out of your own city. You can't go off and sign with Rick Ross AND title your album after "Ambitious Girl." Take Costanza's advice and GO TO VIENNA AND SEE A TEAM OF DOCTORS.

  40. Attention dude who keeps signing his posts ovoxo: you are out of your mind if you think Drake will ever be considered an all time great, or even an above average mainstream guy. Go back and listen to his bars. Leave aside pause-worthy stuff, leave aside the drama queen shit, whatever, and just listen to his actual rhyming ability. Dude is sub-par. I have yet to see him do anything inventive with a single line. His flow is lazy as hell. He's an okay singer, and that's an okay gimmick, but to claim he's good for anything other than helping high school boys get girls to remove their underwear, you really need to reevaluate your life.


  42. Wale is an arrogant fuck, but he can spit from time to time. I overall agree w/ this post, and ADeficit was better or at least more interesting

    Anyhow, can we get a review on Live Love A$AP?? For better or worse youngn's rising up

  43. "...This shit gets 3 Zeus Slaps from me tho my nigga. But son got a perfect 5 outta 5 n Taboo 'Sidekick Salutes' namsayin."


  44. Ghost, I never have payed attention to Wale and will continue not to. I listened to the songs while reading your critique. Thor Molecules aint lie a bit about this garbage as Ambition album.The bot songs got Ross on them. Should have got 2 Zeus Slaps for lacking originality. The industry spoon feeding the masses with perserved dog shit, Fam

  45. I love this site more than my kids, b.

  46. LMFAO. Great review as ever. As spot on as BigGhost was I actually respect Wale a bit more after hearing the album but like Iron Man I hope and expect him to do better in the future, especially with all this "classic" status the new rappers like proclaiming.
    Ambition is better than J. Cole's album, which mainly cos of BigGhost i haven't even bothered to finish listening to.

  47. Yo This Shit Right Here Nigga, Right HERE Nigga..?!!??! Is The Truth, Always On Point..!

  48. yo the lame ass faggot who put "Nah nigga, That boy Drake raps have substance" need to french kiss a sawed off. easy to relate to? dude said hed rather watch true blood then have a one night stand... WHO THE FUCK CAN RELATE TO THAT HOMO SHIT??? aint no denying drake is good at what he does... but what he does is straight doo doo butter. mainstream, elementary, for 14 year old white girl rhymes. mark MY words this fag drake aint gonna have any longevity. and fuck the bitch sayin ambition is better than Cole World. Rise and Shine is one of the top 5 tracks of 2011. i fucks wit Big Ghost but Cole is dope idc wtf you say

  49. Wale's soft ass album, he should call it AMBITCHIN' , this nigga prolly smelled flowers, sprayed on perfume, and just came from a baby shower before he made this shit, sorry to say the least.

  50. How long did it take you to write this blog huh? lol...How wonderful is it that you spend your precious time writing about him. I have never seen your picture on a billboard, sprit commercial....
    Playa you know its all about the money...and Drake is doing something right.
    Drake let that money in your pockets keep you grounded

  51. You boys seem to have an "unhealthy" obsession with homosexuality, while Drake seems to adore pussy...hmmm...jus sayin #nohomo lol!

  52. You call it soft... I call it GROWN and sexy "nahmsayin nigga", "ya B" ...grow up! When the last time you put any shit out?

    Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time - Drizzy

  53. Yo i usually feel you on shit but i think Wale shit is aight tho. 3 Zeus slaps say that it was ok(Your ratings). But i think its at least 3.5 closer to 4. Some songs you have to take them for what they are. Example The shit with Wale and Big Sean is a party joint. I dont like that song at all but it definitely sounds like some shit i would dance to at a party.

    Im usually not into albums with to many girl topics but some of his sweet songs(girl songs) is ok. Just because it was Wale i didnt want to hear his shit.(im not a fan) But i gave it a chance and its aight yo.

  54. Yo peep the science tho yo. This album title and cover image all reference the Cremation of Care ritual practiced by owl worshippers who sacrifice children. Theres the owl, the fire and even a goblet to drink sacrificial blood and then in the painting behind drake is the lake. Whoa. Hidden in plain sight. So now what?

  55. Str8 Outta Staple TownNovember 14, 2011 at 10:42 AM

    yo, to the crash-test dummy above callin hisself "Ghostface Who?"

    first of all, shut up. you not into understanding shit, are you? your slow ass need to figure out who you're talking to/about. "GROWN and sexy??" you for real son?

    and you gonna quote drake to try n make some kinda point? c'mon man. fuckin clown ass

    and the anon fool talmbout "sprit commercial??"
    y'all are some real idiots. it's embarrassing. but it makes sense i guess stupid fans like stupid music..

  56. You're SLAYING me. These comments are funny as shit too. Fuckin dead, my nigga.

  57. Reviews funny as f*ck on a rack of albums. But you sleepin on the intro just cuzza its intro. N 13 rock too. But for some dumb reason the nigga left his biggest bangers off the album. It's 7 tracks on the deluxe version, n half of em is bangers that should make it a 4/5 or 4.5.

    1.Bait- Banger and a single they got a video for (on par with "chain music", maybe better)

    2.Bad Girls Club- Banger w. Jcole- also a single with a vid. (>>better than "lotus flower bomb")

    3.4.AM- filler but maybe the best filler lyrically on the album. Cocky as shit but it go
    (==on par with "legendary")

    4.Tats on My Arm- Banger,also a single with a vid.(Rivals "Ambition" 4 best track on album)

    5.No One Be like you - filler, nigerian style..remind me of that first pic you posted below the album pic, like the homie think he doing black magic, lmao. He talkin bout 'Fela, Ebos, Somolians, Ethiopians, Yoruba, its more self empowerment roots esque (no similar tracks on the album but woulda fit well after "focused" or before "white linen" to break that shit up)
    6.Best Night Ever-ft Ross, I think its a single, this one for the ladies so you wouldn't fuck with it. But it samples a 70s track and rocks productionally.(on par with "sabotage" or betta)

    7.First Class- 1st class filler ft big sean and BOB , I heard it before so maybe its a single but I hope not. (>> worse than "slight work")

    So the album is good, but definitely not a classic. It coulda been great but I dont understand how you leave 4 of the dopest songs that coulda been on it, as part of a bonus cd on the deluxe version which I aint really seen in all that advertising on hulkshare, but stumbled on some music board, meaning it aint like one of those albums where the main one you see is the deluxe but where the deluxe is actually a rare version and this was a retarded move. Shit coulda gone gold, maybe even platinum considering 3 of these is singles with videos, n the album may only have 2-3 singles w/o them. Honestly, this may be the first album where I felt the bonus tracks made the album way better.

  58. drake albums suck and they always will. BIG GHOST is the SHIT. im dying with this review, you took the words out of my soul. keep it


    He sounds like the type a dude who be inventin suspect ass drinks that end wit "tini" when he goes out son


  60. " shit make you wanna go cop a 8 ball to cook up n start sellin to ya own nephews n nieces on some guerilla pimp dont give a fuck bout nobody type shit nahmean. " lmaoo... too bad those bitch- spawned salon niggas cooperate with thallah, no islam....1love sun!
