tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-12475224938687827772024-11-09T17:52:19.616-08:00BIG GHOST CHRONICLESYOU ARE NOW IN THE PRESENCE OF COCAINE BICEPS!BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.comBlogger114125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-78089382630352053232013-07-14T12:27:00.001-07:002013-07-14T12:56:20.292-07:00The Lost Wu-Tang Song....<br />
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<img height="360" id="irc_mi" src="http://www.lyricscog.com/pictures/Wu-Tang%20Clan%20-%20Family%20Reunion%20Lyrics.png" style="margin-top: 22px;" width="361" /></div>
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Ayo whattup...you now in the presence of the mighty Hands Of Zeus aka the imperial Cocaine Biceps aka Galaxy Knuckles aka Broccoli Bundles aka Divine Snowcones aka Shampoo Bracelets the panty melter aka Thor Molecules the great aka Phantom Raviolis aka Volcano Hands aka the one n only Big Ghost namsayin. I aint gon get into the folklore n the theories involved in this shit too much but I got a special treat for yalls... The god jus happen to came across a special one of a kind unreleased recording of a joint that aint nobody heard ever in they life b. Imma take yalls back to like circa 97 n shit n let yall peep this tho...back to when The Wu was still really runnin this hip hop shit n had the whole industry in a yoke nahmean. This shit aint never been heard by nobody ever yo. Ever...n the whole Clan on this shit too namsayin. Word is bond...but Ionno how to upload joints to the internets so Imma jus drop the lyrics on yalls n yall can use the vivid powers of imagination to recreate the shit in yall heads n whatever nahmean.</div>
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Aight peace.</div>
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<b><span style="font-size: large;">Divine Icicle Pyramids (Unreleased shit)</span> </b><br />
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<img class="rg_i" data-sz="f" name="vAxUeVJjdsrN3M:" src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRyL1F3Z3mYtptwKhfMoFib6onRh3dQIGGRGBOdYIe3nEvD9FzuRg" style="height: 166px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px; width: 304px;" /><br />
<br />
<b>Inspectah Deck:</b><br />
<br />
Behind the fortress<br />
The killa bees climb on iron horses<br />
Supplyin the forces <br />
that keep the skies in orbit<br />
<br />
The power of 59 Porsches<br />
can blind a sorceress<br />
Look at the flyin saucers - on the wings<br />
ya find our portraits<br />
<br />
The vocals carry<br />
Like messages on canaries<br />
The saga varies <br />
for colossal dignitaries <br />
<br />
Imaginary HOPE<br />
We sail on ferry BOATS<br />
to places where we FLOAT<br />
Crash planes that carry COKE<br />
<br />
<br />
<img class="rg_i" data-sz="f" name="u_ZIglSJD2-pkM:" src="" style="height: 162px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px; width: 255px;" /><br />
<br />
<b>Raekwon:</b><br />
<br />
Ayo the chef n deini <br />
Rap fettuccine linguini <br />
Put the genie in the bottle <br />
Rockin new movados n Lottos<br />
<br />
Crew excellano<br />
Spendin x amount on robes<br />
The moccasins n furs<br />
Spittin lungies at the globe<br />
<br />
Rockin iron sneakers<br />
Yellow crayons n fly designer features<br />
Somalian ivory beepers<br />
Dominican boriquas <br />
<br />
Champion sweatsuits <br />
Caviar baguettes coupes <br />
Lexuses GSs necklaces n <br />
cassette loops<br />
<br />
We predicate our moves<br />
Stayin jubilant like Bolivians<br />
Regulate our millions<br />
Sniffin eight-balls wit Sicilians <br />
<br />
<br />
<img class="rg_i" data-sz="f" name="EXhT3D7Uv0fCNM:" src="https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTBuJvzTNQaF7OmnXCx1Z4QPJvSDN61eHTsxkw6ik1MO7Jp_gt92w" style="height: 166px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px; width: 259px;" /><br />
<br />
<b>Ghostface:</b><br />
<br />
Check out the philistines<br />
The god percolate like Im killin swine<br />
Gorilla milk on dimes<br />
Starks swingin on the vines<br />
<br />
Loungin in fly igloos<br />
Porcupines gon stick you<br />
Official lemon ottomans <br />
<br />
Burgundy cherry Pelles<br />
Egyptian salad in my belly<br />
Capricorn bitch told me<br />
<br />
Mosquitoes on the Ivory Coast<br />
Palaces n boats <br />
Ballantine n white wine <br />
Monkeys thats chewin soap!<br />
<br />
Hands like Moses<br />
Hunnys physical's the canvas<br />
I paint the flyest murals<br />
Put lanterns on her branches<br />
<br />
Caressed her forensics<br />
Her man back from the dentists<br />
I blow her back the fuck out<br />
then dap him at the entrance <br />
<br />
<br />
<img class="rg_i" data-sz="f" name="1B_q8QBkRXB6-M:" src="https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkslIEziHHRpmMqlLlYF1YPNYzM2BjvLZxL3sty24MkHqOEwpn" style="height: 183px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px; width: 275px;" /><br />
<br />
<b>U- God:</b><br />
<br />
Port-fo-lio <br />
Com-man-do<br />
Rap dojo snow<br />
Fly off the hand-le<br />
<br />
<br />
<img class="rg_i" data-sz="f" name="fhZJ1c2cVL-v4M:" src="" style="height: 177px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: -8px; margin-top: 0px; width: 263px;" /><br />
<br />
<b>GZA:</b><br />
<br />
The WISEST of peasants <br />
Could defy the coldest presence<br />
of kings queens n emperors<br />
When combined wit holy essence<br />
<br />
Defiantly like my brethren <br />
REVILED by kindless reference <br />
The dialogue that threatens<br />
the diagrams that set in<br />
<br />
STONE like an asteroid<br />
We avoid conflictions<br />
Myriads of addictions <br />
for THOSE who have prescriptions<br />
<br />
The fits of conniptions<br />
Are given to these magicians<br />
Scientific technicians<br />
that MAKE the last decisions<br />
<br />
<br />
<img class="rg_i" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjw1j9bHLgBq68hvwnXvkjspeKaj6G_aBlbh7aUl-zTtjxMU6S2w" data-sz="f" name="1k3qfeQVWjGDFM:" src="https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjw1j9bHLgBq68hvwnXvkjspeKaj6G_aBlbh7aUl-zTtjxMU6S2w" style="height: 183px; margin-left: -9px; margin-right: -5px; margin-top: 0px; width: 275px;" /><br />
<br />
<br />
RZA <br />
<br />
Fly like a peach <br />
As the pussy cries in its sleep<br />
Witta eye on the sheep herder<br />
Thefatalmurderstreakiscomplete <br />
<br />
Oftheillestteam produced<br />
Thekillabees pursuit<br />
of excellence n fruits<br />
Of the illest queens in groups<br />
<br />
Bobby in paradise<br />
Watch for these parasites<br />
Swarm into abysses<br />
Weperformforthefairestbitches<br />
<br />
Ulysses S. Grant stamped<br />
Twentyfivethousand ad-vance<br />
Bobby get that bread - cant <br />
Stop me BONG BONG - bamp<br />
<br />
<br />
<img class="rg_i" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTSmAK9wdfGYEcFkUa_DAsih2naiQn8ZaNMh4nGUmdySeoy2GTQ" data-sz="f" name="S3vxlY2psw-FSM:" src="https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTSmAK9wdfGYEcFkUa_DAsih2naiQn8ZaNMh4nGUmdySeoy2GTQ" style="height: 176px; margin-left: -4px; margin-right: -29px; margin-top: 0px; width: 286px;" /><br />
<br />
Masta Killa<br />
<br />
The tome thats in the form of a poem can reach the dome of cyclones n thrones have you lookin like unknowns<br />
<br />
The fiery depths of the lowest levels of hell excel into the ARMS of carousels that ring like bells<br />
<br />
Those who refuse get bruised like pairs of shoes made from leather n glue hear the news of where we choose<br />
<br />
to lift our predilections decisions become our visions of wisdom in the system of the deepest incisions <br />
<br />
<br />
<img class="rg_i" data-sz="f" name="Z2pSWkO-fWkK5M:" src="" style="height: 171px; margin-left: -4px; margin-right: -4px; margin-top: 0px; width: 259px;" /><br />
<br />
Method Man<br />
<br />
The phe-nom<br />
So hard to lean on <br />
The rarest kinds<br />
Me n mines?<br />
Jus look for niggas to pour kerosene on<br />
<br />
Sippin Dom Per-i-gee-on<br />
We carry dee-mons<br />
Ya mans gets bury in the sand<br />
jus like he Deion <br />
<br />
Niggas thats been seen on <br />
TVs n magazines <br />
The last regime <br />
Hold the fuck up--<br />
We done stuck up half ya team<br />
<br />
The panty raider<br />
Masked crusaders <br />
on a quest <br />
To be the best<br />
Yall emcees?<br />
Yall failed the test<br />
<br />
The fuck is up <br />
Button up ya lips n close ya eyes<br />
Tell ya bitch ta get her tummy tucked<br />
My nature on the rise<br />
<br />
Johnny Blaze not Johnny Depp<br />
Fuck it - jus call me Mef<br />
Matter fact...call me deaf<br />
I aint tryna hear yall threats<br />
<br />
<br />
<img class="rg_i" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTMlRqX-ms8OhJFuYo12rzZw1uyQAq7qsoQtJgQKgzVe5penrOO" data-sz="f" name="Id0_CRbF4RvoCM:" src="https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTMlRqX-ms8OhJFuYo12rzZw1uyQAq7qsoQtJgQKgzVe5penrOO" style="height: 174px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px; width: 258px;" /><br />
<br />
ODB<br />
<br />
When I came out my momma puss<br />
Told that bitch YOU NEED TO DOUCHE<br />
Now Im surrounded by the finest queens you ever seen - like WHUHHH<br />
<br />
Ion care....I stick a newborn for its cribs<br />
Like RUN YO SHIT <br />
You niggas kno Dirt<br />
<br />
If a bitch on my team <br />
make sure her coochie clean<br />
I represent the WU<br />
Shaolin - THEY SAYIN SUUUUU<br />
<br />
Shaaaaame on yuh<br />
I pull out the flames<br />
Yall gettin Blahyahyammmed in TUHHH<br />
<br />
WHUHHHHHHHHHHHBIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com53tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-82345924922204760442013-06-18T12:01:00.003-07:002013-06-22T23:17:47.990-07:00Big Ghost & Okayplayer present...The Yeezus Review<div style="text-align: center;">
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Ayo whattup again...yall kno what the fuck it is. The grand emperor colossus of this blog shit is back in the building once again namsayin. I aint eem gotta tell yall that this the grand imperial Cocaine Biceps or the mighty Hands of Zeus aka Phantom Raviolis aka Galaxy Knuckles aka Shampoo Bracelets or none of that shit yo. Yall already kno its Thor Molecules aka Slap The Shit Out You nahmean. This Big Ghost namsayin. Imma get right to the point yo...this muthafucka dont need no introductions neither. If you aint kno who son is its a good chance you been livin under a rock that was under another rock that was under another rock durin the paleolithic age n shit that got stepped on by a wooly mammoth that died n fell over sideways on top of it n got fossilized n was covered over by a glacier that melted n turned into a lake n you jus climbed up out that muthafucka yesterday n shit... But this that nigga Kanye aka the self proclaimed New Jesus...aka Fuckouttahere Kanye aka Shut The Fuck Up Kanye aka The Fuck Is Wrong Wit You Kanye aka Why Cant You Jus Make Music Kanye... but yall already knew that shit. This is sons sixth official studio album in 10 years...in that time he went from bein the cocky lil pink polo n Louis V backpack rockin pain in the ass nigga who was one of the 3 architects of that soulful sound Jay-Z brought back on The Blueprint classic (shoutouts to Just Blaze n Bink!) to bein that leather miniskirt n crystal gimp mask rockin pain in the ass nigga who seeded up Kim Kardashian who goes outta his muthafuckin way to act out in public like he really aint get his ass beat enough when he was a child. But he dope. The question is is he STILL dope tho? Yall done heard the music n yall done thought yall made up yall minds...but is yall REALLY payin attention n understandin what this dude tryin to accomplish or yall jus UNCOMFORTABLE wit the shit he doin as a artist namsayin? We gon get to the bottom of all that tho.</div>
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Aight peace.</div>
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Peep the review for Yeezus <a href="http://www.okayplayer.com/news/kanye-west-yeezus-review-by-big-ghost.html" target="_blank">RIGHT HERE</a><br />
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<iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/b8AyHupByuU?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div>
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BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com13tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-18051360513699156012013-06-18T11:59:00.002-07:002013-06-22T23:18:41.150-07:00Big Ghost & Okayplayer present...The Born Sinner Review<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/fa/J_Cole_Born_Sinner3.jpg" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/fa/J_Cole_Born_Sinner3.jpg" /></a></div>
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Ayo you already kno who this is... Sorry I been away so long but you now tuned into WFOH on ya FM dial... Imma be yalls host n I go by the name of the mighty Big Ghost aka Cocaine Biceps aka Swole Ya Eye aka Slap The Shit Out You aka Watch Ya Mouf namsayin.. but enough of all that... Yall wanted that Born Sinner review n yall gon get it right here n now. Once again I jus wanna clarify for yalls that this review n shit is unbiased n fair so yall can expect the truth. Whether you agree wit the outcome or not you gon be gettin that truth. Cuz I admit it...the god aint always been respectful of sons career. Turns out I had called this dude shit like Diet Drizzy...the Poor Man's Drake...Young Eeyore...the Bokeem Woodbine of rap...amongst some other unfavorable shit over the last couple years n whatever. But thats all water under the bridge nahmean. The fact of the matter is he jussa young dude (28 tho) tryin to do his thing n get this bread like the rest of us yo. Theres some shit I fucks wit more than other shit but it dont meanson is all the way garbage or nothin like that. Fact is I saw a lot of potential in dude when he first came on the scene n stepped into the spotlight forreal...but I aint make none of em same snap judgements that muthafuckas tend to do when they overjoyed to see a new rapper who can get busy n start hypin em up as the new this or new that... Pretty soon yall fuck up they whole shit. They start catering to what muthafuckas EXPECT from em instead of presentin yall wit they original visions as they had planned to present em in the first place namsayin. Niggas is stuck on stupid n really feel like Cole is jus doin him now...like he stayin true to hisself n whatever whatever. Nah b...this nigga been told yall he was TRYIN to find a hit song. He was TRYIN to get the attention of females n TRYIN to impress the legends n idols in the game n shit. His whole shit BEEN tainted bruh. It usually happen to ey'body at some point when you get on but you can either dive right into that shit or dip ya toes in here n there. I felt as tho on Sideline Story son lost track of what the fuck he wanted to do but thats jus me. Son started makin some wack ass commercial joints n tryin to sing on all his shit n snatch up whatever crumbs Drake was leavin behind at that time namsayin. But like I said..thats neither here nor there b. Im all bout givin niggas a clean slate n movin on yo. Before I hit the play button on this muthafucka tho I wondered if son was gon repeat the same mistakes again or if he was gon chill n actually remind niggas of howcome he was poppin in the first place. Before we get into all that...jus ask yallselves if son really held it down like he was pose to n decide on ya own.</div>
<div style="text-align: justify;">
Aight peace. </div>
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Peep the review for Born Sinner <a href="http://www.okayplayer.com/news/j-cole-born-sinner-review-by-big-ghost.html" target="_blank">RIGHT HERE</a><br />
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BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com3tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-63145736543088228082013-04-02T11:54:00.001-07:002013-04-02T11:54:26.835-07:00Okayplayer presents The Big Ghost review for Wolf<br />
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<img height="400" src="http://media.musicfeeds.com.au/files/c5a8ab6e22abd69070593d40ed635738-640x640.jpg" width="400" /></div>
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Ayo whattup you back in the presence of that muthafucka wit two iron
midgets for hands. In case you forgot I go by the name Big Ghost aka
Phantom Raviolis aka Shampoo Bracelets aka Cocaine Biceps aka Thor
Molecules aka Galaxy Knuckles aka Spartacus Deluxe...n otherwise known
as THE MIGHTY HANDS OF ZEUS. So Im back in the building to walk wit yall
thru this new Wolf joint....Courtesy of Tyler The Creator aka the
slightly less annoying Hopsin....</div>
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Now that yall got you a little tantalizer go check the rest of that good shit <a href="http://www.okayplayer.com/news/rap-big-ghost-reviews-tyler-the-creator-new-album-wolf.html">RIGHT THE FUCK OVER HERE</a><br />
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Word is bond it took a lot for the god to have a open mind bout this shit. But thats
why we constantly evolvin. Ion mean like that shit where muthafuckas
use to be tadpoles n crawled up outta the ocean n became lizards who became monkeys that became gorillas n then cavemen n next we gon start
sproutin wings n all that other mystery science bullshit. Im talkin facts b. Im sayin we all started
out as blank canvases n then we added some little scribbles here n a scribble
there n pretty soon we either been painted masterpieces outta our lives
or we got some bullshit ass mess that be lookin like some shit a 3 yr
old drew on the wall behind the couch in crayolas mixed wit dry play-doh
n whatever whatever. Like I be sayin...even if you dont fuck wit
somethin it dont mean you cant respect it. The real gon recognize
regardless cuz at the end of the day thats whats missin from the world
nahmean...honesty n shit. You might be the small fish in a big pond but when you refuse to compromise
the integrity of ya words n ya actions you gon win regardless. Might
take you little longer but you gon have a stronger foundation to build upon n
shit namsayin. When you dickride ya way to the top you gotta slide back
down all em same dicks on ya way down tho. That aint the move my nigga. Therefore say no more...</div>
Aight peace.<br />
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BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com9tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-15237354225681511682013-03-26T11:13:00.002-07:002013-03-26T11:13:25.094-07:00Okayplayer presents the Big Ghost review for IANAHB2<div style="text-align: center;">
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<img height="400" src="http://static.okayplayer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/IAMNOTAHUMANBEINGII.jpg" width="400" /></div>
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Ayo whattup...yall already kno what it is namsayin... The Hands of Zeus aka Thor Molecules aka Galaxy Knuckles aka the overlord of this blog shit Big Ghost is back one time for all yall loyal customers n good people all over the world who be readin my shit... The god is humbled n honored to be in yalls presence as well. But yo...theres matters that need to be addressed son. Looks like The Recycle Bin Gawd back witta nother weed plate for yall. I cant lie yo...I wanted to ignore the existence of this shit completely nahmean. I wont say I miss the old Wayne tho cuz truthfully the new Wayne makin it hard for niggas to respect the old Wayne since they obviously share the same DNA n all that. But bein that this what muthafuckas is gon be listenin too regardless...the god felt it was only right that he speak on it. Unfortunately tho.. that meant the god had to listen to it too. So thats why you seein this shit up on ya screen n all that. But yo thats neither here nor there nahmean. I aint thinkin bout all that small shit Im thinkin bout the masses yo. Im thinkin bout the bigger picture namsayin. I dont jus be lookin at the chess board n thinkin yo that horse right there bout to stampede up in my cipher n knock down one my castles n shit namsayin. I be thinkin bout how we gotta use our perceptions to visualize the outcome of the whole game n shit b...the big picture. Like we aint gon get blindsided jus cuz we focused on protectin the front gate n meanwhile niggas done threw up ladders n climbed the back wall n they already in the city takin the gold n smashin our wives n shit nahmean. We lookin like some ducks sittin a barrel n shit. Niggas is plunderin the gold in the game n we like NAH NAH WE GOTTA MAINTAIN THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE N PROTECT THE FRONT GATES while niggas hoppin over the walls n already livin lavish off the strength of the hard work n the foundation of muthafuckas who came before em. You cant jus let niggas walk up in some shit thats already built n start claimin shit for theyselves like THIS SHIT MINES....I RUN HIP HOP....I AM MUSIC...fuckouttahere b. How you gon come up in a house that was built by ya forefathers n hang a plant in the corner n be like YO I DONE DID MY PART THIS SHIT MINES NOW. Nah fuck all that shit son. You aint even remove yall shoes when you came thru the door. Yall disrespectful. You can have the little niggas wit the garbage cans for ears who like yall shit but I aint payin no attention to yall mediocre ass music like that. Yall can win Grammys n run Billboard charts n all that but at the end of day Kool G Rap aint had one gold or platinum record in his life b...but he influenced Big Pun, Nas n Biggie namsayin.... Son had Jay-Z compare hisself to him in his prime. Thats respect. Thats love. At the end of the day thats what its all bout. I mean...I kno love n respect dont pay the bills but shit can give you other things like longevity n opportunities they aint gon offer to some fly by night wack niggas (s/o to Tyga) who aint gon matter in 2 years (peace out Yung Berg) that rely on gimmicks n shit to get over (whattup Hopsin). Thats the niggas whose only here for they quick buck n then they out. They the ones drivin cabs tellin muthafuckas bout they heyday n shit...when they was somebody. Its all bout perception tho. Sometimes a tree is a tree n sometimes a tree is jussa big ass plant namsayin. But thats neither here nor there nahmean. So will the Guitar Hero aficionado/professional amateur skateboarder be able to live up to the low ass expectations niggas got for his shit these days or is he gon sink even lower into that abyss of recycled beats n J Cole-esque coma bars we done come to expect from his ratchet ass? </div>
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Peep the review n all that good shit <a href="http://www.okayplayer.com/news/rap-big-ghost-reviews-lil-wayne-i-am-not-a-human-being-ii-ianahb-2.html">RIGHT HERE</a><br />
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<br />BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com5tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-25002287963861209002013-03-20T12:55:00.002-07:002013-03-20T13:04:22.265-07:00Big Ghost presents the Wrath Of Caine review<div style="text-align: center;">
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Ayo..whattup yo...Yall kno what it is...I aint gon waste no time on introductions n shit nahmean. Yall now in the midst of one of the most dangerous minds that done ever set foot on the face of the internets namsayin... wit two iron midgets for hands. You might kno him as the magnificent Phantom Raviolis or the illustrious Galaxy Knuckles or the grand imperial Hands of Zeus etc etc....the legendary n humble Thor Molecules is now in the building. I been gave the world wisdom bullets...But thats neither here nor there cuz I aint owe nobody shit. I humbly thank yall for the love tho. But yo...we need to talk bout a couple things. I need to catch up on some shit right here. Yo I should mention that I had this shit sittin on my velvet laptop for like a month along wit some other unrealeased joints. I wasnt gon drop it due to "schedulin conflicts" n the fact the shit was wild late...but I figured yall might wanna peep it anyways. Niggas got hot over that JT review actin like I deviated from my lane n shit. So Imma give it to yall raw n uncut...</div>
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1. Intro - A dope intro is kinda necessary when it comes to these rap albums n mixtapes b. Its what sets the mood n shit. Ion mean like the little skits or the 30 second snippets of niggas talkin dumb shit at the beginning of some joints...I mean like the shit where a muthafucka at least spits some bars. My favorite shits is the Got It For Cheap intro on Hell Hath No Fury n the Dynasty intro... </div>
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Yo cant nobody say that Hov aint blacked the fuck out on that shit b.
And that Clipse joint speak for itself. Thats my two favorites right there yo. But of course...not all intros is
monumental as those...n this shit aint exactly of that particular
caliber neither but thats like sayin that a silverback ape not really
fuckin witta great white shark namsayin. Like if you take a silverback
ape n throw him in the ocean theres a good chance that the ape gon drown
anyways b. I mean I aint no zoologist or nothin but I aint never seen a
gorilla take a dip in a river or a pond n be doin no breast strokes in
that muthafucka...never mind the oceans n shit. Theres a good chance
that the ape would sink to the bottom of the sea before the shark could
eem fight that nigga. Also...what a lot of muthafuckas dont kno is that
sharks got thousands of teeth nahmean. I dont mean that like if I say YO
RUSTY BUTTER KNIFE n shit but in reality I would only need to stab son 47 times
to really do that shit. I mean like sharks got thousands n thousands of
teeth forreal...literally yo. But at the same time if you took a
great white shark n threw the muthafucka in the middle of the jungle in
the Congo or whatever theres a good chance that he gettin his ass torn
the fuck up by that ape. Word is bond that muthafucka dead b....like if it
dont die from bein outta the water first namsayin. See the sharks got
gills that they use to suck oxygen outta the water...its some complex
shit so I aint gon get into all that but what Im sayin is we talmbout different species n shit anyways yo. Like this intro aint fuckin wit the
two joints I mentioned but at the end of the day its still a
panther...like at least. But word I love this shit yo. Mi nuh een care
that he got that natty dread broad talkin all that shit at the start.
Shit is FIYAAAA...</div>
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<img height="400" src="http://d4premiere.com/wp-content/upLoads/2013/01/Pusha-T-Rick-Ross-Millions-Video-3.jpg" width="400" /></div>
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2. MILLIONS IN THE CEILING..MILLIONS MILLIONS IN THE CEILING...CHOPPAS CHOPPAS IN THE CLOSET...CHOPPAS CHOPPAS IN THE CLOSET... (feat. Rick Ross) - Son this shit goes so muthafuckin hard I aint even got no words for it. All I can say is if you play this shit in front of ya kids make sure you stick some cotton balls or toilet paper in they nostrils n in they ears cuz the best case scenario is theres bout to be some muthafuckin nosebleeds b. If you knockin this shit in the whip at high volumes wit ya kids in the back you might gon wanna check they pulse once in a while cuz this shit might could stop they breathin or give em some kinda aneurisms or whatever... Matter fact aint no muthafuckas thats under 4 ft tall or weighin less than 95 lbs thats bullt for this shit son. I aint tryin to be funny or none of that... this shit will kill ya seeds b. If you got small babies or pets you might gon wanna avoid playin this shit at all...it aint worth it yo. This shit hazardous b. This like mixin some pure uncut peruvian coke n rattlesnake blood in a juicer n injectin it directly into ya heart...half ya face gon be paralyzed permanently n shit. This hook gon have you buckin down elderly muthafuckas at bus stops for no reason n shit... Birds might gon fall from the sky while you bumpin it. Ion even kno what to say bout it... You could melt elephants wit this shit b. This shit is jus ridiculous on too many muthafuckin levels yo. This hook gon have you eatin the walls in ya crib. Ionno what to tell yall... William Leonard Roberts kinda did his thing too.</div>
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<tr><td style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://allhiphop.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/french-montana-bear-hat.jpg?w=380" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" /></td></tr>
<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Yall niggas be rockin furs I rock the whole animal feel me?</td></tr>
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3. Doesn't Matter (feat. French Montana) - Listen... First off this beat is so mean n vicious. Secondly of all...Pusha floated on this shit namsayin. Terrence straight glided n tap danced on this muthafucka. Son mighta caught the holy ghost on this one. So we got dope beat n some cold ass bars...should be flames then right? WRONG son...wrong. Never underestimate the power of wack shit b... Cuz that permanently drunk ass averagely talented muthafucka French Montana came wit that homeless nigga swag n dropped a bullshit ass hook on this shit son. Hook is all the way garbage yo. I fucks wit French tho...n his shit usually straight...regardless of the fact that son is actually a lyrical infant. I fucks wit all that Mac n Cheese n Coke Boyz shit. That shit is retarded fire. But son straight disrespected the track. Ion mean that in the good way tho nahmean...Im sayin son came wit some next level basura yo. Hook was so garbage it had me thinkin...man I woulda rather heard Swizz Beatz corny ass come in durin the hook to get his SIX MILLION WAYS TO BE TRASH...CHOOSE ONE on. I woulda rather heard Ashanti on this shit. I woulda been checkin for Shaq Diesel on this joint over this French hook b. Shit ended up bein lukewarm tho... But the bars was definitely cold. Hook still gets the Dikembe Mutombo finger wave tho. Crazy thing is French went in on the Everything That Glitters hook... </div>
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">I ball hard, you bench ride / so fuck you n yo hairline...</td></tr>
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4. Blocka - This shit aight... Sounds like a Cold Summer leftover tho. That aint really a good or bad thing...but I kno niggas was feelin this shit. I aint mad at it. I aint gon skip it or nothin but at the same time I dont think Imma be like YO LEMME HEAR BLOCKA...I WANNA HEAR BLOCKA...BLOCKA MY SHIT B... Shit is aight. I aint mad at it. Its basically orange namsayin. Like orange aint my favorite color...but Ion hate it. At the same time I fucks wit it here n there. I might rock some orange shirts n shit...but I aint gon be like coppin gear n be like YO YALL GOT THIS SHIT IN ORANGE? NO? FUCK IT THEN ION WANT THAT SHIT...Feel me? But yeah this shit aight.</div>
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5. Road Runner (feat. Troy Ave) - See that boy Troy Ave basically playin the same role on this shit that French played on Doesnt Matter wit the half sung hook n shit...only difference is theres substance to what he sayin n he dont sound like a 62 yr old homeless drunk nigga...even tho they both pronounce they consonants like toddlers. This Harry Fraud beat makes me wanna chef up some pies n contribute to the destruction of inner city communities n shit tho. I feel like I need to be tryin to get wit some bigger n better things namsayin. </div>
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6. Revolution - This sounds like a joint that aint make it onto the last Clipse album. Shit is mad unfinished...one verse, no hook...soundin like (No) Malice's verse got left off that cuz he aint wanna be associated wit negative shit no more bein that he decided to follow the path of the Most High n such. But as we kno...son also hates conscious rap so that puts son in a complicated position unless he plannin on takin the Black Eyed Peas n Flo Rida route. Word...Im gettin off topic tho... This shit is coo... Nothin special. Definitely some filler.</div>
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7. Only You Can Tell It feat. Wale - Funny thing bout Folarin is he might be one of the most stylistically versatile niggas in rap. How you gotta dude who recites haikus n limericks on the intros of his joints but still be able to spit... n at the same time be makin em songs for niggas who rock yoga pants n sip on room temp soy lattes at the gym while still makin em wild out joints for niggas who like to throw chairs at the club n pump crack in they own hoods n partake in genocide n whatever? Shit is mad ignorant. Push-a-Ton skatin on this track wit some ill wordplay n shit talk too. But these muthafuckas compliment each other well on this shit. I definitely definitely fucks wit it.</div>
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8. Trust You (feat. Kevin Gates) - Now this how you make a love song my nigga...</div>
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"Might jus trust you wit my drugs...might trust you wit my money..." That shit brought a tear to my eye that rolled down the inside of my cheek son (a real man sheds his tears beneath his face) the first time I heard it. This shit is like 'I Need Love 2013' yo... </div>
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<img height="262" src="http://cdn.rap-up.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/pusha-t-blocka-video.jpg" width="400" /></div>
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9. Take My Life (feat. Andrea Martin) - SON...Jake One went IN on this muthafuckin track. Listen to that shit! This nigga Push bout to be top 5 in the game if he keeps gettin on joints like this b. This shit make me waan spit hot fiyaah son. Mek mi waan rinse mi gun innah batty bwoy bloodclaat fase! Wha yuh deal wid! Nah ere dis...if a gun tings a Push-a-Ton run tings proppah. Since im wah a likkle yout im waan ave a proper ting...im waan seh wha im wan seh....im naht ere for na rasclat fuckry. SEH SUMPN....SEH BLOODCLAAT SUMPN! Tek di wah n leff di wah?! Mi waan gyaaaaaaaal!</div>
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">From L-R Ab Liva, Pusha, Common, 2 Chainz, Kanye, Medium Sean</td></tr>
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10. Liva Re-Up Gang Motivation - So this shits basically jussa Ab Liva solo joint...on a 11 song mixtape. Like Pun said when he was quotin Biggie...ya kno that aint riiiight. Aint like I got anything against son. I mean yeah the super intense Young Chris/Hov in '03 whisper flow thing is gettin kinda tired n son do kinda stay talmbout how overlooked his pen game is n his imaginary fleet of exotic whips on pretty much any joint he on but son really actually far from wack. Dawg only ever features on Clipse-related joints n pops up in the background of pics where Pusha posin wit his G.O.O.D. Music family the same way J.Cole pops up in the background of Hovi pics when he at industry functions Except son is like 7'5 n shit... But like I said no disrespect to son...I understand Livadon jus tryin to get his shine on. I wish the brother much success. Peace to Major Figgas too.</div>
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<img height="278" id="irc_mi" src="http://www.upscalehype.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Pusha-T-Adam-Kimmel-x-Carhartt-Hay-Denim-Shirt-Givenchy-Birds-of-Paradise-T-Shirt.jpg" style="margin-top: 0px;" width="400" /></div>
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11. I Am Forgiven - Maaaaaan that muthafucka Bink! stays craftin some soulful shit yo. If you dont already kno...son was one of the main architects for Jiggaman's Blueprint sound. He mighta even got on that loud screams n heavy soul over some trash can bangin drums Just Blaze shit before Just Blaze did yo. Son be makin some shit that have the hairs on the back of ya neck standin. Kanye even hadda bring him back on that Devil In A Blue Dress joint...for a good reason too yo. That shit was so soulful b. Im sayin tho...this shit kinda emotional too yo.... Like this shit right here might gon have you cryin in the middle of ya living room in ya drawz holdin a bottle of 151 while takin pulls off multiple Newports simultaneously n havin imaginary conversations wit ya girl who bounced to her sisters crib like 2 fuckin days ago n still aint answerin her damn phone or buzzin you into the building n have you lookin like a straight goupie out in the cold screamin into the intercom n shit...jus cuz she found some panties that aint belong to her in ya jacket pocket n was straight refusin to accept "Damn...Ionno...the fuck!" as a explanation even tho you aint eem worn that particular jacket in like 2 years or whatever n yalls only been together off n on for like 23...maybe 26 months n shit so what that got to do wit ANYTHING?! HUH? HUH MA?! HOW THAT SHIT EEM MY FAULT HUH?! YO I BLAME ALL THIS SHIT ON YA SISTER...ITS HER GOTDAM FAULT! YOU KNO THAT BITCH ALWAYS IN YA EAR TALMBOUT YO THAT MUTHAFUCKA AINT SHIT N YOU CAN DO BETTER BLAH BLAH BLAH N WHY HE SO FLY N BE LOOKIN ALL GOOD N SMELLIN ALL ELEGANT N SHIT WHEN HE COME ROUND EVEN THO HE DONT BE TREATIN YOU GOOD...LOOKIN ALL FLY N SAYIN FLY SHIT BUT REGARDLESS HE AINT RIGHT GURL...YOU SHOULD LEAVE HIS GOOD LOOKIN FLY ASS ETC ETC....YO THAT HOE GOT HER OWN PERSONAL ISSUES N A COMPLEX CUZ HER MAN BE SPENDIN HALF THE WEEK WIT HIS SIDE BITCH N TAKIN HER KIDS TO SCHOOL IN THE MORNING FOR HER N SHIT N BUYIN THE LITTLE NIGGAS TOYS N NINTENDOS N WHATEVER WHATEVER...IM SAYIN ITS NO WONDER YA POPS LEFT YALL ITS CUZ HE WAS FORESEEIN ALL THIS SHIT CUZ YA MOMS IS WILD OVERWEIGHT TOO WIT HER BIG ASS HANDS LOOKIN LIKE SAUSAGE LINKS POKIN OUTTA A PITA POCKET N SHIT. SO I GUESS ITS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE YOU START FILLIN OUT IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES N SHIT TOO. YO WHO THE FUCK NEEDS THAT SHIT!! But yo there you have it... Whether yalls fuck wit it or not is irrelevant cuz I got my opinions n mines is the only ones I trust. Ionno if Wrath Of Caine better than Fear Of God but it definitely aint worse. Feel me? If this like a sign of whats to come on the album then it looks like Push gon be deliverin another street classic yo. </div>
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Aight peace.</div>
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<span style="font-size: large;"><b>Yo I give this shit 4 Zeus Slaps Outta 5</b></span><br />
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<span style="font-size: large;"><b> </b></span><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiz3yKomDp_YQD-wjSFSp7NVBHpHH0VZybwXdWQ8OwNU1XpMEeV9h7uEqGD4nIXNd7r2jCkUsG7-FGXeOCTI8P6O7iqE76xPosKRfkCcelqX0gmezUFuHUXcodnbK3TEFlG8LotOHaKtaL5/s1600/zeus+hand.jpg" /><br />
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BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com18tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-16697200070063871882013-03-19T17:20:00.002-07:002013-03-19T17:20:44.513-07:00Big Ghost n Okayplayer present the Justin Timberlake 20/20 Experience review<div style="text-align: center;">
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Ayo whattup whattup...Cocaine Bicep...Thor Molecules... etc etc etc... Summa yall muthafuckas makin the stupid jus sucked on a lemon wedge screwface over the fact I chose to drop some jewelz on this joint right here. I can feel that right now matter fact... Summa yall more uptight niggas who be spellin Nas name like 'NaS' n only listen to shit that nobody got time for like unreleased Aesop Rock demos n Canibus albums is mad annoyed by this shit. Yall tight. I can feel that shit in the air nahmean. But I aint gotta explain shit to yall. You aint gotta fucks wit it...that aint no sweat off my balls namsayin. I got some other shit cookin up on the burners anyways. Plus Imma throw that Wrath Of Caine review I had decided I wasnt gon bother droppin out there for whoever still want it. Stay tuned. </div>
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So if you wit me then head over to okayplayer to marinate in the flyness...<a href="http://www.okayplayer.com/news/big-ghost-reviews-justin-timberlake-the-2020-experience.html"> RIGHT HERE</a><br />
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<br />BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-12357620464670595942012-12-24T10:18:00.000-08:002012-12-24T10:18:06.626-08:00Okayplayer & Big Ghost Chronicles Present: The Long.Live.A$AP Review<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
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This shit aint officially out til next year...but here it is anyways. </div>
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Yall can peep the Hands of Zeus review for it over at <a href="http://www.okayplayer.com/news/big-ghost-reviews-asap-rockys-long-live-asap-album-leak.html">Okayplayer</a>. </div>
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Aight peace.</div>
BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com15tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-28364651487362378162012-11-03T13:04:00.003-07:002012-11-03T20:37:24.930-07:00Big Ghost Presents... the Meek Mill - Dreams & Nightmares Review<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
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<span style="font-family: inherit;">Ayo whattup you now in the presence of the super supreme majestic divine grand imperial Cocaine Biceps aka Phantom Raviolis aka Galaxy Knuckles or the mighty Hands of Zeus...otherwise known as the magnificent Shampoo Bracelets or the world famous Spartacus Deluxe. Word...you in the presence of a gladiator in a iron dashiki wit two falcons on his shoulders nahmean. I might gon fuck around n eat a endangered species for breakfast namsayin. While yall poppin waffles in the toasters or havin yall Honey Smacks n shit. Straight like that. So yall stay out my way b. I might gon cartwheel slap a nigga if he get in my way son. Yall dont kno nothin bout that shit. But yo...I aint gon waste too much of yalls time on introductions n such... Imma jus get right to it. As most yall already kno...ey'body favorite semi-offbeat rappin muthafucka aka Phillys own Meek Mill jus dropped his first album. Its been a whole lotta anticipation for this shit too ya heard. Ya boy Robert Willliams been on his grind since back when he was still rockin em thick ass shredded wheat rows on his head n spittin Beanie-esque bars as a youngbuck like in this video right here...</span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;">Its all love tho. He was spittin some aight shit even back then. Then a few years passed by n sons little Flamers series had gave him a actual buzz n whatever. But ey since he dropped that first Dreamchasers joint the shit has been ON like Farrakhan yo. Son BEEN had the mixtape game in a choke hold...but once he started rollin wit ey'body favorite former correctional officer aka Ricky Rozay...he started doin more than jus bangin out free music for the streets. But yall kno how it go...those Self Made compilation joints n features n all the mixtape love dont mean shit if he cant shine on his own solo album the same way. Son still jus gettin started tho. He still gotta lotta blocks left in his Jenga tower...so I dont see nothin bout to come crashin down on homie. Even wit Rawse out here tryin to live up to his fantasies n Hebrew aspirations while tryin not to catch too many micro Ls or get hisself bodied by them Gangster Disciples or whoever else tryin to come at his head next...Meek out here flourishin. Either way he got hisself set up for victory....so allow the god to break the shit down for yall... </span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">1. Dreams & Nightmares - This a pretty cold intro. Basically its jus some inspirational type shit for the first couple minutes...son on his "mama I made it" shit (guess thats the dreams shit). He actually soundin like possessed by the ghost of Wale tho... Maybe Mr. Akintimehin actually laced son wit some ghost bars forreal tho...you never kno. But then suddenly the storm clouds come rollin in n it gets on some dark shit (like nightmares)...n Meek starts whylin out. Yall might be like damn...this nigga shriekin n whatever...but he be puttin his heart into em screechy ass bars... so I aint really mad at it.</span></span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">2. In God We Trust - This shit turnt up. But he on his IMMA YELL ALL THIS SHIT TO MAKE ALL THESE FANTASY BARS SOUND MORE BELIEVABLE TO YALL shit. Its all good tho... </span></span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">3. Young & Gettin It ft Kirko Bangz - I blame that Sid the Sloth lookin muthafucka Drake for all this corny ass "Im young n Im STILL gettin it" shit that little niggas keep talmbout. The Olsen twins was young n gettin it too...shit aint impressive bruh. Kirko jus be gettin on my nerves also...son is devoid of talent...sooooo Ion really gotta whole lotta good things to say bout this shit b. The beat is aight...I guess. But this joint pretty much jus some dime a dozen shit for some dime a dozen hoes wit no self esteem to do they hoes wit no self esteem thing to. All this shit gon lead to is more 12 yr old broads doin twerk videos on youtube nahmean. Whatever tho...</span></span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">4. Traumatized - So now son is openin up wit his feelings n shit....mostly towards his homies that went back to the essence. He also takes a minute to send out lyrical death threats to the nigga who killed his pops. I actually fucks wit this joint cuz he speakin on real shit. You believe sons pain...not on some over the top dramatic shit even. Like.. this aint Game gettin drunk off his emotions n drippin suicidal tears all over his love letter to Dre after he was abandoned while makin his second album for example namsayin. Boi-1da actually got busy on the beat too. Thing is... sequencing on albums is kinda important son. So when you go from some stripper pole-friendly shit to your little introspective joint thats a hell of a segue my nigga.</span></span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">5. Believe It ft Rick Ross - This beat is like some King Kong diddy boppin thru the jungle snatchin pterodactyls out the sky n bitin they heads off n beatin on his chest type shit. Rawse still on his turnin the names of popular white broads into slang for some work tho..."Sellin Miley Cyrus in my brand new Monte Carlo...I got that Justin Bieber please believe it". I fucks wit it tho...this shit go hard.</span></span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">6. Maybach Curtains ft Rick Ross, Nas & John Legend - Not even gon lie bruh...I really don't wanna hear no more Maybach joints. This shit jus soundin like deja vu now. </span>No surprises here AT ALL my dude... J<span style="font-family: inherit;">ohn Legend all on the hook gettin his John Legend on</span><span style="font-family: inherit;">....Rawse tryin to reinvent the "Im rich" wheel for the one thousandth millionth time n shit... And yo...Nas my dude....but he soundin like he wrote his rhymes to a faster beat or some shit. After catchin fire on some features last year n droppin one of the best joints of 2012 this was kinda like a step back namsayin. Shit jus dont really click. But a lotta muthafuckas be waitin on these geriatric joints so I aint gon knock it....jus aint no shit I fucks wit personally nahmean.</span></span></div>
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7. Amen ft Drake - Kinda hard to hate on this shit. Like you jus gotta be honest sometimes yo. I dont jus go into autohate cuz some lame featurin on the joint. Not even that corny ass cake nigga Aubrey can fuck this shit up namsayin. I aint hatin on son... Let that fake country accent havin rape tint rockin leotard wearin sugary sweet ballad croonin haiku whisperin stripper rescuin callin up his exes to cockblock on niggas nightly ass white wine spritzer n moscato sippin pillow sewin scarf knittin cozy sweater crocheting kitten pettin daisy necklace makin lavender sniffin chiahead lookin newborn rodent complexion havin angel hair pasta eatin Aaliyah obsessin bird tattoo gettin teen soap opera starrin spotlight obsessin quote stealin gang sign throwin tough guy in interviews while surrounded by 8ft tall bodyguards ey'where he go havin sideways talkin champagne bottle tossin abbreviation addicted collapsin on stage while performin ass grew up in one of the richest neighborhoods in Canada but actin like he got hood stripes in Memphis private academy attendin goon hirin facial expression challenged phony Jewish mobster muthafuckin pampered diva live b.</div>
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8. Young Kings - Ayo is it cool if I get my "hater" on for a minute b? Like I aint tryin to throw no shade at niggas...but Imma need to get some shit off my chest son. Imma jus speak on some shit that be gettin on my nerves from time to time... Seems like niggas who rap stay competin to see who the youngest doin it. Shit is wild corny b. I give a inflatable fuck how old or young you is son...theres niggas out there who still be havin the little toddler sized apple heads n effeminate physiques n shit who can body a beat n rock shows n whatever...n theres niggas who been rappin since Jimmy Spicer who still cant do neither one b. Age aint shit yo. Ionno how many y'all gon be like "Nahh...I aint tryna cop that Jay Electronica when it drop finally cuz that nigga damn near 40 yo!" ...cuz if thats the case yall some morons duke. Bottom line is talent aint got no age yo. But it jus happens that shit WAS more pure back in the day. Look at it like this...when niggas had VHS tapes way back when... it was like you could dub that shit n make you a copy for ya boy or whoever...n the quality would be kinda aight. But if you took the dub n tried to make a copy from that shit...the picture quality would get kinda wack n the joint would sound like it was playin from in another room n shit nahmean. If you made a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy...youd probably jus throw that shit in the trash after peepin it. Basically what Im sayin is we mostly gettin dubs from dubs instead of that quality shit these days...feel me? Now I aint tryin to sound like em old heads talmbout niggas was mad nice back in the day ONLY. But its mad little niggas out there sittin on top of the game that cant rap PERIOD b. Some niggas aint even wack...they jus overrated as fuck. Like J "False Alarm" Cole? Little niggas hailed him as the savior of rap n that dude was jussa dubtape of a dubtape yo. I aint even tryin to give a fuck bout these 90s babies coastin to the top off bein some pretty little niggas n caterin to these 14 yr old future strippers n shit. That aint whats poppin. That aint what Willis was talmbout. Word...Imma tell you right now....aint a lotta muthafuckas since Nas n Snoop that jus came into the game bein some young 20 yr olds who dropped CLASSICS right out the gate. Yall little niggas should bow at the feet of that fool Kendrick for provin that yall generation is even capable of makin a classic joint in the first place yo. Cuz it aint like yall been bangin out some timeless shit too often. No hate...but basically the game mostly run by some 70s babies b. Thats jus facts. So yall corny little muthafuckas talmbout "young niggas runnin the game" gargle some fuckouttaheresterine. It aint ALL Gangster Gibbs n Black Hippy or Big KRIT out here b... Yall also gave us The Florist of Failure aka Yung Berg...or that human minstel show Soulja Boy namsayin. Yall gave us Dignity's abortion aka Wiz Khagina... Cant forget that gardener of dicks Drake...n the "Insuffcient Funds" of success itself J Cole. Take credit for that shit too yo. 90s niggas gave you Pac. Yall returned the favor by givin niggas that anal conception Tyga? Yall put THAT hairless alien marsupial on a pedestal n let him elevate to the level he at now? Thats what's good wit yall? Matter fact 90s niggas had spares...we lost Pac n came back wit DMX. Wasnt even like X filled Pacs shoes....I mean...it was kinda like goin From Pirellis to some Michelins but he was still a damn good spare tire b. Who yall gave us in return? Chief Keef? 90s niggas gave yall Outkast n Mobb Deep...niggas was teenagers droppin CLASSIC albums. M.O.P...Gang Starr...A Tribe Called Quest.... How yall repay ya elders? OFWGKTA? Fuckouttahere... We aint even gon get into all the KINGS that came outta the 80s yo. That was the age of titans b. Dont get me wrong...its mad new rappers out there that Im feelin...but where yall future legends at b? Yall cant take credit for Kanye...sons a 70s baby too. Look at G.O.O.D. Music alone... Pusha? Nope. Common? Nope. Mos Def? Nope. Not even 2 Chainz...yall cant even claim THAT muthafucka. Cudder cool...but he aint no damn EMCEE. But yeah...he cool...son got some talent....but wit that yall also gotta claim that condiment nigga Big Sean n Cyhi aka the most aiiiight muthafucka alive. Ion even got nothin against Cyhi...but son is like a Zune among iPods b. Lemme ask you this...whats yall favorite Cyhi joint? .................................(aight ya ten minutes is up)... Thats what Im sayin... Sorry bruh. Anyways yo...I aint gon front like we aint had wack niggas in the 90s...but we aint let em shine like THAT. Jay tried to pass the torch to Memphis Bleek how many times b? Aint like we jus accepted that shit. But yalls lettin some corny niggas slip thru the cracks namsayin. Im sayin tho...theres more new niggas in hip hop than theres old heads n yet its the old heads that still runnin this shit? Biggie died at 24...son had 2 albums. Both classics. You new niggas aint that young...n yall aint kings. Stop bullshittin. That bein said tho...this joint aight b. I fucks wit it.</div>
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9. Lay Up ft Wale, Rick Ross & Trey Songz - Some shit for the females... I aint mad at it. This shit is actually straight if you jus need a bait joint namsayin. Shit is perfect for plantin some seeds of seduction yo. By that I mean if you play this shit at the right time in the right place you can definitely set a mood n shit. I mean...it aint no express lane to the panties tho. Like you aint gon come up on some autobox off this shit but its definitely the type of joint that might gon get a broad to lower her guard on some "yo you wanna go get a cup of coffee as friends?" type shit. Word. Then you pounce....you hit her wit some Al Green n melt the panties right off that broad namsayin. From there you jus gotta harvest yo. Word is bond.</div>
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10. Tony Story (Pt 2) - So this a sequel to the best named story joint of all time... I dont think I even understood the whole point of the first Tony Story to be honest wit yall. To be even more honestER I dont get the point of this shit neither. All I remember is that Tony died in the first part. I dont wanna give away the end to this shit...but sons brother dies.</div>
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11. Who You're Around ft Mary J Blige - Cmon fam...why we still gettin Mary J to sing hooks? Was Marsha Ambrosius unavailable or some shit? No disrespect to Mary but she kinda been runnin on fumes for a minute son. She went 1 for 3 on guest vocals this year as far as summa the biggest releases go (Sorry Joey Crack...not tryna include that Another Round remix)....n Im pretty sure its only a handful of muthafuckas that gave her that win like I did on the Nas joint...so some might even say she went 0 for 3 in 2012. All good tho I guess. This that Fuck these backstabbers/watch who you stay wit/keep ya enemies close/yall some snakes in the grass but I still love yall joint that you probably done heard before.... It aint ALL THE WAY wack or nothin...jus not some shit where Imma be like YO PUT IT ON TRACK 11 neither.</div>
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12. Polo & Shell Tops - Not really feelin this shit either yo. Basically if wack ass "Foamposites" rhymed wit more words this shit probably coulda been called Polo & Foamposites... Like the fact that shell tops is even mentioned on this joint is more to do wit the fact that that shit rhymes wit "sell rocks" n "cell block" namsayin. I aint mad at this shit...but there been better ____& ____ joints than this before. Like it aint like its on the Gin & Juice level of necessaryness. Im sayin if this shit wasnt on the album tomorrow I dont think anybody would be like aw damn why they take Polo & Shell Tops off this shit??</div>
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13. Rich & Famous ft Louie V- And here we go again wit this shit... So so far we got Dreams & Nightmares n we got Polo & Shell Tops n if you wanna include Young & Gettin It then theres also that shit. But now this shit. Anyway this joint aight...hook is kinda wack tho. How this Louie V nigga n Kirko still usin autotune anyways? Step yall shit up yo. Its bout to be 2013 n niggas still tryin to milk that dead cow. Face it yo...yall might gon have to actually learn to sing eventually if yall wanna have careers two years from now. </div>
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14. Real Niggas Come First - I fucks wit this shit. Its basically a "Rick Ross Lite" joint... but shit still kinda bangs. </div>
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So there yall go...as you can see son aint really doin too much on here. If this shit was a mixtape it wouldnt even be his best one. I mean the shit aint wack...its jus nothin special. Most of it is jus some paint by numbers shit. It got some heaters on it tho. But the shit that IS wack kinda drags it all down nahmean. But yall never kno...son might still got some shit on deck for album #2. Or his next mixtape.</div>
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<b><span style="font-size: large;">3 Zeus Slaps Outta 5</span></b></div>
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But yo....I aint done....<br />
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<span style="color: cyan; font-family: inherit; font-size: large;"><b>Big Ghost ALSO Presents...the Sean Price - Mic Tyson Review</b></span><br />
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Ayo the music industry is straight overflowin wit niggas followin the same formula n tryin hard to seem like they on some multi dimensional shit. Ey'body got they little club joints...they little romantic shit for the females...they little conscious shits...they little double time joints n whatever whatever. So where that leave my dude Sean Price aka Mic Tyson aka Sean Mandela aka Kimbo Price aka P-Body aka Master P! aka Big Ruck? He fallin into that category? Nah. All son do is rap. All he do is step into the booth n kill summa the most uncommercial "radio gon hate this shit" type dirty ass gutter beats all day like he avengin the death of a loved one b. Like he gotta grudge. He aint calculatin his moves n tryin to put together no broad ass spectrum of emotions for muthafuckas...he jus bodies shit all day. Thats all he do...body beats n offend sensitive people like its his muthafuckin job. And he do it witta smile on his face.</div>
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This aint for no weak-hearted niggas tho. This for niggas who bathe in butcher knives n eat broken glass son. This for muthafuckas who sniff battery acid n brush they teeth wit bleach. Its for muthafuckas who pee in empty snapple bottles while they drivin n throw it out the window without puttin the cap back on first. This for niggas who cut down a whole tree to pick one apple off a branch. Shit is insensitive as fuck. He gotta joint on here bout ya moms suckin bbq sauce off his dick. He got joints bout makin a organ outta baby organs. Son dont give a malnourished fuck par. He only rockin over the straight grimiest beats n half these shits aint even got hooks yo. Matter fact most these shits is under 3 minutes...no skits...nothin. Jus beats n son rhymin like a beast on top of em. Who puts out albums like that b??? He do got some features tho....n they all on point. So what Imma tell you bout some shit like this? Not a whole lot fam. A breakdown of each joint gon look sumn like this basically...</div>
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1. The Genesis of Omega - Beat is dope. Son kinda bodied this shit....n its jus si=ome intro shit.</div>
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2. Bar-Barian - Beat is extra dope. Son straight bodied this shit. "Young dummies...cant spar. No life..my flow tight, like ya pants are"</div>
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3. Pyrex - Beat is dope. Son bodied this shit too. "You a happy meal nigga...witta toy in the box. I clap the steel nigga...put ya boy in a box"</div>
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4. Price & Shining Armor ft Rustee Juxx - Beat is dope again. Niggas straight bodied this shit too. </div>
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5. Title Track - Beat is mad dope. Son slowed it down....n bodied this shit again.</div>
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6.Straight Music - Beat is dope. So waddaya kno....son bodied this shit. "Fuck bein humble...Im better than everybody"</div>
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7. STFU Pt 2 - Beat is dope...once again. Son REALLY bodied this shit. "That nigga soft wit the wack shit...my raps slap the earth off of its axis"</div>
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8. Hush - Beat is dope. Son bodied this shit. AND he singin on the hook....</div>
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9. Solomon Grundy ft Ike Eyes & ill Bill - Beat is retardedly dope. Niggas bodied this shit repeatedly.</div>
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10. Frankenberry ft Buckshot - Beat is dope....n niggas bodied this shit once more. "Im actually one of the rappers that really can rap" </div>
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11. BBQ Sauce ft. Pharoahe Monch - Beat is STUPID dope. Son not only bodied this shit...but Monch did his thing on the hook too. "Make ya mom suck my dick wit blue cheese on my balls" </div>
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12. Bully Rap ft Realm Reality - Beat is dope...maybe even a little emotional kinda. But son bodied this shit still. "I sell dope to ya mama...n I aint even vote for Obama"</div>
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13. By The Way ft Torae - Beat is dope....might even be the closest thing to some shit you can play on the radio....n son bodied this shit of course.</div>
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14. Battering Bars ft Pumpkinhead - Beat is dope as fuck. Niggas bodied this shit....naturally. "Punch niggas thru pizza shop windows...red devil dust mixed witta little indo" </div>
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15. The Hardest Nigga Out - Beat is...(wait for it)....dope. Son bodied this shit. "This is anti bitch boy...wack niggas fall back"</div>
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So there you have it. My only complaint is that there wasnt a Heltah Skeltah reunion on this shit wit Rock aka Tha Rockness Monstah (SALUTE!). Other than that shit is lovely. I copped the retail joint...but if you want the bonus tracks you gotta grab this shit off a iTunes b. Like I was sayin tho...if you lookin for a dude who stays in touch wit his emotions n opens up bout his personal life or tries to provide little niggas witta positive role model they never had...P! aint that dude son. If you lookin for some anthems to practice ya slaps to...this ya joint right here tho. I stay gettin my slap practice on to these Sean Price joints b. I been perfectin my windmill slaps to this particular album yo. This shit comes wit experience b...years of practice n meditation n shit...but you need the right anthems for that. I developed the elevator slap to this shit b...where you kinda angle ya shit upwards n lift a nigga off his feet n he shoot thru the ceiling n end up on the next floor above you n shit. On some old school shit...I might still stargate slap a nigga too n have him wakin up in another dimension like "yoooo....where the fuck am I son?...n where my teeth at?" Thats real talk. My latest shit is the Matrix slap tho. Thats where you go to slap a muthafucka n ey'thing freezes n the whole room rotates so witnesses can get a 360 view of whats bout to happen to a nigga before he catch a bad one namsayin. The future slaps is when the shit hit you so hard that ya unborn future kids gon feel it. Have ya little mans livin in 2027 sittin there playin Madden on his new PS6 wit his friends n all a sudden he gon fly across the room....n his niggas gon be like "yooooooooo...how he do that shit??? Sons controller must got that new DualShock shit they only be havin in Japan yo!!!"...some crazy shit like that. I be practicin that swing underwater namsayin. I might gon strap a baby cow to my arm to put some weight on it. Word. So thats jus summa the techniques I be workin on to this shit yo. </div>
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So is this joint absolutely perfect? No. I like variety namsayin...so some stories or some shit...maybe even son goin in on specific topics or whatever woulda been coo. But either way...shits perfect for what I needed it to be. Its jus 15 tracks of straight barbaric animal shit. I aint expectin social commentary or some Wyclef strummin his guitar in a hut type shit. I jus need some shit I can play front to back wit no skips...some shit to help me get my palms warm to. What you see on the cover is what you get basically. If you think you built for this shit then cop it yo. </div>
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Aight peace.</div>
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<b><span style="font-size: large;">4.5 Zeus Slaps Outta 5</span></b><br />
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Ayo if you aint up on that fly shit from back in the day this a good place to start b. Niggas took it back to Helly Hansen gear n Suzuki Samurais...</div>
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BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com27tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-12191408037619404992012-10-23T13:43:00.002-07:002012-10-24T14:33:59.180-07:00Big Ghost Presents...The good kid, m.A.A.d. city Review<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
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Ayo whattup you now in the presence of the magnificent Phantom Raviolis aka the high n exalted Shampoo Bracelets the panty melter... otherwise known as the mighty Hands of Zeus in the flesh...but yall might also kno me as the glorious Cocaine Biceps aka Galaxy Knuckles aka Volcano Hands or the illustrious Big Ghost hisself. Thats right yall...the gods back wit more typhoons for yall huts. Niggas still sleepin. But Imma stay pumpin steroids into these paragraphs til the god returns to the essence nahmean. But my essence aint like yall muthafuckas. Yalls was formed from dust n was either pushed outta ya moms vagina or pulled out the womb on some hoe shit nahmean. I wasnt born like no regular muthafucka b...I was emerged...on some really nigga shit. The god was chiseled from the walls of the highest volcanoes on earth n emerged from the lavas of that shit nahmean (pause). But that shit is irrelevant. I BEEN told niggas. But yo the topic of the sermon today is the state of hip hop namsayin. To a certain degree this shit gon fall on deaf ears tho. I expect that b. I can respect that not all muthafuckas is gon be able to grasp this level of physical science. Yall aint got enough scholarships to fuck wit this level of intellect yo. Lotta yall muthafuckas is either too wet behind yall ears or jus too stupid to kno the difference between somebody who creatin timeless art n some dude who jus spittin a couple cool bars over a beat. Even worse...summa yall aint even kno what some cold bars really sound like. Yall on some bullshit. Yall fuck wit that a la carte shit. Yall fuckin wit niggas who sprinkle little funny punchlines that dont mean nothin over some other niggas beats all day. But we gon get to the heart of that shit right now namsayin. Word is bond... </div>
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If you aint never heard of this dude right here either you been livin under a rock thats under a rock thats under a rock that happens to be buried under a box of Lil Kim mixtapes or you jus been avoidin the shit outta the internet b. But for the three n a half muthafuckas readin this shit who AINT heard...Kendrick Lamar is the future of hip hop yo. Its like once a decade maybe that a MC of this caliber gon come round n completely change the way niggas rap....n at the same time they carry the torch for that supremacy on the mic. They deliver a game changer album too. Im not talmbout niggas that was jus nice on the mic or had a cool style that ey'body was dickridin for a couple months. I mean the dudes who was the pinnacle of they breed nahmean. Imma be straight up...one of my favorite rappers ever is probably Jay-Z. I think dude is nice as hell yo. He also the livin embodiment of what ALL niggas in the rap game strivin to be somehow or some way...a popular rapper who gotta whole catalog of classic joints n is successful as fuck. But I dont think son fits this category like that. Jay always played the game. He compromises n shit...he dont create timeless art for the sake of creatin timeless art...he puts the business first namsayin. He still the GOAT in a lotta ways but Im talmbout the few who came out the gate n aint compromise nothin n still maintained that same level of influence n had they successful careers regardless. Thats a special emcee right there... </div>
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In the 80s it was Rakim. Him n Eric B was in the studio recordin the My Melody n Eric B For President joints in Queensbridge wit Marley Marl n MC Shan right... n em niggas was fallin outta they chairs laughin at how son was rhymin the whole time b. And this was MC SHAN yo.... But when the R came out that booth...history had been made. Them joints CHANGED the game forever b. The god MC was on some multisyllablistic shit showin niggas how to reeeeeallly rap n was droppin science for his peers at the same time. Son aint give a fuck bout the rules neither yo. Niggas thought son was some kinda alien b. This was in '86 when niggas was still lyrically on some pretty simple shit tho...n here this dude was carryin on phrases to the next line that continued to the next line n shit...some outta this world shit. Niggas aint never went back to that old shit again b. In the 90s it was back to that same hood...when that nigga Nas came outta nowhere n raised the bar AGAIN. They started callin son the second coming of Rakim after like 3 appearances on wax n shit. But Nas had even more success than Ra... n elevated what Ra had already did n added his own touches n whatever. Shit was more gritty n controversial than what Ra had been doin. Son was sayin summa the illest shit imagineable yo. Again...niggas thought son was some kinda alien b. Plus it aint a lotta dope emcees that came out SINCE '94 that wasnt influenced by Illmatic namsayin. That right there already solidified his position yo. Nasir dropped a couple duds n took a few Ls along the way but his legacy is always gon be intact than a muthafucka cuz of ONE album b. </div>
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Now in the 00s...niggas had declared Lupe Fiasco that dude who was gon carry on the tradition n elevate shit to that next level n be that thinkin mans rapper while keepin the shit thoro enough for the streets n carryin that weight of real niggas on his back while runnin wit that torch. False alarm yo. </div>
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Then a few years later a little nigga from North Carolina started to make some noise. Son went by his government kinda like how Nas did on some humble shit...yall kno him as J.Cole. Niggas had crowned him as the second coming of Nas hisself... I call him the poor man's Drake. Im sayin...false alarm again yo.<br />
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Ionno tho...maybe it jus skipped a decade. BUT eventually the time was finally at hand again namsayin. In 2010 a little dude from Compton who had been makin some noise in the underground as a serious problem dropped a little joint called Overly Dedicated...n that set off all that "second coming of..." talk again. Only thing was they wasnt really comparin him to nobody else. Son was actually unlike any other muthafucka alive. But son was ILL. Once again...niggas thought son was some kinda alien. O.D. had set those wheels in motion for the homie Kendrick. Niggas went back n checked all his old shit...they explored his catalogs n whatever. They peeped his youtube freestyles... Son had his sparks flyin. After he dropped Section 80 tho...his first little independent album...those sparks had become a inferno or some shit. Ey'body knew Section 80 was dope n all but it was still a lotta doubters chillin wit they arms crossed like naw... But this shit right here is sons chance to step up n really get that shit poppin. He got the Interscope machine in his corner... so promotion aint gon be no problem. He got Dr Dre playin the back n lettin son take control of his own project...so it aint gon be some Frankenstein nigga created in the laboratory wit access to ALL the hottest producers in the game comin together on a joint soundin like a compilation of ey'body elses shit (whattup Game). Question at hand tho is will son deliver? He gon bless us wit his Paid In Full....his Illmatic...his Doggystyle...his AmeriKKKas Most Wanted...his Ready to Die...his Cuban Linx....his College Dropout...orrrrrrrr is he gon give us a Sideline Story? This gon be Can-I-Bus 2012? In other words will this shit change the game like his predecessors did or is it gon be the punchline to some jokes niggas tell 10 years from now? Back round '05 when Kendrick's "mentor" Dre was bout to watch his fellow CPT citizen The Game drop his first album (The Documentary) he said he aint wanna leave the game until he put a truly great Compton artist on the map. Fast forward 7 years n he lookin like he close to achievin that goal finally. ALL that shit Kendrick put out before this moment dont matter no more...all that shit was jus son dippin his toes in the water namsayin....this is sons moment now. He gotta either sink or swim nahmean.</div>
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So here we got it. Now the thing bout this album is its a concept joint namsayin. Ok so summa yall is probably thinkin cool...like Jay's American Gangster joint right? Kinda...but naw. Like this shit is a story n there aint a lotta distractions from that story b. Like there aint a joint wit Lil Wayne on here doin his Lil Wayne thing jus cuz he one of the hottest niggas out right now. You look at the track list n you probably like why the fuck he aint got ScHoolboy Q n Ab-Soul on this shit...but DRAKE on this muthafucka? We gon come back to that namsayin... But if you want a actual ACTUAL breakdown on this shit as far as the story go <a href="http://www.theshirker.com/viewpost.php?id=1183**">THIS</a> muthafucka already did all the work for you. So lets get into this shit now..</div>
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1. Sherane a.k.a. Master Splinter's Daughter - First words uttered on this whole album.."Lord God...I come to you a sinner. And I humbly repent for my sins". This aint gon be the only time God n Jesus gon come up on this album...we gon get into all that later too tho. The beat is some hypnotic shit. Its the perfect type a joint for gettin on some storytellin shit...n you dont need me to tell you that son be knowin how to get his storytellin on bruh. Kendrick the type who gon paint you all the details in the picture for some shit that probably was only a one minute convo or some shit that happened in a blink of the eye n shit. Shit is also the introduction to the Sherane character. He meets her at the party n...long story short.. he in his moms van tryna get to her crib to go hit that when he seen two niggas in hoodies approachin... then the shit cuts off. But you can jus listen to this shit without payin attention to the shit he narratin too. It jus wont make as much sense.</div>
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2. Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe - This shit is crazy laid back too. The hook on this shit goes "I am a sinner...who's probably gonna sin again...Lord forgive me" so he still on that religified shit. This is a break from the story tho. If the last joint was son reminiscin on some old shit..then its kinda like he transported back to the future for this one namsayin. So here he is thinkin bout where he at in life now.</div>
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3. Backseat Freestyle - This shit is connected to a skit where Kendrick's homies scoop him up n now he in the back of the car n they ridin round kickin they little freestyles n shit....basically what it says in the song title. Now obviously this aint like no shit he freestylin forreal off the top of his head n shit but he also aint rhymin bout nothin specific. This kinda like some A Milli type shit. I fucks wit it. Nothin bout God or Jesus on this one. Son back in character rhymin like he a teenager bout stupid shit only little niggas be sayin. Only thing I was thinkin is he coulda had ScHoolboy Q or Ab-Soul come bless this shit too. At one point it even sound kinda like Kendrick doin a Q impersonation or some shit anyways yo. This shit bangs tho. I mean...it might sound kinda like some simple shit but so was Sucker MCs son. Muthafuckin Hit-Boy went in on this shit yo...plus the track be givin Kendrick a chance to flex on it. </div>
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4. The Art of Peer Pressure - This shit got basically two parts. The first minute is jus son on some singin shit wettin the paint on his brush before he paints that next story. The beat is like some fly grown man shit. Almost toooooo grown man...like the shit that Puffy might got playin in his crib in the Hamptons while he kickin it wit old ass white dudes sippin Ciroc outta some shit wit umbrellas n mad fruit in it....like some sophisticated yet slightly played out soundin shit. Dont get me wrong tho. I mean I fucks wit it...but it also sounds like some shit Lupe would cop from a 14 yr old beat makin nigga from Chechnya n keep on his workout playlist along wit some rare Sade demos n Yo-Yo Ma's old old old shit....like his first shit that only Lupe kno bout n shit. Then the beat transforms n we get to the actual ACTUAL song. The shit gets kinda dark n he continues his story n whatever. I aint gon spoil the whole shit for yall but basically the moral of the tale is that son really dont be gettin high or gettin in any altercations or doin no criminal shit n robbin niggas unless he wit his homies. Thats some real shit right there. </div>
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5. Money Trees ft Jay Rock - I dont kno who DJ Dahi is but he muthafuckin fool for this beat son. Kendrick talmbout all the shit that done happen so far on this shit for his verse. Then the hook come in n its some fly shit...even tho what he sayin gotta lotta substance to it. Like when you hear the track son seems like jus on some regular ol disrespectful shit. Like he jus stuntin on you for no reason nahmean. Fact is son actually droppin jewelz on this shit while he disrespectin whoever. Then Jay Rock pops up on this shit... Or more like Jay Rock possessed by the ghost of a nigga that can really really rap pops up on this shit. Its like son wasnt comfortable wit slidin down to the bottom of the Black Hippy totem pole ever since Soul done evolved into some deep thinkin ass muthafucka n Q became THAT dude.... Almost like he thinkin SO IMMA JUS BE THE TONY YAYO OF THIS CREW ALL A SUDDEN? NAWWWW... So he been workin on his flow a little. Rock wasnt ever no wack nigga tho...he jus wasnt on par wit the other niggas in the crew. But he definitely sound like he caught wind of that little message n decided he was gon step his shit up. Whatever works b.</div>
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6. Poetic Justice ft Drake - Man...ey'thing bout the words in the title of this track jus seems fucked up right here. I aint gon front. Like I get it...its a joint for the females. This is actually the joint that represents the last verse of the first track where son is bout to go see his girl Sherane n them dudes come out wit they hoodies on. You might even say this shit is kinda genius the way he tied it back into that story. But why Drake gotta be on this joint? Why Aubrey Graham gotta sprout his wings n flutter all over this shit? Why Drake in the van wit you on the way to Sherane house in the first place Kendrick? I mean...son really hadda come along par? Aint even like that bathwater drinkin, waffle syrup bleedin, baby powder sneezin, spritzer pourin muthafucka came wit some different shit. He jus did his usual Drake thing...which is normally jus some instructions for random broads on how they can feel comfortable round him since he kno he aint perfect n she should kno she aint perfect but they perfect together so they can still have a good time bein flawed individuals either way cuz that shit is destiny even tho he tryin to better hisself but at least he successful now so he aint really mad at how shit done turned out for him cuz niggas gon always be unnecessarily hatin on him for all the suspect ass shit he be doin seein as they jus jealous of where he at in life n feel like they gotta cut him down to size n not that he wanna brag or nothin but it is what it is n she need to come closer so he can describe ey'thing she wearin for whoever listenin n explain to her how her flaws is the reason why she is who she is n why she need to be embracin that shit stead a hidin behind hairdos n fly clothes since bein mad plain lookin n even possibly slightly unattractive or overweight is what makes her as unique as the snowflakes he use to catch on his tongue while he was makin snow angels on the driveway of his momma house in Toronto before he would run into the kitchen wit his homies Kyle n Blake n have hot chocolates n make smores or some shit n even tho he wouldnt fuck wit her FORREAL forreal jus only on a song cuz in real life he tryin to bag Rihanna again n has dreams bout Aaliyah bein resurrected n wantin to thank him for single-handedly keepin her memory alive n makin posthumous joints wit her by walkin into the Young Money offices in front of ey'body n givin him a big kiss n scoopin him up n carryin him out while ey'body clappin n cheerin n Weezy goin WAY TO GO DRAKE...WAY TO GO...but he figures chicks wit low self esteem dig all that corny ass overly honest n conflicted bout ya own emotions n opinions shit cuz its mad relateable so he gon say it anyways....but he kinda toned it down for this joint so its whatever. </div>
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7. good kid - This shit dont sound like no other Pharrell beat I heard before yo. Not that thats a bad thing or nothin. Even tho that sounds like Pharrell on the hook its actually Chad Hugo. You kno...the OTHER dude in the Neptunes aka the John Oates (google it) of hip hop. The beat aint really nothin special but it suits the album namsayin. Meanwhile Kendrick sayin some real shit bout the gangs situation in his city n how even tho he dont partake in none of that shit personally the cops gon still pull his car over anyways n treat him like he be bangin or whatever. So at the end of the day he dont really got options like that anyways nahmean. Same shit different town basically.</div>
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8. m.A.A.d. city ft MC Eiht - This shit is lowkey the masterpiece of the whole album. If you aint never heard the name MC Eiht...he basically a Compton legend. Look him up...download some Compton's Most Wanted albums....watch him in Mencae II Society or some shit. Get familiar... This another joint where the beat changes n its like two songs in one again. First half is dope but the second half? Son... Its like he took all the most conscious west coast gangster shit that dropped in '91 n put it all in a blender. Shit is more than some kinda homage...its like a time machine yo. But he still stickin to the script so it aint like the shit aint got no purpose in bein on the album or whatever. This shit is basically the Yang to the Yin of the last joint...or which ever one is the little bit of light inside the dark n shit. </div>
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9. Swimming Pools (Drank) [Extended Version] - Man when I first heard this shit I was jus happy to see T-Minus doin a beat for somebody who wasnt wack yo. Cuz son be slidin a lot of cold ass beats to mediocre niggas forreal. If you gon do some PSA shit for the youngsters this how you do it b... The single version was mad cool...but the little switch up at the end of this shit jus too ill yo. I mean its short as Kreayshawn's lifespan as a major label artist was but thats what makes the shit so crazy. Shit made me want to jus loop that 25 seconds of perfection over n over. Im glad they did somethin special wit this song for the album too yo.</div>
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10. Sing About Me/I'm Dying of Thirst - This beat on Sing About Me is another one thats mad grown...like this shit got the room lookin like ey'thing gotta sepia filter on it...makin me feel like I gotta light some candles or some shit. Word...son put some sepia on this muthafucka foreal. I might gotta put a suit on for this. The verses is gon be kinda confusin for you if you listenin to this shit while skippin all the skits. You might gon be wonderin why Kendrick rhymin bout havin titties n gettin tossed by 3 niggas in a room or whatever... But either way the shit so buttery smooth you should fuck wit it still. The second half is like the start of his transformation into a more conscious individual n shit. Then we get another prayer...</div>
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11. Real ft Anna Wise - This one might jus be a little too far into smooth territory for myself personally. Like I aint necessarily need to hop up to hit the skip on this shit but at the same time I aint gon be like YO PUT THAT SHIT ON TRACK 11 when the cd gets thrown in at the crib or in the ride. But the shit is aight. By this point the little voicemail messages from Kendricks folks is gettin a little unnecessary n semi corny tho. Like can these muthafuckas go to sleep? At the same time this last skit puts a nice little bow on the story.</div>
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12. Compton ft Dr Dre - Just Blaze you a muthafuckin beast for this beat homie. We back in the future again n my nigga tradin bars (that he penned) wit the king of the west coast. This shit is like the opposite of all the songs that ever been written bout his hometown. Makes you wanna visit that muthafucka almost. The little Roger Troutman shit at the end was a nice touch even.</div>
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Now this the end of the actual album nahmean. Now we jus get into the bonus cuts n whatever. But as far as the album go...it aint no way to escape a few things...1) its a whole lotta skits on this shit. Like the first two De La Soul albums a lot. Like the first two Kanye albums a lot even. If you got zero tolerance for niggas sittin there witta tape recorder actin out scenarios then you gon be hittin that skip a ton nahmean. 2) This joint got a lot of talk bout God n Jesus. If you aint a Christian that might gon get on ya nerves or whatever. For son...this is probably a very real thing, so I aint gon front on none of that at all. Some folks gotta relationship wit the Most High n some dont. This a very personal album tho. This aint some attempt at throwin a little of whatevers hot on the plate n givin you 12 singles. This aint a sample platter. This a well prepared meal namsayin. Far as the sound goes you can hear echoes of some Outkast ATLiens in here. Not to mention that this shit all clicks together marvelously jus like any one of em first 3 classic 'Kast joints. Like son really really really made a album here yo. These joints work together...they dont fight for individual shine like that. Son coulda jus did the easy thing n bus some lyrical windmills all over this shit over nothin but bangers n showed off. He coulda used the shit as a showcase for his crew n squeezed some mass promotion in there even. So dependin on what version(s) you copped (or downloaded for free n been enjoyin but aint actually left the crib to grab a physical copy of or logged into ya itunes to help support son in which case you a degenerate muthafucka n need to get the fuck outta my shit n stop readin this) its gon be a different situation for you regardin what comes next. Mainly you gon want The Recipe...which almost ey'body that fucks wit Kendrick already got...but still is the most important shit that aint on the ALBUM album. Only problem I had wit that track was that Dre use to have the sense to get niggas to write shit for him that sounded like he coulda maybe wrote it hisself. Seems like ever since Em penned a couple bars for him he started believin in his own imaginary ability to write rhymes a little too much tho. Now he jus gettin greedy. Like cmon son... You sound like Kendrick witta tranquilizer dart stuck in his neck. Other than that I love this joint. Far as the other bonus tracks go...I can live without the Mary J joint. Like naw yo... I fucks wit the rest tho. The Recipe n Swimming Pools remixes wit his Black Hippy brethren was a good move on sons part too. Like he got to maintain the vision for his album the way that he wanted while throwin a couple thanksgivin turkeys out the back of the truck for his fans namsayin. </div>
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Far as Im concerned yo...son put together a very rare thing here. It dont sound like nothin else ever neither. Only time gon tell if its gon be remembered as a classic forreal forreal. Or if its gon be downgraded a couple notches eventually. My money is on this shit tho. I seen a lot of eager ass muthafuckas was callin it a classic before the shit even dropped. I aint talkin to yall stans right now. But I talked to mad folks who was hatin the shit outta this muthafucka the day it leaked n then was sayin YOOOOOO...THIS SHIT ACTUALLY AIGHT WHEN YOU HEAR IT A SECOND TIME the very next day n shit. I also seen mad critics playin it safe n givin it the nod while holdin back a little bit. Im sayin even Straight Outta Compton had Something 2 Dance 2 on it. Even worse...Paid In Full had two joints where it was jus Eric B doin summa the worst scratchin n cuttin known to man. The Blueprint had Jigga That Nigga on it... Like Im sayin even the most classic shit gon have some missteps or whatever. Even when a dude leaves off all the filler n gives you nothin but the top grade shit niggas complain that its too short (Illmatic)... so its whatever. Is this shit better than Ready To Die? Nah. Is it gon be more influential than The Chronic? Not at all. Is it gon fly off the shelf like Get Rich Or Die Tryin? Probably not. But it definitely brought somethin new to the table. I dont mean somethin new to the table like how Soulja Boy brought somethin new to the table...I mean like how Clipse brought somethin new to the table when they dropped Lord Willin. Is this shit perfect n without flaws? Naw yo. Kinda like the character in the story its gon suffer from some bad decisions or whatever. But the end product is what defines any work of art namsayin. You can be drawin a picture n have some lines you aint really want on there so you might try n erase em but they still be showin up or whatever so you draw on top of em n try n mask the flaws n shit...but that can also add to the final picture namsayin. In the end we all gon have our opinions...but mines is all tha matters to me. So fuck what ya sayin.</div>
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Aight peace.</div>
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<span style="font-size: large;"><b>5 Zeus Slaps Outta 5</b></span></div>
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And yo...make sure yall also support the realest dude in rap when his album drop next week. </div>
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BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com73tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-7644454596197895842012-10-12T14:37:00.000-07:002012-10-12T18:16:49.780-07:00The 2012 BET Cypher Review<div style="text-align: justify;">
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Ayo whattup....its ya boy Shampoo Bracelets aka Phantom Raviolis or the mighty Cocaine Biceps back in the muthafuckin blogosphere once again here to hit yall niggas over the head wit that luxurious shit. None of that polyester blend bullshit...I come wit that 1500 threadcount n up shit namsayin. I aint gon waste too much of yalls time wit all this intro shit. Yall already kno how I do...this is jus routine. The BET Cyphers is some shit that niggas be waitin on like fat kids wait on birthday cakes yo. This year aint really had as many real heavyweights as the last couple but it was still some dope niggas participatin n whatever....couple clown muthafuckas too. But we gon get to that in a minute. </div>
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<b><span style="color: #6fa8dc;">The West Coast Cypher</span></b></div>
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At first I was like yo why Scarface sittin at that table yo? But that was jus that nigga E-40...Meanwhile Quik n Snoop lowkey lookin like they hairstyles was competin against each other. One thing I noticed was the youngbucks aint get to sit at the table wit the grown niggas tho...the way shit should be nahmean. It dont eeeeem matter that Kendrick can outspit all em muthafuckas b. Thats jus how shit should be.</div>
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Xzibit - Wasnt nothin too outta this world but thats sorta always been X to the Z's lane...he one of those rappers who aint wack at all...but he still dont never come up in convos bout who the G.OA.T is. Like he aint nobody absolute FAVORITE MC but he still dope. He spit a solid verse too yo...jus not no shit I feel like I gotta rewind over n over on some YOOOOOO YOU HEAR WHAT THIS NIGGA JUS SAID?? type shit. But he dont be playin or spittin no corny shit so I respect that. (7.5)</div>
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YG - He coo...but he aint really doin nothin special neither b. Plus if this the muthafucka who made Toot It N Boot It I already cant fuck wit dude like that. But shit was aight... (6.5)</div>
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Kurupt - Now THIS muthafucka decided he was gon do some off the head shit...which I got the utmost respect for. It dont even matter that he had approximately 0.5 quotables on this bitch. Cuz he got on some MC shit n son was jus spittin...like how I be doin nahmean. You feel proper doin some shit like that. Basically its like walkin into the room n whippin ya dick out n layin it on the table...like SLAP. Jus on some I AINT GIVIN A FUCK BOUT NONE OF YALL SO HERE YALL MUTHAFUCKAS GO...FUCK YALL type shit. Son even turned round on some 'oh hey whattup Kendrick I aint see you standin there' shit to make that shit official nahmean. Yeah I fucks wit it. (7.5)</div>
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E-40 - Usually niggas either straight up hate this muthafucka or they hail him as the most incredible nigga to ever breathe air yo. Lotta niggas dont kno sons pedigree like that....basically he the inventor of half the slang that done come out yall niggas mouths in the last 20 years...whether you was talmbout poppin collars, hella, fo sheezy or whatever whatever... Either way he spit a cool little entertainin verse namsayin. He brought the showmanship shit into it n whatever. I respect that. (7.5)</div>
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DJ Quik - Now this creative muthafucka decided he was jus gon put mo beat on this shit n ey'thing so he already get that extra point off the strength of that shit nahmean. Even tho it looked like Xzibit was feelin like DAMN CAN YOU CUT THAT SHIT OUT CUZ YOU FUCKIN WIT MY CONCENTRATION YO at the start. His flow was type basic n he was spittin some old nigga shit but he still blessed it so Im cool wit that. (6.5)</div>
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Kendrick Lamar - You already knew son was gon go in on this shit n do his beast thing...n after he kinda kicked some eh shit last year Im glad he came correct for this muthafucka. At this point it dont really even matter what the nigga do cuz its always gon be some fried gonorrhea flyin out that boy mouth namsayin. Pause. He jus makin the shit look easy bruh. Like his whole shit was him lookin round like "Whuh? Whuh I do?...Oh THIS? Ijusbespittinthisextraterrestrialoutofthisworldtypeshitniggascantfuckwitbutyall be lovin...its nuthin.." Son probably spittin a whole nother verse to niggas in another dimension at the same time while travelin thru the galaxies in his mind. That boy is gone yo. (9.5)</div>
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Snoop Dogg - Yo first of all... fuck all that Snoop Lion shit b. I aint even tryin to call this nigga that stupid shit yo. But this shit made me appreciate the homie S-N-double O-P once more nahmean. He not only showed his humility as a G in the rap game by spittin some real freestyle lyrics n goin off the top but he made that shit entertainin. Same way KRS tore that shit down a couple years back wit the "Nike sign" shit. N even tho Snoop been fallin off in slow motion for bout 15 years he still one of the best to ever do it. Also any nigga who blessed the world witta a joint like Doggystyle deserves eternal forgiveness for whatever wack shit he came out wit since that time yo. But he was on point for this shit. (8)</div>
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<b><span style="color: #6fa8dc;">The Grand Hustle Cypher</span></b></div>
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I aint had no big expectations for this shit. I woulda like to see the homie Killer Mike in the lineup. But he aint. So basically shit destined to be kinda wack as fuck...</div>
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Trae The Truth - I aint gon front...I only understand like ey second word son sayin but he been doin this rap thing for a minute...n he still doin it..I respect his hustle...he seem like a cool dude. Ionno...I jus dont really fucks wit his shit like that. But this shit was aight. I aint mad at it. (5.5)</div>
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Chip - First off how British niggas use to sound all elegant like Slick Rick n now they accents is like a cross between Buju Banton n a hobbit or some shit? What done happen to these muthafucaks accents yo? All that aside...the little nigga aight but his bars is jus average man. Like I gotta pay attention extra hard jus to hear shit like he blowin up in the states like Al Queda? Nah b... (5)</div>
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Iggy Azalea - Yo son...I aint the most geographically inclined muthafucka or nothin but I do kno where the dirty south come to a stop namsayin....n it aint in muthafuckin Australia n shit. This broad really need to check that fake ass accent at the door before she disrespects another beat n shit. If Clifford really wanted to get down wit this chick he aint had to sign her as a rapper b...he coulda paid her to model his AKOO gear or whatever the fuck. Shit had me feelin like maybe Nicki aint thaaaaaaat baaaaad... This broad jus corny tho. Fuckouttahere wit this reverse coon white minstrel shit b. That fake shit gotta go. (fuck no)</div>
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B.o.B. - Son aint my favorite rapper or nothin but he cooo. Seriously yo....it woulda been nice to see Killer Mike get on this shit forreal. Like we gotta hear Frodo Marley n Iggy Auztralia but we dont get to hear the coldest muthafucka on the label spit? Yo Tip took a L for that bruh. Anyways Bobby Ray did his thing. Shit was aight...shit was aight... (7)</div>
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T.I. - Ayo Imma be the first to admit it...I thought son had fell off already when he started doin the overly positive upliftin shit on 90% of his joints... Clifford was really on some LOOKIT ME I JUS DID A SKID BID N NOW IMMA CHANGE THE WORLD shit. But chill. I aint wanna knock a dude for tryin to do the right thing. The Crime Stoppers shit mighta been a BIT too much tho... Like take it down a notch potna. You aint gotta do ALL THAT shit. Do ya own time. Dont jus draaaaaag niggas down wit you jus cuz YOU got caught up bruh bruh. Shit was wack. But Im gettin off topic. Far as this shit go...I think son kinda bodied it. Or maybe the rest of these fools jus lowered the bar enough to create that illusuion or whatever nahmean. Either way son went in yo. (8.5)</div>
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<b><span style="color: #6fa8dc;">The Cypher that had ScHoolboy Q....n a bunch of niggas I dont fuck wit</span></b></div>
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Musta been a reeeeeaaaal shortage of niggas willin to come on the show for this shit to have to go down. Minus the boy Q... I aint really tryin to fuck wit none of this shit yo. But whatever b.</div>
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Jay Bird the Purdy Boi - Get....the...FUCK....owwwwtta....heeeeeeeere yo. Son is jus corny as FUCK b. Purdy Boi? GOT DAMMM. Yo PLEASE stop rappin b. Never thought I would have to tell somebody to get off the dick of that nigga Skillz but here this muthafucka is yo. Plus this nigga shirt unbuttoned to his navel lookin like a young Don Cheadle in the 80s n shit. Man I hate corny niggas who be kinda knowin how to rap more than niggas who flat out jus CANT rap n be makin rap songs anyways...HELL NO to his whole shit b. (1)</div>
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Hopsin - This muthafucka STILL on this same shit. Like the EXACT same shit he always on. Son is aight....but he jus unnecessary in too many ways b. I hate the way this muthafucka rap...</div>
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Oh...wait / I was pose to believe the hype? ...Ok</div>
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I forgot.</div>
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Them miniature eyeballs shits is gettin tired too yo. Even if son had a couple bars on this shit...jus the fact that he kicked more of that "Slim Shady-esque" shit AGAIN made it impossible for me to fuck wit it son. I aint sayin he lackin any talent but he need to stop jus based off principle b. (5)</div>
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ScHoolboy Q - Now this my dude. Son not only kno how to spit but he dont dickride the shit outta nobody else (Still talmbout YOU Hopsin)...not even his mans n em in TDE. He dont sound like Kendrick n Kendrick dont sound like Ab Soul n dont none of em sound like Jay Rock n Rock dont sound like Q or Kendrick or Soul...all em fools got they own style n thats exactly what the fuck been missin from rap nahmean. Thats why I got nothin but respect for em boys. For this cypher shit tho...I feel like you gotta come wit more than jus some nice bars nahmean. Like you need some presentation n some impact yo. Cant jus be lookin down at the floor wit ya hands in ya pocket on some passive shit like "is it ok wit yalls if I be up here spittin?"....NAW YO. Aint like you need to be up there rockin some apache chief shit wit the feathers n whatever on ya head n some war paint on ya face gettin rolled round in a rickshaw by two midgets in zoot suits...but at the same time you gotta stand out yo. I dont kno what the fuck he was doin at the end or if he slipped up or what...but the shit was still aight. (6.5)</div>
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Mystikal - Yo who let Mystikal dusty ass in the building son? I mean...I was never a fan of this bipolar rappin ass muthafucka but I still wasnt ready for all that growlin n old nigganess he was kickin up in the air for the first few bars on this shit. In the end tho he had a few sparks n the shit was aight... (5)</div>
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<b><span style="color: #6fa8dc;">The Cypher wit the dude from Africa on it</span></b></div>
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Nothin against African rappers....its jus they always got some niggas spittin in foreign on this muthafucka. But respect due to Mother Africa the birthplace of all civilization namsayin. </div>
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Jean Grae - Yo Jean Greasy came correct on this shit b. She kinda seemed like she had jus wrote the bars in the cab on the way to the show at first but by the middle shit was clickin together like lego namsayin. I fucks wit it. Btw FEMCEE was always a wack word b. (7.5)</div>
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Sarkodie - Son said OBIDIBIPONBIDIi...*shrug*...Anyways I think this years African dude was slightly nicer than last years. (7)</div>
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Ab-Soul - Good Lawd yo...this muthafucka jus slapped the shit outta Webster b. I BEEN told niggas they was sleepin on son. Homie went from bein the weakest link to the one wit the hottest ink flowin out his pen (sometimes) nahmean. Not tryna take nothin away from Kendrick n Q but lyrically son took it to another level b. Word is bond. In the end Kendrick shit was tighter n more consistent but Soul was sayin some shit right here yo. If yall aint appreciate it you wack as fuck. He brought that work yo. Straight up. (9)</div>
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Talib Kweli - Kweli is jus nice man. Its been a minute since son shook off that veggie burger rap image he had back in the day n showed the world he could go beast mode when he wanted to. And thats precisely the muthafucka that showed up for this shit right here b. My dude not only held his own against all the young bucks that showed up for this shit but he smashed it yo. Not to mention son had one a the hottest lines so far wit that "Im Frank Ocean in a Chik Fil A...Ill never get served" shit. (8)</div>
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<b><span style="color: #6fa8dc;">The Man With The Iron Fists Cypher</span></b></div>
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This shit was a little different from jump cuz it was actually RZA cuttin it up on the one n twos instead of Preemo. After the Abbot (who happened to be rockin some fashionably questionable garments yo) gave em all the quick little introductions n the slick promo on his new movie it was all back to bidness tho...</div>
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Angel Haze - Ionno son.....Guess she was aight. But wasnt nothin incredible. Of course I gotta avoid sayin she was decent for a FEMALE rapper too...........but she was. (4)</div>
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Joey Bada$$ - Im familiar wit sons shit...I dont think he make joints for my particular demographic n shit tho so I dont really be feelin any type of way bout his shit regardless nahmean. But son over here gettin his little Killah Priest on or whatever n I dont kno if I feel too good bout all that shit yo. Like stick to the shit you kno b...thats my word. But Ionno...maybe he was tryin to impress RZA. Shit was above average tho. (7.5)</div>
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Driicky Graham - I aint gon front...I thought this dude was gon be mad corny b. Probably cuz of that anthem for lames he put out a while back...the Snapbacks n Tattoos joint. But he came thru witta aight verse. He kinda doin too much...but thats what you gotta do when you up n comin (jus not on some over the top corny Jay Bird shit). So I respect the hunger n whatever nahmean. The original shit he wanted to spit was basically jus him goin at Tyler tho. BET wasnt havin that shit tho apparently. Personally I dont give a fuck bout Tyler any which way...but its all good. (7)</div>
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Childish Gambino - Yo this my dude...n if you need me to tell it for you...either you deaf or a hater cuz son went off like he aint had no safety on his shit namsayin. Plus he got jokes. Son killed it yo. (9)</div>
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A$AP Rocky - If you follow the Gods moves closely you already kno that I think homie is the future of rap music nahmean. Im not sayin he the nicest nigga out there by any means...cuz he damn sure aint....but he make the kinda joints I be appreciatin to the fullest namsayin. I was actually surprised he spit some bars this cold tho...AND he only said swag one time. (8.5)</div>
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<b><span style="color: #6fa8dc;">The Ruff Ryders Cypher</span></b></div>
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The Double R camp done shrunk a little bit yo...but Im jus glad Swizz Beatz wasnt here one-hand-in-the-air-if-you-dont-really-care'n or doin a wack hook on this shit. But where Jada at son? </div>
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Murda Mook - Hol up... how long has son been on his come up yo? Didnt son use to battle Jae Millz way back when? Im sayin tho son...make some damn records b. That battle shit is cool but niggas end up fallin by the wayside after a while b. Mook always been a beast tho.. so its all love. Anyways yo...I was kinda expectin more from son based off his pedigree...but he actually came wit a few jewelz you mighta missed. That Social Security Administration....ASS backwards line was beautiful. Yall gotta really listen to catch what son was sayin yo. But the shit was kinda ill. (8)</div>
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Cassidy - Yo Cassidy always been nice...but his shit also never evolved nahmean. The bars was cool n he had a couple lines but the delivery n the flow was jus regular shit b. But on the reals...halfway thru yo I jus started peepin Eve in the background lookin all fine n whatnot...so maybe I missed sumthin bruh. (7.5)</div>
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Eve - Yo I aint even realize how good it was gon be to see E-v-e spittin again. Back in the 90s..when it was between Foxy n Kim I was always fuckin wit Eve the most. Like she aint never got on my nerves like most em broads do after a while (jussayin). Far as right now tho...she aint KILL this shit like forreal forreal but she still kinda went in. Especially since she been outta the loop for a hot minute. I aint mad tho. Do ya thing boo.(7)</div>
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DMX - Yo did Darkman X bring that work? Gotta admit...even tho he aint really been his old self in a minute he spit a mean verse. It was good to see the dog back in form son. Most important tho...he aint talk bout forcibly gettin niggas to suck his dick or rapin dudes in the showers or none of that usual shit he be doin. Salute my nigga. (8.5)</div>
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So there yall have it. I aint got time to be huntin down no youtube links that Viacom aint gon take down 5 minutes later so its on yalls to ga'head n find that shit if you aint watch this shit already. The gods overall opinion on this shit is...the shit was aight. I probably fucks wit the Iron Fists n Ruff Ryders shit the most...the West Coast shit was dope too. The rest was ehhh...but still had one or two muthafuckas pickin up the slack in each group namsayin. The highlight for me was that there wasnt no YMCMB cypher once again...so I aint had to watch Tyga breathin invisible dicks outta his mouth or Drake pattin lyrical balls of yarn in the air n Wayne spittin the leftovers of the leftover corny punchlines that Cole aint remember to use on Sideline Story n Nicki doin that malfunctionin robot shit she do or Gudda jus bein the poster child for unnecessary existences still. Cool. Fuck yall.</div>
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Aight peace.<br />
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<span style="color: red;">UPDATE: Yall can find all the cyphers over</span> <a href="http://www.killerhiphop.com/video-2012-bet-hip-hop-award-cyphers-complete-set/">HERE</a><br />
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<br />BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com32tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-13531631601939875032012-10-02T03:12:00.001-07:002012-10-02T03:12:35.610-07:00Big Ghost Presents...The Lupe Fiasco - Food & Liquor II Review<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
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Ayo whattup...you in the midst of the mighty Hands of Zeus aka Thor Molecules aka the illustrious Phantom Raviolis otherwise known as Galaxy Knuckles or the almighty divine heartthrob n sex symbol known as Shampoo Bracelets. Im glad yall could join me once again for this glorious event. Lets us release a thousand white doves wit into the air n bow our heads in thanks....for the gods have at last delivered upon us a new Lupe album to behold n take the breath away from our hearts n imaginations n shit. After the Lasers joint.... we saw that ANYTHING was possible as far as what Wasalu Muhammad Jaco was capable of namsayin. However you wanna take that depends on ya own personal level of tolerance for that bullshit album b. So naw...we aint here to crack jokes bout how we seen him on his hit tv show wit Joy Behar n Barbara Walters...</div>
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Lets talk bout the music son. Jus the music....not the wild antics n the stupid shit that that boy be sayin in the media....</div>
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="font-size: 13px;">"Lissen...if you stop defendin him for jus one minute...<br /> Imma splaaaiiin to you WHY Obama a terrorist Bill!"</td></tr>
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We aint gon talk bout how Lupe was threatened by a 16 yr old rap flash in the pan on twitter n <strike>was so shook that he verbally sucked the skin off sons dick in response n told him how much he loved him</strike> responded by takin the high road......thats that shit I dont like. You shoulda used ya 7th degree black belt in karate n mastery of tai chi to disassemble that boy if you REALLY nice wit ya hands like that forreal Lu. Yeah you mighta got ya ass shot in the process..but you woulda kept ya dignity famz.</div>
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But yo...a lot done changed n a lot done stayed the same...You can call son genuine, corny, talented, wack, humble, cocky, intelligent, a moron, a genius, a dickhead, a savior, a victim, a prophet, a prostitute, a problem, a nuisance, a poet, a clown, a warrior, a princess, a visionary, a fool, a role model, a runway model, a boss, a bitch, a nightmare, a dreamer, a king, a pawn, down to earth, high n mighty, a teacher, a fool, a seeker, a sucker, a great thinker, a mental midget, a healer, a germ...the second coming or a false messiah....a young Malcolm Little or....a grown Malcolm in the Middle... Truth is he probably a little of all those things b. The one thing that remains is Lupe gon always be Lupe namsayin. Anyways yo...cue the music..</div>
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1. Ayesha Says (Intro) - This spoken word intro kinda dope... I mean...Imma probably be skippin it any other time I listen to this shit from this day forward... but I was definitely feelin it yo.</div>
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="font-size: 13px;">"Straaaaaaaaaaaaaaaange...."</td></tr>
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2. Strange Fruition ft Casey Benjamin (yeah me neither...) - If Nas made a Nastradamus 2...I would expect the beats on that shit to sound sumn like this yo. No disrespect tho...to Nas. </div>
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="font-size: 13px;">"Rhoooaaaaaahh oh oh oh oses"</td></tr>
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3. ITAL (Roses) - This shit sounds like somebody took ey single beat off the Kanye Graduation lp n blended em all together to make this one...which sounds like it should be wack as fuck but I aint really mad at the track. I think on the hook son said some shit bout givin out roses to the ladies n havin "a little appreciation for the gentleman" ... Word. Its gon be that type of party I guess huh? But son droppin a lot of b-bombs on this muthafucka too yo. Im sayin...cmon son....bitch bad. Remember? Bitch bad...Shame on you Wasalu. The hook n corny lyrics should make it impossible to listen to this shit but I dont hate it or nothin. </div>
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="font-size: 13px;">"Around my weeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeh eh heeeeay"</td></tr>
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4. Around My Way (Freedom Aint Free) - Yeah....aint a lot you can say bout this shit. Pete Rock (aka The Creator n the dude who blessed us wit the original n only necessary flip of this sample on the timeless classic T.R.O.Y.) definitely wasnt feelin it tho....son was like "Who ever re-created that didnt do a good job @ all. #nohate". Plain n simple I guess. Now I aint one to take sides in some shit that dont concern me but 1) I thought shit was a wack move on Lupes part from the jump namsayin but 2) The remade beat really aint as bad as what PR was sayin yo. Think he was jus in a bad mood or whatever nahmean. Thing is...either way..its the principle yo. Wasalu said he was doin the shit as a homage to the original n shit...that he jus wanted to bless that n show love to the og n shit. At the same time tho he understood where Pete was comin from...n that he would let time heal those wounds n whatever whatever. But thats like sayin "Yo...ya wife a goddess b....yall made a very beautiful baby together. I admire ya family... When I put my dick in her n she got pregnant by me that was like my homage to YOU fam...I did that as a tribute to YOU b. I thought you would appreciate that shit but if you dont I understand n shit..." namsayin. So regardless of the fact that the joint actually kinda aight n I dont actually mind it...it was foul. Son was foul for this b.</div>
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="font-size: 13px;">"Aaaaaaayaaaaaaayeeeaaahdubon..."</td></tr>
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5. Audubon Ballroom - This one of those song titles that really be enlightenin a muthafucka yo... I aint gon front. I actually googled that shit so I could try n comprehend that shit better namsayin. I had my own guesses n shit...but turns out my hypothesis was incorrect n shit yo. What I had discovered upon sailin into that vast ocean of knowledge on my quest for the true meanin behind the name of the Lupe joint was that Audubon actually was not the name of a small village in Thailand that Lu spends three days travelin by riverboat to once a year to take part in the sacrifice of virgins in exchange for the eight armed elephant gods to bless they crops wit rainfall n fortify they huts from the wraths of volcano demons that ride on the backs of flyin fire breathin tigers n only fear poetical deep minded ass niggas wit round spectacles who rock safari outfits in the city n sleep on clouds formed outta the tear vapors of unborn angels that dwell in the homosphere of the minds of muthafuckas like Lupe....but it was jus the name of some dude. Jean Jacques Audubon...or John J. for short was a french birdwatcher namsayin who lived in the 1800s n use to paint nature pictures. Consider my mind blown yo. Anyways I was kinda waitin on some yodels n for Rihanna to start gettin her Rihanna on durin the hook over this beat while Lu gave us his best Clifford Harris impersonation. But Wasalupe took his own approach namsayin....til he got on some Murder To Excellence shit on the third verse. Anyways...Im sure its a lot of you easily impressed muthafuckas out there thats really fuckin wit this joint...so I dont wanna pop ya little balloons or whatever. Personally I think this shit a little too lasery... Take it for what it is yo.</div>
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="font-size: 13px;">"Bitch baaaaaaaaaaaah ah ah aaad"</td></tr>
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6. Bitch Bad - Yeah. Its like...its 2 different ways you can do this shit b. Either you approach a topic like the upliftment of broads how 2Pac did back when he made Keep Ya Head Up n jus get right to the point like...respect yaself ma...if a dude put hands on you he dont love you...set a example for ya seeds...I care if dont nobody else care etcetera so on n so forth...OR you can approach it on some hoe ass shit like "Bitch bad...woman good...lady better..." and be talkin to niggas all slow like you stupid one minute n then sprinklin in unnecessary big words into ya bars like we all gotta PhD n shit... "acquiescing to his whims..."?? Yo shut the fuck up Lupe... Rich ass white folk dont even talk that corny yo...bougie ass muthafucka....</div>
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7. Lamborghini Angels - Yeah...I still aint got no idea what the fuck this song bout yo. Did son say "put your penis next to mine" tho? Ionno bruh....shit is kinda whatever to me either way b.</div>
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8. Put Em Up - I dont mind this shit. I mean...I dont really kno what the fuck he talmbout on this shit again but the beat kinda aight. Swear if you say you kno what this shit bout you either a muthafuckin liar or you able to decode this stupid shit cuz you fluent in Nerd or some shit yo.</div>
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9. Heart Donor ft Poo Bear - Still cant believe theres a grown man out there runnin round callin hisself Poo Bear yo. But that aint even the problem here b... I mean...this some shit I woulda expected from that unitard rockin boy wit the owl n budgie tats n two infant socks for eyebrows or Amber Rose's amphibian extraterrestrial life partner but I aint think Wasalu would go there wit this type a cakeboy shit...as in some I GOT SO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE N YALL CAN HAVE MY HEART N SOUL TO KEEP N SHIT CUZ IM A HEART DONOR type shit. Maaaan... son needs to get on the fuckouttahere express wit that childish shit...Thats like some bullshit little niggas be tellin broads in the 4th grade b. </div>
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10. How Dare You ft Bilal - This more like it. I mean if you gon do these happy go lucky joints make them shits some food for the soul that you can feel b....some shit that sticks to ya ribs nahmean. The homie Bilal dont play when it comes to this singin shit neither bruh. This beat might sound like some shit Dre put together n had Scott Storch tickle the ivories for n then threw in the vault wit the the other 7,845,947,652 beats he got locked away that nobody ever gon hear...n Lu might be sayin wack shit like "I hope its all up to ya standards...cuz babies really need to be pampered"...but this joint actually jus some easy breezy shit to get into. Its a two step joint you can play for ya moms or ya kids or whoever...yeah I fucks wittit. </div>
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11. Battle Scars feat. Guy Sebastian - Now this is jus some cold McNuggets b. If Skylar Grey was on the hook this would sound like a demo for a track Eminem left off a Relapse or some shit. Apparently this Guy Sebastian nigga is a pretty big deal in Australia n he got crazy plaques n whatever...n this is actually his joint wit Lupe bein the guest or some shit like that. Theres jus no need for this over the top dramatic shit tho bruh. This one goin to the recycle bins for sure yo.</div>
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="font-size: 13px;">"Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay....ve"</td></tr>
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12. Brave Heart feat. Poo Bear - Cmon son.... Lupe repeatin "I feel good about this one" over the intro...well you shouldnt bruh. I thought the Battle Scars joint was some corny over the top dramatic depressin shit...this shit makes it sound like Juicy tho. Shit got soldiers chantin n military drums n marchin sounds n electric guitars screechin n choir voices... Jus stop it Lu...talmbout "May the Lord have mercy on my soul".. Have some mercy on niggas ears b. Poo Bear on this shit too? Damn...</div>
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="font-size: 13px;">"I gotta man"<br />"Whats ya man gotta do wit me?"<br />"I gotta man"<br />"I aint tryna hear that see"</td></tr>
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13. Form Follows Function - Dope song title bruh... Nah not really but I do fucks wit this joint. The beat is like some outer space alien blaxploitation type shit. The bars tho? Nah son jus sayin a whooooole lot a nothin on this shit par. </div>
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14. Cold War ft Jane $$$ - Durin the intro this shit actually sounds like a Food & Liquor joint forreal...but then it switches up into some cool head nod shit. I dont really dig the hook like that but the bars is kinda aight. He reflectin on the death of a loved one on this shit n he doin it without bein too annoyin or sayin too much stupid shit...so I respect that. That shit he yackin bout for the last 2 minutes of the song shoulda been faded out like a minute n 55 seconds sooner tho....</div>
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="font-size: 13px;">"Can I get my conscious rap on ey'body?"</td></tr>
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15. Unforgivable Youth (ft Jason Evigan) - Ok now this really do jus sound like some shit that was leftover from the Lasers sessions b. Im sayin also...when son be breakin out words like "unbeknownst" it jus makes me wanna hit the skip on this shit...but Imma be patient n see what he talmbout on this muthafucka instead nahmean. Cuz thats how you gotta approach a Lupe joint...you need the patience of a hundred Dalai Lamas b. I wont spoil the surprise for anybody who aint listened to this shit yet but he throws a twist in at the end. I aint sayin its a good twist...but he do got one.</div>
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="font-size: 13px;">"Naw...its hood now b"</td></tr>
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16. Hood Now (Outro) - So basically this shit is bout how muthafuckas in the hood be takin the scraps n whatever society be allowin folk from urban communities to have n shit n be puttin they own spin on it OR makin the best of that shit to the point where even muthafuckas from privileged n upper class backgrounds be observin it n thinkin yo that shit kinda dope so Imma fuck wit it too. Like some reverse gentrification namsayin. The greatest example of this shit is hip hop itself yo. Niggas jus took what they had b...n they flipped that shit into some cool shit or whatever namsayin. What started out as jus some kids rockin parties wit some homemade speakers n doin backspins on cardboard boxes uptown...writin graffiti on trains n fightin for a chance to get on the mic n shoutout they peoples in the crowd bout 40 years ago done turned into the most dominant cultural phenomenon since rock n roll b. Hip hop n the influence of hip hop is ey'where yo. Taylor Swift listens to rap b... The president of the United States listens to rap... LL Cool J hosted the last Grammy Awards son...a show where they aint even use to televise the rap categories b. Will Smith aka the Fresh Prince is one of the biggest actors on the planet son...the list goes on yo. Muthafuckas is multi millionaires from this hip hop shit yo....niggas be ownin sports franchises n joinin the Illuminati yo. Thats a beautiful thing son. Rap dudes is doin some big things now bruh. Anyways yo...this aint my favorite joint on the album or nothin but the message aint nothin that Imma front on nahmean. Matter fact I salute Lupe for even touchin on this topic namsayin. </div>
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Basically Imma put it like this...is this shit my "cup of tea"? Not exactly bruh. For the same reasons that I mentioned at the top of the page yo... Its like theres two parts to Lupe namsayin. Then you multiply that by like a thousand n you got all the different characteristics n shit like that that be makin up sons DNA nahmean. You split all em pieces in half n you basically got the yin n the yan of how this dude is assembled b. You got that annoyin ass muthafucka who be talkin out his ass n actin like he better than ey'body else on one side of the coin n on the other its this humble dude who tries to lead by example n uplift his people namsayin. His stans be some clown muthafuckas too talmbout yo how you gon hate on Lu god? How you hatin on the realest dude in rap? Man I wish I was there to see Lupe part the Red Sea for yall muthafuckas. I aint hatin on Lupe ever yo...I jus be speakin on the shit he be sayin n doin. Unfortunately tho...son be sayin n doin a lot of stupid shit. When it comes to the music...its the same thing yo. I be feelin summa that shit n summa that shit is like man...you need to punch yaself b. Thats art tho. Yall get over it. Dont take it too personal namsayin.</div>
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Aight peace.</div>
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<b><span style="font-size: large;">I gives this shit 3.5 Zeus Slaps outta 5</span></b></div>
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Ayo my dude Skyzoo joint is available in stores n on iTunes today b...yall should peep that....</div>
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BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com41tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-86809307935642991362012-09-18T14:36:00.000-07:002012-09-18T14:36:25.805-07:00Big Ghost & Okayplayer present...The Cruel Summer Review<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
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This that shit yall been waitin on...<br />
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Follow the link to the review right <a href="http://www.okayplayer.com/news/big-ghostfase-g-o-o-d-music-cruel-summer-review.html">HERE</a>BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com1tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-71737299305047556012012-09-18T14:29:00.002-07:002012-09-18T14:29:47.942-07:00Big Ghost Presents...The Dedication 4 Review<br />
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Ayo whattup. You back in the presence of the grand imperial Cocaine Biceps aka the Muhammad Ali of this blog shit aka the Leonardo Da Vinci of this blog shit aka the muthafuckin Dalai Lama of this blog shit namsayin. And yo...I aint got no problems wit none of yall other rap blog niggas but I WILL fuck ya whole shit up if it comes down to it nahmean. Jus based offa principle n shit. Like I told yall before...yall aint got enough beans in ya maracas to rumba wit the god. But lemme get into the shit I came here to do... By now yall short attention span havin ass niggas probably got a chance to listen to that Dedication 4 joint by that rodeo clown Weezy. Listen b... I was a fan of this gremlin faced muthafucka at one time too. But it comes a point when niggas jus get caught up in they own hype n stop tryin. Niggas lose they hunger n jus be throwin they shit in cruise control n think they gon be stittin on top of the world no matter how corny they shit get. Niggas try to milk a cow that aint grazin in the meadows n shit. You aint respectin the art it aint gon respect you. I aint gon give this shit no track by track breakdown tho cuz that shit crazy unnecessary b. Imma save yall a lot of wonderin n tell you right now...this shit is trash b. So heres how this shit go... </div>
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Aight so...son dont start rhymin til 39 seconds into this muthafuckin ...by 56 seconds in that nigga Tunechi already nutted on a broads face, licked it off n ate her from the back. I aint bullshittin or tryin to be funny or none of that...thats what the nigga spit right out the gate b. I guarantee you this dude got STDs they aint even discovered yet b.. Nasty ass muthafucka out there jus smashin these hoes wit his GSD (Garbage Dick Syndrome) infested self...no condom on...jus cookin up a STD jambalaya wit these hoes. Then he got those same C4 struggle bars back up on this muthafucka talmbout "I be ballin on these niggas...Sports Illustrated"...</div>
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How this the same dude who rhymed on Carter 2 n Dedication 2 or Drought 3 son?? Whoever penned them shits need to come back n help this muthafucka out. Im sayin this shit is like a collection of all the worst punchlines known to man. Shit makes J Coles worst bars sound like some shit Black Thought wrote. "I make that bitch come til she come to a conclusion..." Cmon Dwayne... Big L rollin in his grave talmbout "But niggas shot ME???" How bout... "Im ill as an illusion...got Bs like a student" Man...fuck. outta. here. b. You cant be serious bruh. Or how bout..."She cant wait to take her drawers off like braces"... Im sayin yo.... is you even tryin Dwayne? Like when you play that shit back on ya bedazzled headphones...is you hearin what Im hearin son? N Im only on track 2 b! The fuck is wrong wit you son? "Got two bitches off Twitter...Tweedle Dee n Tweedle Dum"??? Son need to get 10,000% the fuck outta here wit this shit bruh....."She say Wayne on me Wayne on me cuz yo ass be drizzlin"??? ...I give up bruh. And who this Lil Mouse nigga? What ass did this little nigga crawl outta n how many more of these little muthafuckas do Dwayne got in his stash b? How he breedin so many these little no talent ass havin garbage can dwellin muthafuckas. I jus wanna stomp that muthafucka out like a 3 legged roach before he grow up to get face tats n carry on this niggas legacy b. </div>
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As yall probably expected... Nicki had to come wit that "contoversial" shit talmbout...she "Republican votin for Mitt Romney" </div>
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Of course this turned into some "I was jus speakin as a character" shit a couple days later after her publicist heard the shit. Nothin against Nicki ol wack ass...but she need to chill wit all the gimmicks...that shit aint cute. These YMCMB muthafuckas got more novelties than talent. Straight up...</div>
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Then Young Eeyore hisself aka Drake-Lite aka Diggy Simmon's arch-nemesis Jermaine Cole comes n blesses us wit his Mazda bars. I dont got nothin against son but he a mayo sandwich b. Like technically he a sandwich...but its a whole lotta shit missin from that. I forgot sons entire verse WHILE I was listenin to this shit b. Jus...naw....</div>
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Anyways I aint gon keep talkin bout this joint...Imma jus give yall that final rating for this fuckshit. Summa the beats is dope...obviously. But thats cuz its a mixtape n son got other niggas hottest beats all over this shit. N then he drops his lyrical turds all over em n disrespects ya intelligence. Fuck this shit b...its way too many rhymes bout eatin ass n box on this muthafucka too. Have some composure Dwayne...damn. When it aint that its a whole nother problem wit the level of burnin diapers on this shit yo. How Gudda Gudda murder you on ya own mixtape shit b? How the fuck you gettin bodied by Gudda Gudda b? Like he spittin more tolerable shit than you on this muthafucka son. Anyways yo...Wayne been suckin on the dick of limited talent for a hot minute now b. Its time somebody reintroduced him to that lean...we need that pre-Carter 3 nigga who use to slaughter these beats without soundin like a straight dickhead. This shit tho...naw.. I dont fuck wittit like that. I rather knock some Cyhi mixtapes bruh. Reasonable Doubt track 8 tho...</div>
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Aight peace.</div>
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1.5 Zeus slaps outta 5 </div>
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Anyways heres some lost Dedication 4 bars for yall...</div>
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Nigguhs say Im so sick I need a dawktuh.. but Im Dawktuh Cawwr</div>
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Fuck arrrround n turn meh to a mawnstuh nigguh...thats mawnstuhs bawl</div>
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Cash Money... muhhfuckuh...Young Monehh is a ent-uh-prise</div>
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Tunechi is 'dat nigguh'..yehh.............call that shit ident-uh-fy</div>
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Yo bitch pussay talkin ta meh......call that shit a con-vaginahhh</div>
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I scoop huh up...eat it from the back...touchdown...forty-ninuhhhs</div>
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I beat tha pussay...MMA...Im goin in...penuhh-trate</div>
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I shed bluhhd for all my niggas yehh...call that shit menuhh-strate</div>
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I be goin wild...wil-duhness...if that bitch cheatin...I kill duh bitch</div>
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I spill duh blood...chomp the pussay...make it sneeze......illnesses</div>
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Said Im uh dawg...so I ate the cat...beat the pussay...take a nap</div>
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Drizzy told me that my dick so big I should make these bitches hafta pay fuh that..</div>
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Rest in peace to Martin Lutherrr...I beat the pussay.....call that abuser</div>
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Eat the bitch up...thats a cougar...kill the pussay...Freddy Krueger</div>
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I do the right thing...call me Mookie...I got that crack nigguh....call me Pookie</div>
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Shittin on hoes...call me poopie....bitch Im uh dawg...call me Snoopy</div>
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Bitches say my temper scary...but then Im coo...temper-ary</div>
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Killin um nigguhs...cremate um... some get buried....SOMEatary</div>
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Hyeahhh...dem nigguhs is bastuhhds</div>
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You can call meh lame...thats jus male spelled backwuhds</div>
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Niggas betta chill........fore dey meet dey doom</div>
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So why 'you tense still?'......fork n spoooooon....TUNECHI</div>
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<br class="Apple-interchange-newline" />BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com31tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-30123228645390420652012-08-18T18:24:00.000-07:002012-08-18T18:24:29.447-07:00Big Ghost Presents...The God Forgives, I Dont review<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
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<span style="font-family: inherit;">Ayo whattup...the presence of the magnificent benevolent almighty Hands of Zeus aka Cocaine Biceps aka Thor Molecules aka the infamous Galaxy Knuckles or the grand imperial Volcano Hands...otherwise known as Big Ghost is now upon you namsayin. Imma start off like this yo...I got some shit I wanna say before I bless yall wit these scrolls n whatever whatever. Imma drop some vitamins for yall...I got a little history lesson for all the soy milk babies n light in the ass colorful jeans rockin muthafuckas who might be readin this shit namsayin. Dig. Heres a little history.... Ayo back in the early 90s there was a crew called Native Tongues Posse namsayin. It consisted of some groups yalls might be familiar wit...like De La Soul n Jungle Brothers n A Tribe Called Quest et cetera et cetera. I aint even gotta say it twice...them muthafuckas had classics b. Too many to name. But my personal favorite album that came from that camp was by this duo called Black Sheep. It was the DJ Mista Lawnge n my dude Dres on the mic namsayin. The album was called A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing. Shit was one of the most focused n kinda underrated rap joints of the 90s. Not one wack cut on it...n even the skits was kinda dope. The joint that put em on the map was a cut that most yall probably familiar wit...The Choice Is Yours (Revisited). </span><br />
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<span style="font-family: inherit;">Apart from bein a banger that can STILL get niggas whylin out in the club throwin chairs n bottles n have broads pullin out they weaves ...the shit had a timeless message in the hook yo..."You can get wit THIS or you can get wit THAT...". Straight up. </span><span style="font-family: inherit;">Hol up tho...lemme get into this Rozay shit for a minute...</span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">Now this LP was spose to drop..Ionno...like a year ago I think...but shit jus kept on gettin pushed back over n over. Bawse shit. Anyways its here now. The hype for this shit was outta control basically. Muthafuckas was fiendin for them fantasy bars n elegant beats that you can usually expect from a Rawse joint. But did this shit live up to the hype? Good question...</span></span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">1. Pray For Us - "I kno you understand that niggas aint perfect...but we try Lord" ...The only thing I got from this intro is that if you speed up Cuba Gooding's little brother Omar's voice a little he kinda sound like Larenz Tate n shit. </span></span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">2. Pirates - This shit kinda set the bar way up HERE beat-wise for me... Shit is cold. Like this the kinda beat that might make you wanna pull a lamp post outta the street n smash the windows on some school buses namsayin. Ignorant shit. That fat nigga flowin like a muthafucka on this shit too b. Lyrically he aint sayin shit...but them bars sound good anyways. I was surprised that it was a whole minute n a half before he even sprinkled the word "bricks" in there too yo. </span></span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">3. 3 Kings feat. Dr Dre & Jay-Z - I dont understand what the fuck Dre thinkin these days b...but basically if you aint produce the beat (the homie Jake One did this one) n you aint write the rhymes (this some Rozay karaoke right here) why you even on the track son? Dont answer that shit...Imma tell you why he on the track. 1) Cuz he mad at 50 Cent for jockin his shit n puttin out some headphones tryin to cut into his market share (good luck wit that shit Curtis) n 2) Cuz Dre aint nothin but a brand now. Word is bond. It aint never been no secret that Dre dont write his own rhymes g...not since back when he was still spittin D.O.C. bars...but this shit is jus excessive as fuck now. On The Recipe wit Kendrick Lamar he jus spittin some ol Kendrick bars n he aint produce that shit neither (Scoop DeVille got that shit poppin). Meanwhile he still talmbout he make 30 beats a day n shit...like cmon son. Ayo Dre you wanna be a producer? Theres real producer shit goin on in the streets man. Niggas is in the grind. Where you be at man? Niggas be buckin. Why you never buckin? Nobody need to hear Dre spittin like he Rozay n then plug his damn headphones all over this shit. "You should listen to this beat thru my headphones". Naw...FUCK ya headphones Dre. You owe us some albums son. Anyways...Jay anchors this shit n I aint gon lie...this is the lamest shit he done spit in a minute. But I kno..."ITS JUS DIFFERENT ®". He also claimin "its jussa freestyle". Niggas dont wanna hear that shit par. Wanna hear a "freestyle" Jay? Go back n listen to this shit n step ya bars up again homie...</span></span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">4. Ashamed - Ayo that nigga Cool n the other OTHER Dre killed this track yo. So far so good as far as the beat selection go. Rawse spit some shit talmbout "Before I was a fetus...had the genes of a leader". Im pretty sure Ricky weighed 18 lbs as a fetus...but thats neither here nor there nahmean. Accordin to HIM tho...he was workin as a correctional officer back in the day cuz the niggas that HE worked for had him doin that shit (which sounds like a straight fairy tale anyways yo...this nigga need to quit actin like he was in The Departed n shit. Ya fat ass was law enforcement n now you rap b. Son shoulda jus came right out n admitted that shit at the time.."Look I was a c.o... I needed money for pizza pockets n Enyce gear...my bad. Can I live tho?". But thats his business I guess)...he actually doin aight as a "boss". His team eatin. They comin up. I cant front. BUT when son closes out the shit wit "Now Im worth over a billion...Im ashamed to say" he jus needs to get the entire fuck outta here wit that yo. Im sayin...lets draw a line here somewhere par. We already kno the nigga a habitual liar but cmon son... Like we seeeen the Forbes lists son. We kno you sittin on bout $25 mil bruh. Thats still about 24,999,900 than most niggas got in they bank accounts either way namsayin. You aint gotta lie. I aint no mathematical wizard or nothin yo...but Im pretty sure you like 975 m's short of that bullshit ass figure you story fabricatin ass muthafucka. I fucks wit this shit tho.</span></span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">5. Maybach Music IV - I aint gon lie...the beat is cool...but Im gettin sick of these shits b. The only difference this time round is theres no body else rhymin on this shit. Which means you gotta hear MORE stupid shit comin outta sons mouth than usual..."Im a Mike Tyson type a typewriter sniper" (fuckouttahere...nigga tryin to spit some complex flows now)..."Niggas get abused like boys at Penn State" (Smh...not even a pause...)...</span></span>"Get a blowjob..have a seizure on a Lear" (....)<span style="font-family: inherit;">. But like I said...I aint really feelin none of this smooth shit b. Im still waitin on the amped up joints...that GOTTA CHOPPER IN THE CAR RUHHH RUHHH type shit namsayin...</span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">6. Sixteen feat. Andre 3000 - More smooth shit... Ayo I get that niggas need to get they creative on sometimes...but this a corny concept b. "When sixteen (bars) aint enough...". Son...you talk bout movin imaginary bricks, red bottoms, whippin work, broads, luxury rides n flyin to exotic locales on ALL ya joints. You could probably make the point you BEEN tryin to make since ya first album in less than 1 bar by now yo. You aint sayin nothin deep bruh. But the bullshit you spittin on this track is on another SMH level..."Eisenhower status, Etta James on the dash/Smooth as John Coltrane cruisin in the Cadillac..." That boy 3 Stacks went hammer on this shit tho. Took a couple listens to hear how ICE. COLD. that verse was for me...but son went in. Hook is trash tho.</span></span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">7. Amsterdam - This a cool track... He aint really sayin shit but shit is kinda nice. Overall I fucks wit it...but the outro shit talk might be another story. </span><span style="font-family: inherit;">"Im not the type of nigga that you bump into at a 7-Eleven n jus pull your pistol on him n do what the fuck you wanna do. Niggas like me...you gotta get permission homie" Fam...that might be THE most fuckouttahere moment on a album thats already overflowin wit fuckouttahere moments yo. Matter fact...lyrically Ricky's whole catalog is like a fountain of fuckouttahere moments...but THIS shit is where niggas gotta draw the line. Dont NOBODY need permission to off this muthafucka son. You might gotta pay off a couple police...but that bout it. Ayo the pizza boy could clap his fat ass for not tippin him enough n he wont gotta pay no consequence for that shit unless he get caught on security camera. Rawse aint no made nigga b. Stop it b... </span></span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;">8. Hold Me Back - This shit dropped a few months before the album got leaked...so its been out for a minute. First off...this shit sounds like some Lex Luger shit...but it aint. Son got that ignorance on deck tho. "I look in my fridge...my shit lookin scarce"...Thats probably cuz you ate ey'thing bruh.</span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">9. 911 - I see what this muthafucka tried to do here... Aight first off yo explain how the synths on this shit sound exactly like the last shit... Shit sounds like its the Hold Me Back remix b. Word. So basically thats two beats that sound like Lex Luger shit n neither one of em was actually produced by Lex Luger. Thats some fuckshit right there yo. But check it...this is tracks 8 n 9 son. You dont actually gotta be no mathematical Good Will Hunting ass nigga to piece this shit together but tracks 8 n 9 on Teflon Don was MC Hammer n BMF...the two hardest joints on the album. AND them shits was actually produced by Lex namsayin. So these tracks is like the color by numbers shit. This the watered down version of that glorious shit from his last LP. Im appalled by that b. We wont even get into the whole fact that this one of the last dudes who should be makin a joint called 911. I dont care if he referrin to a Porsche.</span></span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">10. So Sophisticated feat. Meek Mill - Now THIS shit is a problem. Beat Bully killed this shit. Best part is it bangs but it aint dickridin nobody else style. Meek goes in....Rawse sayin some stupid shit but he goin in too. Most of all tho the beat slaps. I fucks wit this. </span></span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;">11. Presidential feat. Elijah Blake - Theres two verisons of Pharrell b. First one is the dude who made Grindin for the Clipse n some other stipped down bangers like Snoop's Drop It Like Its Hot n Jay's Blue Magic. Then theres the dude who made all that Excuse Me Miss n high pitched singin commercial pop shit for broads. This particular joint was kinda produced by a combination of both em niggas. Theres a boom bap type beat under all that smooth shit goin on...its a hard track wit mad smooth shit piled on top of it namsayin. I aint mad at it. But the dude singin the hook could crack the glasses in ya cupboards if you turn this shit up too loud b. Son could make homie from the Stylistics sound like Isaac Hayes n shit.</span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-family: inherit;">12. Ice Cold feat. Omarion - Imma keep it 100 wit yall....I wasnt feelin this whole Omarion move at all yo. When Rawse signed the dude I was thinkin he might as well jus go sign Tevin Campbell n MC Brains while he at it. Like who the fuck else he gon sign...Teairra Mari? Blu Cantrell? Skeelo? But real shit...Omarion kinda doin his thing on these MMG joints. Yeah I said it. Probably gon regret that shit in like 10 minutes tho. Anyways...it aint nothin amazin but I cant be mad at this joint.</span></span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;">13. Touch N You feat. Usher - I dont mean no hate by this yo...but fuck Usher. And fuck this audio baby shit too.</span></div>
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<span style="font-family: inherit;">14. Diced Pineapples feat. Wale & Drake aka The Shepherd of Faggotry - This is technically the 4th broad-catering joint in a row now yo. Im sayin...who the fuck sequenced this shit? But anyways..after some more of the usual spoken word intro shit by the George Costanza of rap aka Olubowale</span>...Ricky commences to spit some ol next level sucker shit over the most hoe assed beat on the whole album. THEN...jus when you think this shit cant get any more cornball...Mr Velveeta hisself emerges from his lagoon of dicks witta rose in his teeth again to somersault his way thru the hook n start croonin like a even more bitchass version of his usual bitchass self. How this Y chromosome deficient ass nigga is still gettin a pass I cant even tell you b... And yo...why these niggas always so depressin? Even when they braggin n boastin they sound like some emotional hoes. Aint even jus bout that sucker Drake namsayin. The song was wack even before his voice lactated all over it. But still...fuck the day that birthed the bastard who journeyed into that enchanted forest n pulled Drake's cryogenically fozen ass outta the womb of that prehistoric unicorn or whatever kinda magical creature he was found inside of n thawed him out for the world to hear anyways b. Sons been suckin on the same dick of misery n loneliness since So Far Gone. And fuck this song too. This shits like a sonic ejaculation from Lady Gaga's nutsack son. I hope I never hear this shit again b.</div>
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15. Ten Jesus Pieces feat. Stalley - This some more of that smoothed out J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League shit. Aint really nothin special...he actually coulda called this shit Maybach Music V cuz it sounds like them joints do. Im sayin the shit is kinda regular. Compared to the last shit tho it sounds like G Thang. Stalley kinda saves this joint from fast forward status too. The Rawse bars aint nothin special tho.</div>
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16. Triple Beam Dreams feat. Nas - They had to call this shit a bonus track cuz Ricky wasnt smart enough to save it for the album namsayin. Think the husky nigga got a little too confident thinkin he was gon stay poppin tho. Somehow he thought this shit was mixtape worthy...But his feet done cooled n now the hardest joint on his whole album jussa bonus track from 8 months ago on the "deluxe edition". This what happens when niggas start feelin theyselves too much tho. They get comfortable n throw they best tracks on mixtapes n come wit some halfass shit when it comes to they albums. And that boy Nasir went hard on this muthafucka too b. Son spit 32 bars of that dopeboy shit...n them bars had crazy details n shit. And right there is when you hear the difference between a MC n a rapper. Nas paintin vivid ass portraits of a young dude in the projects comin from nothin n havin dreams of what he seen in movies like Scarface...he starts slingin his little rocks but his shit got pookies frontin on his shit....n then this scenario unfolds namsayin...</div>
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I took it back to papi...aint tryna take no losses</div>
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He focuses on my emotionless young dealer face then pauses</div>
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He gives me powder...he has faith in Nas's ambitions to distribute coke</div>
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Had addicitions to gold chains, Mercedes Benz hopes...but again Im broke</div>
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This shit aint cut for me...other dealers they up they orders</div>
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Barely at 62s...they already up to quarters</div>
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That shit right there is the most honest moment on the album b. And that shit probably wasnt even a true story yo...but that picture is so acurate son. He got his little canvas n he got his paints n shit...he got mad colors namsayin like yellow n blue n red n orange n purple n whatever... On the flip tho...that nigga Rozay dont even GOT a believable side namsayin. His shit is all colored in crayolas...the little 3 pack joints tho that they be givin little niggas at Dennys n shit. His pictures aint artistic like that yo. Somehow the character in his movie always come out on top son. The character in his movies is a cross between The Terminator, Nino Brown, Warren Buffett n Zorro or some shit. Thats that bullshit son. Son got zero chill in him...</div>
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17. Rich Forever feat. John Legend - As most yall already kno this shit was also on the Rich Forever mixtape. Personally I think this shit is jus aight. This shit got John L. singin for a good minute before Wale...oh no wait thats actually Rawse...comes in n spits more victory bars. "A hundred mil aint enough" (But how would you kno that Ricky?) ..."Worth 40 m's...is he still dealin drugs?" (Try again b...you still over by like 15 mil). Anyways yo...the shit cool. It jus aint really my favorite shit or nothin like that.</div>
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">This man is a victim of identity theft</td></tr>
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On some observational shit tho...this nigga aint even spose to be here namsayin. Sons stars jus got aligned the right way at the right time n now he gettin cake off shit most niggas would get they ass beat for. When 50 tried to end ol boy's career he actually did a thoro job of eatin the niggas food. He shoulda BEEN killed his career. Son took Ls galore. Ricky had a big ass L wit little Ls sprinkled on top of it. But somehow he let all em shits slide offa him. Like he stay lightly coated in butter or some shit. But yo...lotta yall might take offense but somebody gotta get Ricky on a P365X program or some shit cuz homies cholesterol levels must be buggin. Rawse look like he 5 years pregnant b. That rotund shit is played out son. Most clothes dont come in that niggas size b...on some "S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL, XXXXL, RICK ROSS" shit at the store yo. As a society we can do better tho. We gotta educate the kids namsayin. The seeds need to be learnin bout health n exercise n gettin they vitamins n nutrients so on n so forth namsayin...the No BPAs generation of little niggas nahmean. Word is bond. This joint aint for ey'body...but the shit is whats poppin right now. I get that b. I aint gon front. But Rawse done dropped better shit than this before namsayin. </div>
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<b><span style="font-size: large;">2.5 Zeus Slaps outta 5</span></b></div>
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Or you can get wit that...<br />
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Back to what I was sayin yo...we need to take back some power here son. When you go to a McDonalds n you look up at the menu board you got a choice namsayin. You can order the shit they known for servin ey'time you go there OR you can wise up. Im sayin...yeah you can get you a little Quarter Pounder wit fries n a strawberry shake namsayin...its all good...I mean...its McDonalds yo...thats what they be servin at McDonalds son. But ONCE IN A WHILE... you might wanna order some shit off the "healthy choices" menu namsayin. Get you a grilled chicken salad or a snack wrap or some shit like that... have you a fruit parfait (no homo) instead of the hot fudge sundae nahmean. Its like this b...rap music is McDonalds...but you dont gotta eat the junk food ALL THE TIME namsayin...</div>
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<a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgztA765rUzgvhje0zze57S8l-p49Z1X7btKk5rIbeHvntLmQJFB3UhJeCgpoOnF7AyrDY_2Ld0YQHxXlvd8CtgwpVKuQ0Yz2hDZaespvfucrT7NqNuvHsYbLkJunENjqprqkEjr2ZWyMqE/s1600/black+sheep.jpeg" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgztA765rUzgvhje0zze57S8l-p49Z1X7btKk5rIbeHvntLmQJFB3UhJeCgpoOnF7AyrDY_2Ld0YQHxXlvd8CtgwpVKuQ0Yz2hDZaespvfucrT7NqNuvHsYbLkJunENjqprqkEjr2ZWyMqE/s320/black+sheep.jpeg" width="320" /></a>That first Black Sheep joint dropped 20 years ago son. Word...so I dont expect little niggas to kno what that shit meant back then. Bottom line is that was a platinum single tho. Wasnt nothin pop bout that shit neither. Niggas use to rebuke trash. Muthafuckas aint embrace that bullshit. We let the mainstream have that shit. Fast forward to Two Thousand n Now...niggas LOVE corny shit. Niggas EMBRACE that bullshit. That extraterrestrial rodent Tyga? Niggas embrace that shit. That stretched out lesbian salamander Wiz? Niggas embrace that shit. The Wizard of Pause Drake aka the human yeast infection? You kno what Im gettin at... So when I got word that the homie Dres from Black Sheep was doin a whole album wit Jarobi from A Tribe Called Quest under the name EVITAN (Native backwards for yall slow muthafuckas)...that shit made my ears snap up namsayin. The god was "intrigued" n shit. First off...anybody thats a TRUE fan of Tribe has always wondered what the fuck Jarobi did in ATCQ. Thats jus been a question niggas been askin since day one...like what the fuck do Jarobi do in the group b? Son aint even in the pictures on the sleeves of the albums or nothin yo. The fuck kinda way is this to treat a member of the group son? Muthafuckin De La Soul let son get on a track...why yall aint let him get on Low End Theory? How bout Midnight Marauders? "Sometimes Y"? The fuck is that shit son? Consequence was on like half of Beats, Rhymes N Life but "Sometimes Y" wasnt on that shit. The Love Movement...niggas knew that was gon be the last album n still...NOPE. No Jarobi on that shit. He on the first LP for like 28 seconds n thats it. But here son is gettin his shine on for once. I mean...son wasnt lowkey the next Rakim gettin pushed to the back all those years...as most of us had probably guessed n shit. But Im surprised son actually do rap. I mean son raps. Who knew yo? Turns out Jarobi sounds a lot like a cross between MF Doom n Talib Kweli wit some Phife Dawg sprinkled in there. But yo...chances are a lot of yall dont kno nothin bout this release so Imma jus speak on it real quick...</div>
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<a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgMJSvrP8pjZsE8hA7GhAhUJNC-r3tmwbdmpqYkhn65gj6pNThgIpmDuPXxArRUmYSpJ2txt6W9z9IIdENcmKsxStjMSoJrOos3KtuME6hjgMIxO-8iR62KX4T9SY7KvVoTRKC8zodTPdYe/s1600/tribe.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgMJSvrP8pjZsE8hA7GhAhUJNC-r3tmwbdmpqYkhn65gj6pNThgIpmDuPXxArRUmYSpJ2txt6W9z9IIdENcmKsxStjMSoJrOos3KtuME6hjgMIxO-8iR62KX4T9SY7KvVoTRKC8zodTPdYe/s320/tribe.jpg" width="320" /></a><span style="font-family: inherit;">Lotta these beats is "on some smooth shit"...but they still sound dope cuz its some straight boom bap shit. The beats slap n the message on this whole project seems to be bout upliftment n whatever. So I dig that. I do fuck wit that ignorant shit as most yall probably kno...but its good to have a salad once in a while namsayin. You gotta have ya greens...get some health in you namsayin. I dont like preachy message shit tho...but this aint that so its all good. Like the hook go on the first track (Keep Keepin On)... "Keep keepin on, the light shine throughout ya lifetime..." I fucks wit that. On another joint called Whats The Happs...you see what these brothers is bout...they speakin on real life shit. The convo is basically jus what regular muthafuckas headed out to the spot to do regular things on the weekend might sound like namsayin. Plain n simple. Niggas aint always gotta be in they raps talmbout look at me pullin up to the club in a $2 million Bugatti wit 6 Audemars on each wrist n necklaces chipped up on some don shit namsayin. The average nigga AINT a don nahmean. Niggas stunt 100x heavier in they rhymes than they do in they realities yo. Dont nobody really wanna hear that shit namsayin. Unless you do that wit some creativity. These dudes is on</span><span style="font-family: inherit;"> some sophisticated grown man shit tho. And the guests on this shit compliment that vibe nahmean. Couple dudes from some OTHER legendary crews...Casual (from Heiroglyphics) n Craig G (of the world famous Juice Crew) get they time to shine on some tracks too. Shit starts to get more street level toward the end of the album tho...startin wit Somebody Called The Cops which features a gutter sixteen by Havoc from Mobb Deep. Hot Damn is a grimy joint that uses parts of Tribe's World Tour n the "engine engine number nine" breakdown from The Choice Is Yours (same one Dres performs on the Slaughterhouse joint) in the hook. On the final track...which is magnificent...they do exactly what it says in the title...Dumb Out (feat. Punchline). But my hands down favorite shit on this album is Let The Horns Blow. I wouldnt call it a throwback or nothin but the shit jus reminds me of when niggas was into loopin up horn samples n whatever. Might be time to bring that shit back (Shout outs to Pete Rock). Funny thing bout it is Dres was featured on a Chi Ali joint </span>(along wit Trugoy from De La Soul, Fashion from The Beatnuts n Phife from ATCQ)<span style="font-family: inherit;"> called Let The Horns Blow back in the early 90s. Anyhow yo... I aint gon front n tell you that this shit bout to change the face of hip hop forever...n maybe its jus the fan in me but I woulda liked to hear Dres goin for dolo on a whole album again. Son is one of the most underrated n nicest MCs ever to me. Jarobi cool but Dres is on another level to me nahmean. But they make a dope combo still. Also theres a bigger purpose to shit like this...even if it aint intentional nahmean. This shit aint really bringin nothin new to the table...but its still fresh. Like some new socks for ya old shoes. They actually doin more by bringin sumthin old to the table anyways...they bringin some of that original essence back to the music they makin (without makin some old school shit). But MORE important than that...they bringin some honesty to the joints they makin. Niggas like Rick Ross might wanna throw summa that shit into they own music in between all that sci-fi stuntin too. Word life.</span><br />
<span style="font-family: inherit;">Aight peace.</span><br />
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<span style="text-align: justify;"> </span><b style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: large;">3.5 Zeus Slaps outta 5</span></b> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span><br />
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BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com54tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-33018917359289060592012-07-18T18:44:00.000-07:002012-07-20T11:09:10.017-07:00Big Ghost Presents...the Nas - Life Is Good review<br />
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Ayo whattup...yall in the presence of greatness once again. The Hands of Zeus aka Volcano Hands aka the mighty powerful Cocaine Biceps also known as Galaxy Knuckles n the illustrious Phantom Raviolis is now in the place to be nahmean. Turn my muthafuckin mic up tho cuz Im bout to get on my MC shit. Nowadays ey'body n they moms...they nannies...they kids...n they fuckin pets is tryin to rap namsayin. Forreal tho...anybody can rhyme two words together b. That dont make that shit poetical tho...dont get it confused son. Theres niggas that RAP n theres niggas that EMCEE. Theres niggas that spit bars n theres niggas that create poetry...that timeless shit. Word is bond. I dont fuck wit all that YO IMMA JUS SAY SOME WILD SHIT mess but the whole verse aint even poetical like that. Naw...get that amateur shit outta here yo. The boy Nas tho? Ayo pardon that...the LEGENDARY Nasir Jones tho? Not him...you dont address that dude as a "rapper". Callin Nas a "rapper" is like callin Mike Jackson a "singer" or sayin "yeah...durin World War II...niggas wasnt really gettin along" or sayin Jimi Hendrix kinda did his thing on the guitar n shit. Fuck all that. Son been in the game 21 years n he still challengin muthafuckas half his age to come wit some better shit whenever he drops a new joint. And like that...ya boy back. We BEEN waitin nahmean. Son had the streets starvin for damn near half a decade yo.... The fuck kinda shit is that Esco? Anyway lets get into this shit g.</div>
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1. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Nas-no-introduction-lyrics">No Introduction</a> - This shit is probably the most elegant track Nas ever started one of his albums off wit ever yo. J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League known for all that....they got some elegant beats son. But its like Nas wanted to come right out the gate showin muthafuckas that he aint lose his touch. Matter fact his touch got more extraordinary than it was nahmean (pause tho). These might be summa the flyest bars that son spit since It Was Written son. He speakin on his evolution right here namsayin. He takin it back to his own essence...he paintin vivid portraits of his childhood n shit. Next he walkin us thru his adolescent shit namsayin. Then he bringin us to the present nahmean...his grown shit. He speakin on his marraige fallin apart...he enlightenin yall. Like that...he settin the tone for the album. This whats on the menu b. Next he gon break all that shit down for you nahmean. He gon go chef that shit up. He got that shit on the grills right now. He let that shit marinate n now its all on the fryin pans n in the ovens n shit...he got the pots n pans on the burners. He sprinklin his little herbs n his spices on the joints...he addin the secret ingredients n shit namsayin. He bout to serve that. Get ya plates ready... this that gourmet shit. "Relate to me...only a few will. This how it sounds when you too real...they think its jus music still"</div>
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2. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Nas-loco-motive-lyrics">Loco-Motive</a> ft. Large Professor - Ayo the legendary Exrtra P blessed this joint son. Nas really makin a statement right here namsayin. For yall little rugrats n 90s babies out there who wasnt part of that era who be havin the high waists n the short torsos n got necks that be lookin like a baby's forearm n shit...little niggas who got heads the size of grapefruits n shit like that...yalls might not kno who that is...but this the man who put Nas on when son was still a teenager like yalls namsayin. Large Pro was the leader of Main Source...which was basically Large n two DJs from Canada. They had a classic album called Breaking Atoms nahmean. Nas was on a little joint called Live From The BBQ. Son was like 17 yo...n he bodied that shit par. Son was talkin wild shit bout shootin nuns n physically assaultin the Son of God...shit I dont necessarily agree wit...but he was definitely ill yo. So now we back full circle. What better way for son to start off this shit...he done spoke on his childhood n now he bringin it to the next stage. My man No I.D. laid out a gritty track that got quotes from the pianos on the New York State Of Mind beat...n Nas spittin like he transported hisself back to '94 to pen this shit n hop in the booth at Battery or D& D Studios to spit it namsayin. Son sounds like NASTY Nas on this shit. Meanwhile Large Pro doin his thing to take this shit back to the 90s on the "hook". Large aint really doin nothin but remindin niggas bout the legacy. This shit make me wanna go bomb a train n slap the shit outta some transit cops b. You can almost smell the train yards...the tar...the dried up urine inside the cars...the scent of the dust blunts n green Polo cologne niggas use to rock back in the day. Son took it back. This my shit yo. "So much to write n say yo I dont kno where to start...so I begin wit the basics n flow from the heart"...Word life.</div>
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3. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Nas-a-queens-story-lyrics">A Queens Story</a> - More of that fly elegant shit...but son sounds like he rhymin over some shit from the openin credits to Miracle on 34th Street on this muthafucka. If I had peeped this shit without no vocals I mighta told niggas to get the fuck outta here wit that George Gershwin shit forreal tho. Word. But the homie Nas put that grime on that shit n dirtied that shit right on up. Niggas bumped the BPMs up a little on this shit so Esco spittin like its '88. The shit came out kinda fly tho. Plus son back on his "way back when" shit reminiscin on his past n whatever whatever. He paintin the virtual images for yall on some celebration of life shit for the niggas who "made it out the stash spot n here to tell the story". Three n a half minutes in...the beat switches up to some dark piano chords...n son starts reflectin on the downfall of the hustlers n crime partners he use to roll wit namsayin. The realest line tho..."I kno a few dealers...n some accident murderers / They act like the killed on purpose...liars brag they put work in / You aint mean to merk him ya guns a virgin..." gon bring us to...</div>
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4. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Nas-accident-murderers-lyrics">Accident Murderers</a> ft. Rick Ross - SON... No I.D. did his MUTHAFUCKIN thing on this track. Ayo Imma break the shit down for yalls. First you got the quiet fade in wit the church organs n niggas ticklin the ivories on some Issac Hayes shit namsayin. Next you got the snares from MC Shan's "The Bridge" kickin the beat in. From there...SON....this track is like some dragons wit gonorrhea yo. I aint kno what else to say b. This shit is so much fire that you might gotta splash the speakers wit water after the joint finishes. They might gotta ban this shit from niggas thats locked up in the pen forreal son. Matter fact they might gotta hire some muthafuckas to listen to the cassette tapes niggas is receivin n makin sure that this joint aint nowhere on the tapes unless they want riots jumpin off anytime a nigga got this shit bumpin in his walkman headphones in the yard b. Niggas might start throwin barbells at each other n end up killin other niggas by accident. Might sound like a joke to yalls but you put this joint in the hands of some niggas who aint got no type of regard for life like that n you liable to see innocent muthafuckas losin they lives over that shit son. Nigga might be gettin they little shoulder press on n hear this shit n start wildin out n throwin the 50 lb plates in the air on some jubilant shit n catch bodies not even on purpose yo. Niggas might forreal get on some accident murderers shit...jus by coincidence. I aint even speak on the fact that Rawse killed this shit too. Straight up...I fucks wit this joint forreal son.</div>
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5. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Nas-daughters-lyrics">Daughters</a> - Lotta yalls was taken by surprise when you heard this shit the first time. "How son gon drop a joint bout raisin daughters as a single yo? The fuck is you thinkin b? Niggas aint tryin to hear all that par... The nerve of this dude yo." But yo...this some fly shit right here son. You dont even gotta have a daughter to relate to this shit b. You jus need to be a normal ass muthafucka witta soul n a conscience to be able to relate to how son was feelin when he recorded this shit . The video was probably my favorite shit I had seen in a minute too. This was jus one more ill ass concept that no other dude in the history of rap had ever touched on that the lil homie came up wit. The REALEST line hands down had to be "They say the coolest playas n foulest heartbreakers in the world...God gets us back he makes us have precious little girls"...REAL talk yo. The Lord is seein how yall trill muthafuckas move.</div>
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6. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Nas-reach-out-lyrics">Reach Out</a> ft. Mary J Blige - Ayo the god had expected this to jus be some regular ol R&B type joint thrown into the mix for some commercial appeal n all that...but son...this joint is another throwback to that fly ass 80s shit Nas be on. Mary took it back yo...on some Teena Marie or Evelyn Champagne King type shit. Nas payin tribute to QB again wit the little Ike's Mood sample that the legendary Marley Marl had flipped on more than one occasion for one of his classic joints n shit nahmean. This jus some memory lane shit for muthafuckas who was round durin the crack era....not as babies tho. Im sayin niggas who use to aspire to own Jettas n M3s n shit. If you aint never rock no Coca Cola rugby or a Benetton sweater you might not kno the feelin yo. Thats my word. Ayo like Nas says... "My British Knights could rival ya foamposites...dont make me pull my Lottos out the closet". </div>
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7. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Nas-worlds-an-addiction-lyrics">World's An Addiction</a> ft. Anthony Hamilton - Personally yo...the god woulda pushed this shit more to the end of the album to like track 12 maybe...cuz the shit is type depressin b. I aint sayin I dont like the joint. But forreal son it kinda fucks up the good mood of this shit so far. Like you at a pool party n Lupe Fiasco jus walked in on some "Yo...hol up...yall females dont gotta be disrespectin yallselves like THIS..." type shit. But I fucks widdit. Son definitely kinda lookin at the glass half empty on this joint...but its cool.</div>
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8. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Nas-summer-on-smash-lyrics">Summer On Smash</a> ft. Miguel & Swizz Beatz - Theres mad joints that I can think of that was cool until a certain muthafuckin individual hopped on that shit n sprayed his lyrical urine all over it n took the magic down a few notches. So whenever I be thinkin 'yo this whole album been dope as fuck so far..' I jus kno that THIS muthafucka bout to come surfin in on a wave of dicks to fuck ALL that shit up yo. Lotta the time I be askin myself why Swizzy even still here... Why son even still here par? ...Still lookin like the in between stage of Snoop Dogg morphin into Joe Budden n shit. The nigga still here gettin his "ONE HAND IN THE AIR IF YOU DONT REALLY CARE LIFE CAN BE SOMETIMES RIDICUOUS" on. Bad enough this nigga tainted the fuck outta Alicia Keys (Still love you tho boo...holla at me) but do he really gotta be jumpin in recordin booths like that? I dont want my seeds growin up in a world that lets Swizz "Rape Face" Beatz record hooks on dope albums b. That aint right namsayin. DMX droppin his joints on DatPiff while this kangaroo faced ass muthafucka been gettin features on all the Jay n Kanye joints of the last 4 years? Now he on Nas shit too? Word? FUCK. THAT. SHIT. But I aint gon front...I aint gon front... That whippet lookin muthafucka did his thing behind the boards...n the god actually still kinda fucks wit this joint regardless of the fact Swizzy all up on the hook like that again. Pretty sure he dont even make beats these days that DONT got his ass on the hook in the first place yo. But Miguel really had to squeeze a couple bars in there like that tho? Fuckouttahere wit that shit Miguel....singin ass muthafucka...</div>
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9. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Nas-you-wouldnt-understand-lyrics">You Wouldnt Understand</a> ft. Victoria Monet - Truthfully...Nas commercial joints usually aint the greatest shit to me b. Not since like the It Was Written days anyways. After that it was all You Owe Me...Rule n Hero type shit. He jus dont sound comfortable on shit like that tho. But this joint got more of that 80s crack era feel to it...like some Rakim jumpin on a Jody Watley track type shit. Yall little soy milk babies probably dont kno what the fuck Im talmbout right now cuz yalls wasnt even zygotes yet when that shit was happenin nahmean. Yalls wasnt even cells clustered together in the egg after yalls dads had bust his nut in ya moms n whatever namsayin. So these is probably some references yall muthafuckas wont understand nahmean. But do the knowledge n wikipedia that shit or whatever whatever. This shit is defintely Esco's lane tho.The nigga Buckwild did his thing on the beat too. </div>
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10. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Nas-back-when-lyrics">Back When</a> - This shit is like another tribute to em QB legends Marley Marl n MC Shan namsayin...niggas who paved the way for all the other artists who came outta that big ass projects n shit. Thats whats up tho. The homie Nas never been afraid to pay ultimate homage to those who came before him nahmean. This joint is all the way New York b. Course he shoutin out his PJs too. But he also touchin on mad other topics that dont really got nothin to do wit each other like he been known to do. Thats what makes him Nas tho. One minute he tellin you bout ridin the train in the 80s n rockin Pro Keds...the next he talkin bout testicles n how Mel Gibson hates Jews. Thats that Nas shit. Nobody else can do it like that neither. Thats what makes his shit authentic like that namsayin... "Nas...my real name, stage name...same thing/ How could you let these lames claim king?"</div>
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11. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Nas-the-don-lyrics">The Don</a> - Nas the don Nas the don Nas the don Nas the don Nas the don Nas the don Nas the don Nas the don... This that single muthafuckas hate to love. Personally....I think if it was any other artist this shit coulda been annoying as fuck. Nas makes the shit work tho. But had this been some corny dude or some basic ass nigga wit no personality the shit coulda come out kinda wack namsayin. Like if this shit was a J Cole song the shit probably coulda been a Nyquil caplet b. And Cole the dude that these lames said was gon pick up where Nas left off n shit. Fuckouttahere. The dude who gave us SleepinPillmatic? Those the same muthafuckas that woulda believed Bleek was really gon be able to carry the torch for Hov on the Vol 2 intro. Maybe thats cuz Nas n Jermaine is jus cut from different fabrics b. Nas BEEN 1/2 man 1/2 amazin.......n Cole jus 1/4 moisturizing cream. Feel me? No disrespect tho.</div>
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12. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Nas-stay-lyrics">Stay</a> - This joint is jus too real yo. Son really waited a whole minute before he spit the 1st verse even. Then he came in on some fly shit after lettin that shit ride n hit us wit the goodness. First he jus talmbout trife broads n bein lonely when he travel...but when he got to the second verse bout how muthafuckas can develop attachments to they worst enemies...niggas they wanna put in the ground even...thats some real shit right there par. You kno like when you be havin a mosquito bite or some shit n you be scratchin that itch n pretty soon that irritation be turnin to pleasure nahmean. After a while it dont itch no more n you be kinda wishin it still did. Thats what the homie sayin basically. "I might kill you but do I got love for you?"</div>
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13. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Nas-cherry-wine-lyrics">Cherry Wine</a> ft. Amy Winehouse - This beat is jus elegant as fuck my nigga... Some real classy shit namsayin. This aint jus some shit where the singer shines on they little 4 bars durin the hook or some shit neither. Amy singin all over this bitch yo. This shit more like a duet b. Word. And really this shit is like a love joint...but without the corniness namsayin. Like even the most livest killers can relate to that shit where you jus lookin for a broad to compliment you nahmean. She dont gotta be exactly like you...but yall click together like those little pendants that be broken in half but you spose to give one half to whoever n when you put em together they say some shit like "Best Freinds" namsayin. Summa yalls mighta seen those before. Thats when the broad be lookin like a perfect fit TO YOU n shit. But at the same times...ya mans might be like yo I dont get what you seein in her b... n you be like chill. Cuz he aint the piece that would click wit her piece n shit. Thats real. Word.</div>
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14. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Nas-bye-baby-lyrics">Bye Baby</a> - Another throwback to that cool ass 80s shit yo... The Guy sample really gives it that nostalgic flavor n at the same time it works for tellin his story....why he holdin part of Kelis's wedding dress on the cover of the album n whatever namsayin. Supposedly son found that part of the dress hangin in a closet at his crib after she left nahmean. The shit aint all bad memories to him tho...n he jus reflecin on the good shit mostly on this joint. But at the same time....its like he still holdin on to her memory n shit. Like its some bittersweet shit basically namsayin. Which is a beautiful thing b. But at the same time again he lettin her go. Ayo I cant even lie b...I connected wit that shit son. The god aint no emotional dude but this shit brought me back yo. Word. I could feel the tears son. They aint jus burst out my face like some corny niggas be doin tho. Im still a man b. The tears roll down the inside of my face namsayin. The tears come down under my cheeks. I cry like a man b. I dont cry like no little girl n be makin the fucked up breathin sounds n scrunchin up my face like I be pushin out a baby like some broad when I weep son. That aint how the god do it namsayin. Dont get that shit fucked up cuz I still smack a nigga n break his jaw in 18 places even when I be weepin son. The god dont jus be curled up on the kitchen floor clucthin blankets n shakin n cryin on some guhuuuhhh huhhhhh huuhhhhh wuhhhhaaaa wuhaaaa shit b....like some bitch namsayin. Lets jus get that straight my nigga. That bein said tho...this shit pulled on the gods heart strings a little nahmean. Fuck yall.</div>
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Now I aint jus gon jump into all the bonus tracks like that cuz in my opinion that shit aint really part of the package or nothin nahmean. But theres one joint that BELONGED on this muthafucka n that shit was...</div>
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15. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Nas-nasty-lyrics">Nasty</a> - This shit is jus ferocious b. The beat is like a stampede of minotaurs rushin thru the projects n shit. Its that ultra gritty hood shit mixed wit the fact that dudes like Nas is endangered species like the white tigers n silverback apes n chinese dragons n whatever whatever. But its up to real niggas to procreate off a some shit like this...pause. Not on some transsexual shit....I mean like real niggas gotta birth more of those fly joints n basically be like "Yo Imma throw some seasoning on that shit right there n Imma have my little concubines wit me givin me backrubs n Imma splash some lava on that shit n Imma make that shit straight gutter like how Nas be doin..." feel me? Like this shit is the attribute. This shit should inspire niggas to rebuke that shit where a dude be writin his words on the bathroom mirror while his girl sleep n when she wake up n go have shower n her mirror fogs up it be some shit like "Girl....you dont say you love me to your friends when they ask you :'( " written on the mirror namsayin. Meanwhile he somewhere sittin on a hill makin necklaces outta dandelions n shit like that tryin to get her to come to him. That fuck boy shit basically. We rebuke that hoe shit son. </div>
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The thing wit Nas is he always got some fly lines...he got those. But its sons entire verses that give you the real effect son. He never really been no punchline rapper namsayin. He a storyteller n a poet. 20 plus years into the game n he still iller than most b. Matter fact niggas might wanna chill wit all that "Nas lost" shit tho cuz it aint a lot of artists who had careers like him. Son probably gon still be top of all time 10 years from now nahmean. Its jus like that yall. Word. We win some we lose some...but in the end life IS good yo.</div>
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Aight peace.</div>
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<b><span style="font-size: large;">4.5 Zeus slaps outta 5</span></b></div>
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<br />BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com49tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-63179647929415224032012-06-14T22:11:00.000-07:002012-06-14T22:15:47.390-07:00Ayo what REAAALLY happened when Drizzy n Breezy ran into each other at the club?<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
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Ayo whattup! Yall back in the presence of the mighty Hands of Zeus aka the infamous Volcano Hands aka Thor Molecules aka Phatom Raviolis aka the illustrious Galaxy Knuckles...otherwise known as the glorious Cocaine Biceps. Ayo son...I was at the crib bein fed grapes by the hands of a dozen virgins when I heard that the cat fight of the century had went down nahmean. At the time I was unclear on what types of events had transpired n shit...so I chose to not comment on that shit. But as the day had went on I had became informed of the actual shit that had took place n so forth namsayin. So I wanna give yalls the inside scoop on what really took place between Chris Breezy Brown n Drizzy Drake nahmean. I aint wanna take sides in this shit so Imma let these muthafuckas tell yall how it happened in they own words. But yo...I was advised by my lawyer to cover my ass n not get caught up so yall gotta read this shit first.</div>
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Ayo without further ado the mighty Hands of zeus would like to present to yall muthafuckas...</div>
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<b><span style="color: white; font-size: x-large;">WHAT REAAALLY HAPPENED WHEN DRIZZY N BREEZY RAN INTO EACH OTHER AT THE CLUB?</span></b></div>
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<br />BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com42tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-10026654239705450652012-05-25T03:59:00.000-07:002012-05-25T05:07:43.289-07:00Whats Beef: Lil Wayne n Pusha T Edition<br />
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<span style="text-align: justify;">Ayo whattup yall the mighty Hands of Zeus aka Galaxy Knuckles is back in the building nahmean....yall might kno me as Phantom Raviolis aka Cocaine Biceps or the illustrious Volcano Hands the panty melter namsayin. Imma get right into this shit yo. The great Pusha T of the mighty Clipse droppeda joint the other day where he basically went at that nigga Aubrey's neckerchief again nahmean.</span><br />
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<span style="text-align: justify;">Wasnt no real reply from anybody in the YMCMB camp but they leader Weezy tweeted: "Fuk pusha t and anybody that love em"....now I dont kno bout yall but I think that shit was sorta disrespectful b. Personally if that was me I would wanna go approach that nigga Tunechi n punt his ass into a canyon nahmean... But thats jus me son. But yo...niggas aint come wit no response in the form of no songs n whatever namsayin........until now. I aint gon explain how it came to be that the god had this shit put in his hands...but ya boy got the lyrics to the joint n I wanna share that wit yalls. </span></div>
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(Lil Wayne)<br />
<br />Heard dem fuck nigguhs talkin....they hatin on meh<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
<div style="text-align: -webkit-auto;">
Said it was bout Drizzy?.....well Drake invahhlved meh</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Yuh aint on muh level..........um way up here</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
You jus down there...........like the ground, yeahhhh</div>
<br />
<div style="text-align: -webkit-auto;">
Im duh center of attrackshun ........Im town square</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Im a beast nigguhhhh...................call meh brown bear</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Im doin it..........you still pursuin it</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
I done swallowed errythang........you still chewin it</div>
<br />
<div style="text-align: -webkit-auto;">
Ion't beef wit nigguhs....you think you special, dats cuz</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
the word "special"...........is jus "jealous" backwhuhds</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
But deez fuck nigguhs out hea keep on pushin meeee</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Dis nigguh push n tease.........we jus pushin veeee's</div>
<br />
You get duh pict'chuh...................like a photo booth<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
Nigguh I stays posted..................like goal posts do</div>
I dont play wit nigguhs...............well dats almost true<br />
<div style="text-align: -webkit-auto;">
Jus lemme toy wit deez fuckboys...like homos do</div>
<br />
You say fuck meh nigguh?....then its fuck you</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
I pull da chopper n make you duck....like ducks do</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Hyeaaaahhh....................you bout to feel muh wrath</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
They say Tunechi spit hard.........like real hard math.</div>
<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
Im gettin stupid monaaay........dats dat re-tard cash</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
N bitch we be growin like.......real tarrllll grasss.......yeah</div>
World dominashhhunnnnnn......yeah dats da goal
<br />
But errybuddy on duh team gotta play der role....<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
<br />
See dem chrome wheels spinnin....Gudda keep em shinehh</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
My muhhfuggin cribs....Tyga keeps um tidehhhh</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Lil Twist in the kitchen bitch....he did deez dishes</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
N this scarf..............my nigguh Drizzy knit dis (Drake: Ahhhwwwng)</div>
<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
Nigguhhhhhh...... dis what I came tuh share</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Fuck Pusha T......n who evuh braid his hair</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Fuck his whole famlehhh....whoever standin near him</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Fuck his pets, his neighbuhhs n his unborn chirren....</div>
Hyeahhhh<br />
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<div style="text-align: left;">
You dont waaaant tooo</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
No you dont waaaaaaaaaant toooowooohooo</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Get these niggas maaaaaaaaa yah haaaaa yahaaad</div>
<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
Cuz if we come to your hood....</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
............that wont be no good</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Yall niggas gon leave in baaaah aaaaaah ahhyaaaaaahgs</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
<br />
Awwwhh.<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
<br /></div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Niggas dont kno my past jus the minimal facts</div>
I seen my share of these underworld criminal acts<br />
Yeahh..........Bwoy I was Tony in my citaaay<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
I was eatin Frosted Flakes, cuz nigga I dont FUCK wit dem Wheatays.....</div>
<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
Yall assume my childhood amounted to riches</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
But with daddy gone I was raised n surrounded by bitches</div>
Mommy almost lost our estate thru some bad investments<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
Almost had to drop out of ice skatin n tennis lessons...awww</div>
<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
Yall dont kno my struggles...how we got ridiculed </div>
When we couldnt afford a new divin board for our swimmin pool<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
Friends turned they backs....I didnt need those fools</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Wore the same yarmulke errytime to Hebrew school...</div>
<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
Man.....yall think Drizzy had it hunky dory</div>
Mines was a fairy tale............but a bumpy story<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
But these fuckbwoys try n test my G-code</div>
<div style="text-align: left;">
Thain never had to see they moms yacht get repoed </div>
<br />
Trust me............yall dont want it wit young MOBBrey<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
Yall niggas think that Im sore bout it.... massage me</div>
I dont hide behind niggas........they stand beside me<br />
Unless its a potential threat to me......like a robbery<br />
<br />
But if niggas wanna fight.......they deserve the reward<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
I aint scared................what you think my security for?</div>
What you think all my goons gon do to you bwoy?<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
Make niggas start a war over me.......Helen of Troy.</div>
<br />
(scratched vocals)<span style="text-align: left;">.</span><br />
<br />
*Im hearin all the jokes, I kno they tryna push me*<span style="text-align: left;">.</span><br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
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*Nigga Im straight...my girl a faggot*<span style="text-align: left;"><br /></span><br />
*I`ll take you out....thats a date nigguh*<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
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*Oooh ooooooooh...Lil Wayne is just too good*<span style="text-align: left;">.</span><br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">
Trill shit.... Word is bond...guess we gon have to wait n see what happen next son. Hopefully this shit is a little more active than that shit that went down between Common n that nigga wit breastmilk flowin thru his bloodstream. If Weezy n Mr Tofu rap hisself decide they wanna make this shit more interesting Im pretty sure Pusha got more than enough ammo to take these niggas heads off. But we gon see. Chances is this shit really aint gon escalate into nothin nahmean. I dont personaly advocate no real beef shit tho son. I like to see niggas battle but thats bout it namsayin. Be professional...let niggas eat...but at the same time if you as a muthafucka who rap feel like you wanna challenge another muthafucka...thats jus the nature of the game yo. But as a emcee...or in this case...some muthafuckas who be rappin n singin...its your job to stand ya ground n not let some nigga move you off ya square namsayin. Theres rules to this shit b. The soymilk generation dont always respect the rules tho. Lil niggas is makin they own rules now par. Muthafuckas wasnt gettin enough protein n calcium in they diets as kids n got turned bitchmade nahmean. This shit is a travesty yo. But what you gon do nahmean? Like that nigga Gandhi said "A man is the product of his thoughts...what a muthafucka thinks is what he becomes b". Thats some heavy duty shit rite there par. So Im sayin to yall 90s babies out there...use ya head yungblood. Drink almond milk. Get the right essential vitamins n nutrments. But yo...get off that soy. Soy produces estrogen yo. This shit been scientifically proven namsayin<span style="text-align: left;">.</span></div>
<div style="text-align: justify;">
Aight peace.</div>
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<iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/lkN7TgAtVAw?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div>BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com46tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-61235479789649512032012-04-23T12:32:00.000-07:002012-04-23T12:32:47.437-07:00The 5th Annual 10 Softest Niggas In the Game<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Ayo whattup whattup yall...the mighty Hands of Zeus aka Galaxy Knuckles aka Thor Molecules aka Volcano Hands otherwise known as the one n only Cocaine Biceps is back witta nother meal for yall malnourished muthafuckas namsayin. Once again its that time of year where we recognize the softest niggas in the game nahmean. We gotta couple MVPs...mad veterans n even a rookie up in this shit...so yall peep the flyness.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">10. J Cole ...aka Nap King Cole aka Young Eeyore aka The Bokeem Woodbine of Rap aka the poor man's Drake. Ayo Jermaine is bitter bout sumthin b...nobody really understands what tho. You would think that any mediocre ass rapper/mediocre ass producer would jus be happy to be the first muthafucka signed to the worlds most famous nigga's label n shit. But naw...that aint good enough for Diet Drizzy b. Son still poses for pictures like somebody snapped all his crayolas in half... Son frowns like he jus rode his seatless bike to the 7-Eleven to buy a slurpee n they only had Sprite flavor left n shit. The many other facial expressions of Jermaine seem to include "My balloon animals done came untwisted" n "Why he get two turns on the trampoline n I only got one?"....you get the idea tho. Ayo this nigga's mixtapes was never really the most exciting shit in the first place namsayin. I mean dont me wrong b...they was cool...but they wasnt nothin to have a parade over neither. But when he dropped that stillbirth of a first album...son...that shit could stop paint fom dryin. That shit could relax a broad's hair b. Straight up. This nigga's own shadow wont even get outta bed in the morning no more cuz of this depressing ass muthafucka. Son inspirin a whole generation of lame mediocre ass niggas to start pickin up mics n make boring ass watered down flavorless "lettuce rap" (Get it? LET US rap...) jus like the homie Jermaine. Plus he got the softest dudes walkin the earth throwin rocks at his lawn chair. Son got the poster child for hurt feelings hisself aka Canibus throwin shots at him b. Cole even got that prairie dog looking muthafucka Charles "Milk Carton" Hamilton to poke his head outta the ground n shit on the little homie's career achievments a bit. But never mind them two dusty ass niggas...This boy got washed by DIGGY son. As in THIS nigga b...</div><br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">9. Diggy - Son...what part of the game is this? This nigga still rock Pull-Ups at night b...how he gon start beef? Im sayin son was still eatin Gerber joints not too long ago....HOW he got beef? Son is the black Malcom In The Middle...HOW this nigga beefin wit Jermaine tho son? We need answers. And when I say that Cole took the L on that...ayo that was by default son. How you got niggas like Diggy demandin your fade? And why the fuck is Diggy tryin to eat this niggas food? Either way...this shit aint no beef son. This jus more of that lamb nahmean.</div><br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">8. Charles Hamilton - Ayo speakin of struggles you probably wont ever come across a higher scorer on life's pinball machine of failures than this delusional muthafucka rite here b. Son done hit every bumper n kicker on that bitch n kept that ball rollin for more than jussa hot minute namsayin. This nigga done slingshotted into every corner of turmoil n struggle there is n basically became more famous for lyin his ass off bout workin wit the ghost of J Dilla n bein a founding member of Slaughterhouse than for his damn music par. And lets dont forget this shit rite here b....</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Thats rite...the broad bust you in your muthafuckin mouth n you tried to play that shit off like..."Imma jus keep rhymin tho"..Son even went after Young Eeyore...n not on no "I think Im nicer than you n Im comin for your spot" shit...but on some sensitive ass "How you forget bout me when I was the one who cared bout you most n use to tell ey'body how great you was" type shit. Ayo phone that nigga next time or hit up his facebook...dont nobody wanna hear that bitchmade shit b. Saddest part is the nigga got talent. But its hard to look past the racks n racks of Ls the bastard done took.</div><br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">7. Mac Miller aka - Ever since Asher Roth fell the fuck off...the new king of Gentrification Hop jus been baskin in all his cushiony splendor on a mountain of duvets rhymin bout eatin macaroni salads n buildin pillow forts in his living room n whatever whatever... This muthafucka been workin wit plenty heavyweights n veterans lately...but that wont change sons pedigree one bit namsayin. Word is bond...back when young Malcom's ancestors was still holdin muthafuckas like Gulliver captive n bakin cookies in trees...the forefathers of Rap was layin down the foundation for future emcees to rhyme bout they experiences n murder beats n what have you. Then New Jack Swing came along n fucked all that shit up nahmean...before you knew it mad niggas was rockin silk polka dot outfits n climbin all over each other when they danced n breakin all the man codes in existence namsayin. Accordin to the legends I heard... it was durin that "set adrift on memory bliss" era that a mad scientist took a My Buddy doll n marinated it in all the Johnson & Johnsons baby products the nigga could find n took it to a park while it was a light drizzle outside n tied it to a kite n let that shit hover over a rainbow for like 15 minutes n then buried it in his cabbage patch nahmean.... 9 months later the snow nigga Mac sprouted outta the ground. True story b...</div><br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">6. Lil Bow Wow ...aka The Emmanuel Lewis of Rap. The boy Shad always got that trash on deck namsayin. Words cant even express how much I dont give a fuck bout sons music b. But whats funny to me is I dont even gotta hear the niggas music to kno how disillusioned the nigga is bout his purpose in hip hop nahmean. Son actually thought he was jus gon make a nice smooth transition from doin that little schoolgirl rap to bein on some Nino Brown shit. Nah yo...this nigga is a snack b. The nigga is dim sum. He a fragment...he like a single perogy. Niggas would eat that boy alive son. He a bite sized morsel namsayin (pause). On some real shit...we aint take Busta Rhymes serious when son fabricated his cocaine kingpin history outta the blue. We NEVER believed Rozay was pushin any weight other than his own...n we wasnt buyin Drake's Hebrew Gambino character from the Headlines video. So son....we DAMN sure aint takin Lil Bow Wow serious like that. The Young Money affiliation aint helpin shit neither my nigga.</div><br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">5. Tyga - Swear this nigga got World Star videos pumpin thru his veins at all times b. This amphibian ass lookin muthafucka means the same thing to rap what ukuleles mean to basketball...not a damn thing. Only thing softer n more corny than a soft n corny ass nigga is a soft n corny ass nigga who dont recognize his own soft corniness n tries to portray hisself as a don or some shit. Meanwhile the nigga looks like a newborn rodent. I got jeans that weigh more than this muthafucka b. Get him the fuck outta here.</div><br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">4. Yung Berg ...aka the Tailor of Failure aka the Shepard of Ls aka Grandmaster Trash aka....the Yung Berg of Rap. Son is like the aborted fetus of success itself namsayin. The nigga's music can make it rain Lugz boots from the sky b. Son's existence is like a muthafuckin pinata of failures or some shit...the nigga jus keeps losin b. When he be playin Scrabble that nigga gotta figure out how to make a word outta seven Ls. Im sayin when he has a bowl of Alphabet soup that shit is all Ls too yo. The niggas aura is shaped like a teardrop b. Im sayin son is livin proof that nature can be cruel than a muthafucka g...</div><br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">3. Wale aka Olubowale Victor Akintimehin Folarin - When son brought his slave wave to the game...nobody thought he would amount to shit b. NOBODY.... And they was right. There aint one muthafucka in the industry who crowns hisself for more accomplishments that he never actually accomplished than ya boy Olubowale be doin nahmean. To be honest tho...son aint even trash like that...he jus emotionally delicate n he got the personality of a 7 year old white kid from Bel Air namsayin. If you aint never seen the nigga throw a tantrum you either dont got access to the internets or you jus dont actually kno who the fuck son is at all son. But son is mad protective over his image b. Like.. more than normal niggas usually is namsayin. This the type of dude who updates his own wikipedia page b.</div><br />
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Sometimes Wale be usin the Nigerian famine waltz to try n boost his sales n shit</td></tr>
</tbody></table><div style="text-align: justify;">The Olubowale struggle is real my nigga.. Never mind that son be lookin like he was chewin on lit firecrackers. WHY this nigga always beefin wit video models n retaliatin back at muthafuckas on twitter who only got like 27 followers tho? Why this nigga gotta make a youtube video ey'time he gets his feelings hurt b? Cmon son...that emotionally fragile shit aint whats poppin at all bruh bruh.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjc4HCRqBCUlguEBjrqOo6wZWEozhVoRyW4wPLIOsCrWRhIMU0GUOgN6zrE2UQ6OoL4p1cRmP2T4EjrNOrpE5tC1c4Fq05FsIIjXUy0ktA677-bWRAwuwwqA52p4j7amVMW6neV7xwIxlHj/s1600/Drakebarmitzvah.gif" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="225" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjc4HCRqBCUlguEBjrqOo6wZWEozhVoRyW4wPLIOsCrWRhIMU0GUOgN6zrE2UQ6OoL4p1cRmP2T4EjrNOrpE5tC1c4Fq05FsIIjXUy0ktA677-bWRAwuwwqA52p4j7amVMW6neV7xwIxlHj/s400/Drakebarmitzvah.gif" width="400" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">2. Drake aka the Patron Saint of Tenderness aka the Human Glee Episode aka The Inventor of the Audio Scrunchie aka the Merchant of Cuddles otherwise known as The Wizard of Pause. When son aint travelin the world collectin magic wands n lookin for next level china patterns...you can usually find the boy doin lyrical origami on a track or out rescuin strippers from captivity nahmean. You kno you soft when you feel good bout droppin 10 Gs on a shower head that sprays lavender fragrances n shit. Word is bond...you kno you soft when chicks be showin how to do makeovers on youtube to look like you. You kno you soft when you inspire muthafuckin Zac Efron to get YOLO tatted on his creamy little hand b. You kno you soft when the furry mascots at ball games n shit be askin if they can get pictures wit YOU son. You kno you soft when you got a pink budgie, a baby owl n Aaliyah's face all tatted 5 inches apart from each other on ya back. Son I can keep goin but you should get the point by now...</div><br />
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">"Everyday Im snugglin... Ev-ev-everyday Im snugglin.........<br />
....Snuggle REAL SOFT...Snuggle Snuggle REAL SOFT"</td></tr>
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Looks like we got a new #1 b....<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">1. Wiz Khalifa-Rose aka the final frontier of simp-dom.... This bull dyke muthafucka done sailed his little popsicle stick canoe over ey'single wave of simpness there is in the sucker-for-love sea nahmean. This fool is the biggest trick walkin the face of the earth rite now son. We already kno how this muthafucka went into Kanye's garbage can n scraped together a meal n thought he came up on some gourmet shit namsayin. This muthafucka went into Yeezy's trash n said "OH SHIT WHY NOBODY ATE THE REST OF THIS MEATBALL HOAGIE SON??...AYO IMMA REASSEMBLE THIS MUTHAFUCKA N PUT THAT SHIT UP ON A PEDESTAL B. AYO IMMA PUT WHATEVER LEFT OF THIS MEATBALL HOAGIE BACK TOGETHER N IMMA SING TO IT...IMMA SING TO IT EVER ADORINGLY N IMMA TAKE PICTURES WIDDIT CUZ AINT NOBODY HAD NO MEATBALL HOAGIE LIKE THIS ONE B....I MIGHT GOT THE ONLY MEATBALL HOAGIE LEFT SON...AYO IMMA WIFE THIS HALF EATEN MEATBALL HOAGIE SON...THIS SHIT MINES. AYO IMMA PUT A RING ON THIS SHIT. CUZ THATS JUS WHAT US TRICK MUTHAFUCKAS DO B...IMMA HAVE THIS MEATBALL HOAGIE FOR ALL ETERNITIES CUZ THATS JUS HOW A TRICK ROLL B. THIS MY SHNOOKUMS NAMSAYIN...THIS MY MUTHAFUCKIN SHNOOKUMS SON. WORD. I DONT KNO WHAT YOU HEEEEAAARD ABOUT ME...BUT ANY TRICK CAN GET A DOLLAR OUTTA ME...I GOTTA ACT CONCERNED SO SHE'LL SEE.. THAT IM A MUTHAFUCKIN S-I-M-P....</div><br />
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;"><div style="text-align: left;"><div style="text-align: center;"><span style="text-align: -webkit-auto;"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Here Wiz performin fellatio on Amber on stage...</span></span></div></div><div style="text-align: left;"><div style="text-align: center;"><span style="text-align: -webkit-auto;"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Thats some next level sucka shit rite there son...</span></span></div></div></td></tr>
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Here Wiz dressed like a female villain from a Hong Kong action movie</td></tr>
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<tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhig8AaBHASIvcF9_3hPdyB1ltOZMiIb2pPOW0ODu73x4OzQSukPIBHxfAv0mqrYn5wCBeFx9H75Q6qbuKyf_xHb1_gXugvjQp2rik0CWdxUJwh2guNdu6wigCTvXQQcTXL3049yQtUQMNO/s1600/Wiz-Ambe+4.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="400" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhig8AaBHASIvcF9_3hPdyB1ltOZMiIb2pPOW0ODu73x4OzQSukPIBHxfAv0mqrYn5wCBeFx9H75Q6qbuKyf_xHb1_gXugvjQp2rik0CWdxUJwh2guNdu6wigCTvXQQcTXL3049yQtUQMNO/s400/Wiz-Ambe+4.jpg" width="260" /></a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Here Wiz puttin a masculine spin on that lesbian villain outfit<br />
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<tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgyYDJ_5UEr9qFRvvMFrSFj2QFzWIctFQocI3_PgsZBeOS3FzhJuI2QuNVGhuqfJmgqIGa6U8IPpAuDPTzjRXLS7neMgMKqnchPoJL78aytCNIlGIEv_L76MX0Dlue8pN9A6mNlmWdPnxNn/s1600/Wiz-Ambe+2.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="400" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgyYDJ_5UEr9qFRvvMFrSFj2QFzWIctFQocI3_PgsZBeOS3FzhJuI2QuNVGhuqfJmgqIGa6U8IPpAuDPTzjRXLS7neMgMKqnchPoJL78aytCNIlGIEv_L76MX0Dlue8pN9A6mNlmWdPnxNn/s400/Wiz-Ambe+2.jpg" width="285" /></a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;"><div style="text-align: left;"><div style="text-align: center;">Here Wiz takin a break from pickin rice to frolic on a beach </div></div><div style="text-align: left;"><div style="text-align: center;">...wit his life partner n shit</div></div></td></tr>
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<tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgRZBxsO3fCBIcNbdcXwtKdFfIYue33wUhDC_TpLZSFRNcFC10plx1u7XfyY7FUZ1FURcL20s8ROBcb0gki4EzhNpPUcpq7LI0Praf72UEG6woYCNJ_EW8CqO9A4Pm0FUariubKPvXv1vcD/s1600/wizkissingmom.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="320" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgRZBxsO3fCBIcNbdcXwtKdFfIYue33wUhDC_TpLZSFRNcFC10plx1u7XfyY7FUZ1FURcL20s8ROBcb0gki4EzhNpPUcpq7LI0Praf72UEG6woYCNJ_EW8CqO9A4Pm0FUariubKPvXv1vcD/s320/wizkissingmom.jpg" width="320" /></a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">I dont fuckin kno b....</td></tr>
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Thats that yo...hope yall enjoyed that shit. Imma holler at yall when its time for the 6th Annual shit...I dont got nothin else to say. Jus respect the real n stop lettin these niggas front for a livin.</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Aight peace.</div><br />
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<tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEieQncwvYF7qnh-HYhLl47yjkNcJFwPS72cdugqoOLCE2xOt9zQrh0YeK0S_UKQihbJ9nZXbBOMhn9qu850bIod6hLmoN1jumV_9dNaCMVOGIVuiWJkXeNstX4dPyvK7oS8zOzvZvfMQGNi/s1600/diddy+pink.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="320" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEieQncwvYF7qnh-HYhLl47yjkNcJFwPS72cdugqoOLCE2xOt9zQrh0YeK0S_UKQihbJ9nZXbBOMhn9qu850bIod6hLmoN1jumV_9dNaCMVOGIVuiWJkXeNstX4dPyvK7oS8zOzvZvfMQGNi/s320/diddy+pink.jpg" width="239" /></a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;"><div style="text-align: left;"><div style="text-align: center;">This special fuckouttahere moment is brought </div><div style="text-align: center;">to you by Puffy n Steve Stoute</div></div><div style="font-size: medium; text-align: left;"><br />
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</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/ispc3d1nopY?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br class="Apple-interchange-newline" /></td></tr>
</tbody></table><br class="Apple-interchange-newline" />BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com189tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-80211007133899021842012-02-25T06:32:00.001-08:002012-02-25T19:51:11.811-08:00Big Ghost Chronicles Presents: The Best Shit Of 2011<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><br />
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</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhhKEwFCSMeMPO5xm5hfbUiDsuJxqNwCLnZLcqleakEbzvJPFWi2Sw8tg3lLrwXoLKUs4XsfhwoGo_jwE_Ub_S8A71P96MyFVn7c8TqwnZPj2O5Dj_Yy-jVCtB_KP9i3M2op2VVMxx9PAzL/s1600/cocaine+biceps.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="300" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhhKEwFCSMeMPO5xm5hfbUiDsuJxqNwCLnZLcqleakEbzvJPFWi2Sw8tg3lLrwXoLKUs4XsfhwoGo_jwE_Ub_S8A71P96MyFVn7c8TqwnZPj2O5Dj_Yy-jVCtB_KP9i3M2op2VVMxx9PAzL/s400/cocaine+biceps.jpg" width="400" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: justify;">Ayo whattup its ya boy Big Ghost aka the mighty Hands of Zeus aka Galaxy Knuckles aka Phantom Ravilois aka Volcano Hands almighty nahmean...otherwise known as the illustrious Cocain Biceps. First off the god wanna apologize for the delay again. My bad. I take responsibility for all that shit. I can accept that namsayin. This the joint I was plannin to drop at the end of the year...as in 2011 son. But due to various circumstances n whatever whatever that shit got left on the back burner nahmean. I aint gon lie....basically I jus aint do it. But its here now...n even tho its technically a month or two into a whole new year Imma share that wit yall. Here it is...never on schedule but always on time. On my Puffy shit...take that take that take that.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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</div><div style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #e69138; font-size: large;"><b>MIXTAPES OF THE YEAR</b></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">This shit rite here is the mixtape joints of the year...or I should say...the ones the Hands of Zeus was fuckin wit personally. Cuz summa yall niggas was proudly lettin Tyga n Mac Miller joints ejaculate from ya speakers like it was all good. But yo...this the shit yours truly was feelin. So it dont matter if you agree or disagree nahmean. There was enough mixtapes released last year to give each muthafucka in China they own copy...n wouldn't nobody else have the same one. Thats real talk b.If you got problems wit the shit I selected go write ya own muthafuckin list n put it up on ya fridge n stick some colorful magnets n gold stars on that bitch n show it to ya kids or some shit b. Or type that shit out n holla at igivesafuck.org n see if they wanna post it for you son...or email it to the god at zerofucksgiven@gmail.com n Imma personally not give a fuck bout it for you. Word. Here we go.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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20. Boss Of All Bosses 3 - Cam'ron & Vado<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgBN1BJiknTkyRNJGSpyeBVMPaHUyP3vCOCVmrPF-MkKeu1qyXtGbd77nr8ow8hIbaG6T4-zP7dKM_k-nm9hhn674B29oa-Yiam_S3ib9ElEr2Qcyj8WPRvf7uG_fiY30dp7MK7lxFK0YmP/s1600/boab3.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgBN1BJiknTkyRNJGSpyeBVMPaHUyP3vCOCVmrPF-MkKeu1qyXtGbd77nr8ow8hIbaG6T4-zP7dKM_k-nm9hhn674B29oa-Yiam_S3ib9ElEr2Qcyj8WPRvf7uG_fiY30dp7MK7lxFK0YmP/s1600/boab3.jpg" /></a></div><br />
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</div><div style="text-align: justify;">If yall aint already kno...that nigga Cam is like the inventor of ignorance b. Or if the credit gotta go to niggas like<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQc4A-XBzBY" target="_blank"> Schoolly D</a> for inventin it back in the 80s...by the time Killa had that torch he was ready to perfect that shit namsayin. Son deserves a nobel peace prize for ignorance. But yo..I dont kno if it was jus the wack free download link I found for this shit or if it really aint get mixed too good...but the sound quality on this muthafucka makes <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLSefwsluR0" target="_blank">36 Chambers</a> sound like Thriller son. Like the shit sounds like it was recorded in he trunk of Drama's car or some shit for some reason namsayin....which kinda made it hard to enjoy like that. I mean cmon son...its 2012. Step that shit up. Especially if you chargin b. But forreal foreal...it aint change the fact that niggas went in on this shit. I fucks wit it.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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19. Sorry 4 The Wait - Lil Wayne<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhwsIHR5Tz8b6wq-nU4oewr2fnjJb8NNfs8952nQJ3yXFg10lbNXl5yKl495pF2YC3dFTHIcgqbRtO-Z4DZsy5yzN33kWI_uTD8boA81LHMLA9BmYI1TCbtmADU_fD_R3fVpZx-RYTd4Sa5/s1600/sorry4.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhwsIHR5Tz8b6wq-nU4oewr2fnjJb8NNfs8952nQJ3yXFg10lbNXl5yKl495pF2YC3dFTHIcgqbRtO-Z4DZsy5yzN33kWI_uTD8boA81LHMLA9BmYI1TCbtmADU_fD_R3fVpZx-RYTd4Sa5/s1600/sorry4.jpg" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">After son dropped that Rebirth frisbee where he wanted to convince niggas he could play a muthafuckin guitar good enough to be posin on the cover wit one layin across his torso n shit... niggas jus wanted that mixtape fire back nahmean. On this shit he took joints that I personally wasnt fuckin wit too much like the Racks on Racks shit n the Kreayshawn joint n that Rollin joint by Rozay's dustbunny sidekick/weedcarrier Gunplay n dropped some ignorance over them shits that I could relate to. You also get to hear the worlds most ratchet nigga (Lil B) spit the worlds most ratchet verse over a beat that was originally a song by one of the worlds OTHER most ratchet niggas (Waka Flocka) on Grove St Party. But yo...it is what it is par...niggas who despise Weezy wont appreciate none of this shit....so jus keep it movin. Yall go bump summa that emotional ass Coldplay rap or whatever the fuck you into.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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18. Trapper's Alley: Pros & Cons - Boldy James<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhbfQ0Cou4YAqe9wIKkBtGwrL74A-avuI7o4we6oQc68fojFZ6o_49mgHxIObGe25uWWLItsD0cwB5n_ULTNmrRneJQfcPI7hClwxk2IRxiK4hR5zZpqh5AHrmhs1hHJt5ByMJdSnBH2OLi/s1600/boldy.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhbfQ0Cou4YAqe9wIKkBtGwrL74A-avuI7o4we6oQc68fojFZ6o_49mgHxIObGe25uWWLItsD0cwB5n_ULTNmrRneJQfcPI7hClwxk2IRxiK4hR5zZpqh5AHrmhs1hHJt5ByMJdSnBH2OLi/s1600/boldy.jpg" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">This shit by my guy Boldy was mad slept on g. Summa yalls might feel like son is glorifyin the drug game or some shit...but he really jus speakin on his experiences son. It aint like he talmbout how he was on the phone wit Pablo Escobar back in the 80s n how he sittin on 4 million bricks rite now n be pushin a different whip for every hour in the day n got 5 city blocks locked down or some other fairy tale bullshit you be hearin in these niggas fantasy bars or whatever. Son even be doin the calculations for you on half these joints n breakin down the math in case you questionin his hustlenomics. Speakin of that shit, its 28 tracks on this muthafucka...which is basically two mixtapes for the (no) price of one. Apparently its a Pros side n a Cons side. But I aint really understand what the difference was between the two sides b. But yo...the shit is poppin either way nahmean.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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17. The Real Is Back - Young Jeezy<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg8GT2azQqa-FI1401I8Gvy36qdS7pVD5qECVLQ1P8UUKjMRlcbfyCgku_NQojE_1QfQgA9Y3qao0pIKEAd6EPmtjImPeOT3Id5vYZIt77v9ls6J2F_NZwNHH-fxVmnqV_OGsTbOIE3_DBl/s1600/jeezy.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg8GT2azQqa-FI1401I8Gvy36qdS7pVD5qECVLQ1P8UUKjMRlcbfyCgku_NQojE_1QfQgA9Y3qao0pIKEAd6EPmtjImPeOT3Id5vYZIt77v9ls6J2F_NZwNHH-fxVmnqV_OGsTbOIE3_DBl/s1600/jeezy.jpg" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">When it comes to ignorant ass rappers theres only a handful of niggas thats fuckin wit my nigga Snowman namsayin. Word is bond...son is like a whole amusement park of ignorant shit jus waitin to unfold. He been takin voyages to the most darkest n deepest caverns of ignorance for a few years now. Son goes hard in the paint when it comes to that shit rite there nahmean. Son be gettin rebounds n assists n all that shit. He competin at basically the highest levels of ignorance there is son. This that trill shit. This for niggas who lick shots in the air at baby christenings. This for niggas who be doin pull ups on the train n knockin over lamp posts for fun namsayin. This is music for you to genocide to. But yo..when you done wit this joint you gotta play that part II also. Druhhmahhtic nigguhhhhhh!</div><br />
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16. Lincoln Way Nights - Stalley<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhpgQpA7x21Jsmk2EszDPtDdZZ3E5pr7RANh_s3H8M7sSjOhK4XPu50tdQMQLqfzJY8L-1xmKJR2uiBTtvLM6myQz2r8FbyM_4MC_EwycSXQIldmc1YI_6dtvu8HFKXS8WGSqTd3WAZ2DyC/s1600/stalley.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhpgQpA7x21Jsmk2EszDPtDdZZ3E5pr7RANh_s3H8M7sSjOhK4XPu50tdQMQLqfzJY8L-1xmKJR2uiBTtvLM6myQz2r8FbyM_4MC_EwycSXQIldmc1YI_6dtvu8HFKXS8WGSqTd3WAZ2DyC/s1600/stalley.jpg" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Sons joint flew mad under the radar but its whatever son. Probably shoulda got lots more attention...but now that son part of that Maybach Music empire he probably gon at least be movin Folarin units by the time its his turn to drop that official joint. Not that the homie Olubowale is known for his wall of plaques n string of hits or nothin. But its better than the 15k downloads son got from Datpiff for all his hard work. Stalley aint the most amazin nigga to bless the mic neither but he gets it in. Plus Im always bout that total package when it comes to rap niggas son (pause). Niggas need to kno how to spit but they should also kno how to select beats n sequence they joints n write hooks or whatever whatever namsayin. Son got some heat tho.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;">15. Slime Flu 2 - Vado</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEijphk2UkqZih4q_2NAD3bN73cKSyew0McYolrSOoXGm20j8LH3lA2P4B2Y4ilf0WxA3aQHnc9N1fpBKap618IghDwkm5iTW3LmfjxmCzN2s3uUEGBQkJiBafRUfabr7Ym3sNmr2jqrKukh/s1600/Vado.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEijphk2UkqZih4q_2NAD3bN73cKSyew0McYolrSOoXGm20j8LH3lA2P4B2Y4ilf0WxA3aQHnc9N1fpBKap618IghDwkm5iTW3LmfjxmCzN2s3uUEGBQkJiBafRUfabr7Ym3sNmr2jqrKukh/s1600/Vado.jpg" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: justify;">I jus wanna say that Im glad son shook off that reputation he had for bein the poor mans Juelz Santana back when Cam'ron first put him on. Im sayin the Santana that use to rock his bandana like a tilted sailor cap on his head nahmean...not the nigga who basically fell off the face of the earth after Weezy never did that album wit him. But yo...Vado got on his grind hard to carve out his little spot in the game n got out from other niggas shadows nahmean. Truthfully him n Santana aint really that similar...matter fact they put a joint out together not too long ago n you can hear how son really do got his own style. But yo..I thought the Slime Flu joint was cool...but this shit was crazy b. Im sayin for a mixtape n shit. I aint expect son to go in like this...n he did the shit without bein under Cam's wing nahmean. Sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!!! </div><div><br />
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</div><div style="text-align: -webkit-auto;">14. The Big 10 - 50 Cent</div><br />
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjcnefXqiBDGuxXMdXwDVxVDX-hZ6V4cfa9sYiaHOM5uKgaLdaZKWyGMKild_7eZllQ-Uje5hzuZRdDaGPVPGIetk002vQgTYQ10G1f-H3W7SYveYheGy-xAV_pNZ_61HFloxFjYWOyVj9g/s1600/50.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjcnefXqiBDGuxXMdXwDVxVDX-hZ6V4cfa9sYiaHOM5uKgaLdaZKWyGMKild_7eZllQ-Uje5hzuZRdDaGPVPGIetk002vQgTYQ10G1f-H3W7SYveYheGy-xAV_pNZ_61HFloxFjYWOyVj9g/s1600/50.jpg" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><br />
</div></div></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Its like son done finally heard the people wit this shit. Niggas been tryna tell him "Fif...the people want another Get Rich Or Die Trying" namsayin...they dont want no Rick Ross cartoons...they dont want this "aggressive content" shit you stay pushin...they dont want vitamin water...they dont want you to solve world hunger...they jus want you to make another "Get Rich..." They want that "What up bluuuuhd...BO! Whattup Cuzzzzzzzz....BO!" shit namsayin. You can say a lot of good n bad shit bout 50 as a rapper but you dont EVER hear a lotta niggas sayin DAMN!! SON GOT BARS YO!!! Its basically just a cool flow, dope hooks n overall fresh ass songs that made that nigga a household name b. Each album had less n less of those ingredients. But we caught a glimpse of the old Fif on this shit. For a lot of niggas...that was good enough. Muthafuckas jus gon hope when it comes time to drop that next album son comes back this same way....or better. Word.</div><br />
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13. Self Rule - Kembe X<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiaRIWwsfTvxPscDT5CSfnotUX0KcVcCRhqqFvLKT3IA0dt6nT1_KJRl8toX-p39B6QLbBSb_O2xccueZy0Oof5tjAspoTY7vdzlfiWxCGNkEOfDtX_mZADmsbpkLOSPBZH_q-0OULL3Pb1/s1600/self+rule.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiaRIWwsfTvxPscDT5CSfnotUX0KcVcCRhqqFvLKT3IA0dt6nT1_KJRl8toX-p39B6QLbBSb_O2xccueZy0Oof5tjAspoTY7vdzlfiWxCGNkEOfDtX_mZADmsbpkLOSPBZH_q-0OULL3Pb1/s1600/self+rule.jpg" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Lotta yall might be askin yallselves "Who the fuck is this nigga?" Truth is I asked myself the same thing when son insisted I listen to his shit a little while back. N I gave him the usual "nah fuck that...go thaaaaat way-->" type response. But son was persistent. Plus usually when you got ya mind made up that a dude gon be wack n then you listen to the shit...you wanna be like SEE I KNEW THIS SHIT WAS GON BE TRASH....even if its hot. But son was jus ridiculous. I wasnt even gon lie..I was like "damn son....you aint even garbage yo". Come to find out he still 17 years old. Im tellin you...this dude gon be a problem for niggas in a few. Matter fact he a problem for niggas rite now namsayin. The shit aint jus some nigga spittin his hottest punchlines over a bunch a other niggas beats n shit. The kid is focused nahmean. I advise yall to even jus preview his joint n peep that Introlude shit. Son is official namsayin. <a href="http://www.hotnewhiphop.com/kembe-x-self-rule-mixtape.35233.html" target="_blank">CLICK THIS SHIT</a></div><br />
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12. Nostalgia, Ultra - Frank Ocean<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEikrUUGj1csqgS7GzpXpUh3QrO2UXxJhkTdti2svggn3lW8KEWcxXBnUJUjM_M4RL3WP_dgSxsQlg0C2yUoEvWPPks53q0wWSZMNpUwcwgQS6P5v9YhAOOlSOvzrtG3dIo-ONXDBHa7SNIQ/s1600/frank+ocean.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEikrUUGj1csqgS7GzpXpUh3QrO2UXxJhkTdti2svggn3lW8KEWcxXBnUJUjM_M4RL3WP_dgSxsQlg0C2yUoEvWPPks53q0wWSZMNpUwcwgQS6P5v9YhAOOlSOvzrtG3dIo-ONXDBHa7SNIQ/s1600/frank+ocean.jpg" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">I aint gon lie n say I was in love wit this shit rite out the gate b...but sons joints jus kept poppin up on the shuffle on my ipod n shit...n I kept not skippin em. So I kept hearin his shit n it kept growin on the god namsayin. So I went from feelin like "ayo get that shit the fuck outta here I dont wanna hear that corny shit b" to "yeah aight I guess the shit is cool if I hear a joint here n there but jus dont overdo that shit around me or Imma slap you rite into the neighbors crib" to "Fuck it whatever..yall let that shit play all the way thru but I dont wanna see niggas closin they eyes n mouthin the words to that shit son" to "Whattup...why yall aint got that Frank Ocean playin? ...Dont make me hurt one yall niggas". But yo...I kno summa that shit is a little sweet but I fucks wit it for the most part nahmean. </div><br />
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11. Longterm Mentality - AbSoul<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgU6fYRggvBHRWBBJfzeB67XHgdk20UH0dRu_sYS7tEAghTteqOyAMPysWxqAECQvS7s2HNOyhGagsUOHPCU3bBsWJZwEl1eKxR_OrYMlpetjOmiEeCpO_j2O7pEjxJpqgmB9yhLm3oNEO6/s1600/ab+soul.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgU6fYRggvBHRWBBJfzeB67XHgdk20UH0dRu_sYS7tEAghTteqOyAMPysWxqAECQvS7s2HNOyhGagsUOHPCU3bBsWJZwEl1eKxR_OrYMlpetjOmiEeCpO_j2O7pEjxJpqgmB9yhLm3oNEO6/s1600/ab+soul.jpg" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Ayo first off...I wanna apologize to son for sayin I wanted to throw a brick at his spine for hypin up some shit on twitter that I aint agree wit a few moths ago. If you readin this shit son...my bad. I was outta line. You handled it like a gentleman tho n the god salutes you for that nahmean. That bein said...anybody who been followin my moves should kno I fucks wit all that Black Hippy shit. The <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AR3ryywIr8" target="_blank">Loosen My Tie</a> joint is my personal favorite shit on here b. N even if him n Kendrick do a song thats actually bout that corny ass desert wine <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF0NEkdd4ag&feature=related" target="_blank">Moscato</a>...I still fucks wit the song itself. I jus be havin a more masculine beverage when I do namsayin. Download this shit today b. Its only gon cost you jack shit aight.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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</div>10. The S.O.U.L. Tape - Fabolous<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Ey'body kno that the boy can spit..but Loso aint really known for his flawless catalog or nothin like that namsayin. I aint sayin he makes wack ass albums son...but he dont exactly got niggas followin in his footsteps neither b. He sorta in that category of A-list type niggas who got B-list careers...like Jadakiss or Lloyd Banks or some shit. It dont mean they corny or nothin...they jus aint make it to the upper echelons of rap like that. N like them dudes...he been known to dominate when he a feature artist or when he jus bodyin other niggas beats nahmean. Guess thats why sons mixtapes seem to get niggas more amped up than his actual forreal albums n shit b. This shit here is a perfect example of what Im sayin son. He jus goin in over other niggas beats...remakin em into lowkey classic joints n shit. Summa yalls mighta been feelin the Death Comes In 3's tape more but I aint really think it was fuckin wit this shit at all yo.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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9. Dreamchasers - Meek Mill<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh_yxxnEVDHgM3wHfFhbPN7p2M1tGvds0ANMQk2_SItdZYNA85yOjUxLkdyHRr-GBLRnIWU5m6AoB5VXpWkpRDO-zSUiB9ltH3C4KEzUXCIYy8PYyze67IV0TkZvKAoEiqGC4buRISAXiVw/s1600/Meek.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh_yxxnEVDHgM3wHfFhbPN7p2M1tGvds0ANMQk2_SItdZYNA85yOjUxLkdyHRr-GBLRnIWU5m6AoB5VXpWkpRDO-zSUiB9ltH3C4KEzUXCIYy8PYyze67IV0TkZvKAoEiqGC4buRISAXiVw/s1600/Meek.jpg" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">I aint gon lie n say I think son is the most TALENTED nigga to ever grip a mic or nothin like that...but unless you on some <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i5hUYmn0zo&feature=relmfu" target="_blank">scientifical lyrical miracle</a> shit...you really cant front n say the nigga puts out some boring ass music or nothin like that nahmean. Son aint here to drop knowledge bombs on you or nothin. He aint here to split atoms n get philosophical on ya ass or save the icebergs or some shit like that. He aint gon steer ya kids down a path of intelligent decisions or help em get better grades in school nahmean. He aint gon have muthafuckas in Congress talmbout 'ayo this Meek Milly character startin to become a problem for us governmental muthafuckas...we gotta secretly take this muthafucka out before he get his people uprisin against the system n shit" Nah...son jus on his sexmoneymurderdrugs shit. Thats bout it.</div><br />
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8. Fear Of God - Pusha-T<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhkhMSyN7VIZCjZU1c0nnARVcM7c3mNnxX7Q1afKLhfvMoe3_KD-raoT_yGaBZmfyGtgO-fUXDXxoP7LN5sVpkDI4ENnSvydtpt9XeNkXDQSKQuwSnRzgILDdPF7WZ_ztnAHLrHe8DHntJU/s1600/fear+of+god.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhkhMSyN7VIZCjZU1c0nnARVcM7c3mNnxX7Q1afKLhfvMoe3_KD-raoT_yGaBZmfyGtgO-fUXDXxoP7LN5sVpkDI4ENnSvydtpt9XeNkXDQSKQuwSnRzgILDdPF7WZ_ztnAHLrHe8DHntJU/s1600/fear+of+god.jpg" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Niggas been wantin to hear that Push-A-Ton solo shit for a minute now son. Yeah he been blessin beats wit his big bro Malice since before Grindin....but one n a half verses per song wasnt enough for niggas. So after 10 years that dream done finally come to fruition namsayin. Son got some nice little freestyles over some classic joints on this shit where he doin what he be doin best...bodyin other peoples beats. But the original joints is where its at tho namsayin. Minus the Kanye track which jus sounds like throwaway joint Yeezy was spose to slide to Consequence or Rhymefest or some shit. Im talmbout that "<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZXVD5gUf4I" target="_blank">Touch it, touch it, touch it, DO SAWHHMTHIN</a>" shit. Other than that tho this shit is mostly basura-free. But half this shit ended up on the official joint...so it wasnt really like a MIXTAPE mixtape that stood on its own two like this really the only place you gon cop these joints nahmean. But yo I definitely aint mad at it.</div><br />
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7. Cold Day In Hell - Freddie Gibbs<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjc5S0RylMfdkj0_ECKkjhyNCFNTohtpr6pVioeBe0o9VRVmupqSk3DP-TC3fqotSZQ5aeIcEUSrkNFc9EdYVW4y7lyCo_Myi_Y1R1PpzBM6NZsTv98frdR1z5Jf5-1ADOWcPywVs0JSLWh/s1600/gibbs.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjc5S0RylMfdkj0_ECKkjhyNCFNTohtpr6pVioeBe0o9VRVmupqSk3DP-TC3fqotSZQ5aeIcEUSrkNFc9EdYVW4y7lyCo_Myi_Y1R1PpzBM6NZsTv98frdR1z5Jf5-1ADOWcPywVs0JSLWh/s1600/gibbs.jpg" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Gangster Gibbs might be the coldest nigga in rap son. Im not sayin the realest tho cuz theres mad niggas doin real shit out there. You could even say that corny snow nigga <a href="http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/bloguploads/make-macmiller.jpg" target="_blank">Mac Miller</a> be keepin it true to what he do when he rappin bout playgrounds n how it gets him upset when he cant reach the swings cuz some other niggas threw em over the top bar n they too high now or whatever the fuck son be rhymin bout...cuz to tell yall the truth I dont really be listenin to that powder donut ass muthafucka's music like that namsayin. But yo... Gibbs jus hits you wit that freezer burn shit over n over son. The god done told yall bout the kitchen before...n how theres certain niggas that reside in the snack cupboards...mainly these regular ass niggas who aint necessarily waaaaack or nothin but they stay luke warm as fuck all day (<a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhhMzypZ-qu7D1VACY-ziTTN1KGqWbiUB29R89OYfNG9KubfP-jSy3RcVYsOEaFyca6IFkq19qdkzcb7IF5riDwkULtBLPNquxKj3nOPXMgp9XiMTSmgM7I9JOwGknALZvn2Tiwz04-ho5x/s400/Noah's+Arc+Jumping+the+Broom.jpg" target="_blank">Big Sean</a>) n certain niggas thats all bout that pantry life cuz they corny as hell (say hello to <a href="http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/bloguploads/make-macmiller.jpg" target="_blank">Mac Miller</a> again)...n of course you got these niggas that stay in fruit baskets n banana hammocks cuz they wild gay (I wont say no names....but you already thought of <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiLzQuK5OagGAV4WHpZUIbOhPYQxOLBzBXtA38JcVM4YiA3PE-BY9sz6hyphenhyphengP_QVTLPMSfuQxYMd-8tCPhpXmPHRGnoqS09l2tvhOP1KQplukWisPBs02FXJHTdn9fT_3jqteWFEt_3_rbZX/s1600/drake+face+11.jpg" target="_blank">ol boy</a> n that shit was on YOU not me son). But you also got niggas that be killin it from the fridge...which is like 70% of the cool ass muthafuckas in rap. The shit goes on n on. But then you got those niggas that came from the frozen foods section. The coldest niggas that really dont got no room temperature joints at all) Thats them freezer niggas like that old Scarface n Beanie Sigel shit...or tha M.O.P. shit namsayin. I feel like son belongs in the freezer nahmean. Son got me feelin like <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cnm0ySdb5ZY" target="_blank">I MIGHT ROB ME A NIGGA - ROB ME A ROB ME A NIGGA</a> n I aint even broke like that b. Yall need to fuck wit this shit rite here son.</div><br />
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6. The Hustlers Catalog - Smoke DZA<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjQFeuIz-AC4SkrT4Qs7akDTRijPLJ6UjNcNWaKI5ciovYCQD8L5isD6FTzI_MV7_BeFi-yj06N2A5yZ9ZOWoKFbuymdOQV4M60EuypunYk2syrASOWbftPFz7mA4SfHAQHKHER2SDB6YuK/s1600/dza.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjQFeuIz-AC4SkrT4Qs7akDTRijPLJ6UjNcNWaKI5ciovYCQD8L5isD6FTzI_MV7_BeFi-yj06N2A5yZ9ZOWoKFbuymdOQV4M60EuypunYk2syrASOWbftPFz7mA4SfHAQHKHER2SDB6YuK/s1600/dza.jpg" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Son...there really aint even one weak track on this shit. Plus he got collabos wit Big Krit n Kendrick Lamar n Devin the Dude...n ey'body addin they own ingredients without messin up the flavor of the entire meal namsayin. This jus some fly joints...this aint even jus some pothead shit b. I dont kno if son really wanna squeeze into that lane still. Im sayin...he really jus out here makin dope music nahmean. Its mad niggas that done been there n done all that smoke shit already b. Homie got his own style tho. N the beats on this shit is serious. No question. This is lowkey one of the best albums of the year son. But since we livin in the era of free music n all promotional ey'thing...this is still jussa "mixtape" release namsayin. Whatever you wanna call it...jus dont call it mediocre. Or like the boy DZA hisself be sayin...riiiiiiiiiiiighhh.</div><br />
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5. Elmatic - Elzhi<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiMX2SsGP6fvHc6d8Zcy_znKWXk8KgJi3aH_uml97Y9eY8sZ-qrBFUGzSErre-zPqn-t2RApE2CbBwKsX7N62FXTA0mj_qoPGFaaU20HEvC3ITGA-27hc-FCjmuU5U3aRybYiIZLG6VjJWF/s1600/elmatic.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiMX2SsGP6fvHc6d8Zcy_znKWXk8KgJi3aH_uml97Y9eY8sZ-qrBFUGzSErre-zPqn-t2RApE2CbBwKsX7N62FXTA0mj_qoPGFaaU20HEvC3ITGA-27hc-FCjmuU5U3aRybYiIZLG6VjJWF/s1600/elmatic.jpg" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">"Cmon b...nobody should ever ever EVER remake a classic album son....EVER. Thats jus corny. Shit wont ever come close to the original namsayin. Oh word? That nigga Elzhi remade Illmatic? That nigga outta his muthafuckin mind son. Straight up. Son feelin hisself a little too much. He think he fuckin wit the 20 yr old Nas like that??? Fuckouttahere... When niggas see him they need to beat the boy down wit his own shoes b. Straight up. Oh word? That shit dropped? Bet. Lemme download that wack shit rite now. Imma show you why its wack. Aight lets throw that shit on n see how wack this shit is. Word...ok...that first joint was cool...but this shit rite here?!! False alarm...this shit right here aint really that terrible neither...skip to the next track. Nah skip to the next one. Next...next...next............ Ayo...I was actually feelin those first 9 joints...but this last joint gon be TRASH b. Hmmmmm... Fuck it. This shit aint wack at all b. But I aint gon all the way cosign it cuz Im a man of principles son. So fuck that."</div><div style="text-align: justify;">-Anonymous</div><br />
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4. The Great Debater - Skyzoo<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Somebody tell me why this muthafucka is so underrated son. Deadass. Imma need some answers too. There aint no way round this shit no more par. Either theres some powers that be type nigga sittin at the top of the industry foodchain that REALLY dont wanna see son eat or he been cursed. Cuz son is SLEPT. ON. Like I dont mean like how niggas sleep on Nas n think he fell off...I mean son is SLEPT. THE. FUCK. ON. the way Jordan was the third pick in the '84 draft (shoutouts to <a href="http://www.playerpress.com/articles/top-ten-worst-draft-picks-in-nba-history" target="_blank">Sam Bowie</a>). Meanwhile that nigga J Cole spittin his deja vu bars all over the damn place...n droppin posturepedic joints for niggas to snooze to. Im sayin can m'man get a break? This shit is solid from front to back. Not to mention son is niiiiiiiice. Im sayin as far as that pure hip hop shit go...son got you. My guy aint bullshitin at all son. Dont sleep.</div><br />
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3. House Of Balloons - The Weeknd<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Yeah I kno son on some singin shit b. THANK YOU nigga wit the Immortal Technique t-shirt n head to toe Carhartt for pointin that shit out for me. This the thing tho right...niggas is always hittin me up like Im spose to hate on any dude that sings or got a hook on his joint wit some muthafucka beltin out a melody on it. Basically yalls confusin the fuck outta niggas who happen to kno how to carry some notes n soft ass muthafuckas who jus need to shut the fuck up cuz they tender as fuck whether they sing rap or growl or whatever the fuck else namsayin. Slick Rick used to croon like a muthafucka. But he was also nicer than 99% of the niggas that was out at the time...n about 90% of the niggas out today. This dude tho...he could sing the words off the value menu items in a Wendys drive thru n probably make that shit seem kinda decent...over the rite production Im sayin. Plus it aint like he on some simp ass "lemme hold ya purse for you while you put all that shit you jus grabbed from them racks on my Rushcard, boo boo" type shit. Son might sing like <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CinavBPMy-I" target="_blank">Debarge</a> type nigga but he be aint really bout that <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhQz-0QVmQ0&ob=av2e" target="_blank">simp</a> life. Even tho he basically aligned wit Young Garnier Fructis n that <a href="http://cdn.idolator.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/01.jpg" target="_blank">OctobVariesOwn</a> movement... he still doin his thing. He also dropped 2 other mixtapes that were pretty dope last year. But this one definitely takes the crown still nahmean. Yall already kno.</div><br />
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2. LiveLoveA$AP - A$AP Rocky<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjAqAzKu_dqe0U3siUwMnVPsSxBAMPn3-inrmsBo2JpZ5khiD7Cx63zbmB6jhwyDW0hvnc5sRBbzgLDOL75l0hVDF3cM6hbdvyceys_In39t-tkIk4z-zYdzf8g1cZTNxPkIYI-h-zU2-gC/s1600/asap.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjAqAzKu_dqe0U3siUwMnVPsSxBAMPn3-inrmsBo2JpZ5khiD7Cx63zbmB6jhwyDW0hvnc5sRBbzgLDOL75l0hVDF3cM6hbdvyceys_In39t-tkIk4z-zYdzf8g1cZTNxPkIYI-h-zU2-gC/s1600/asap.jpg" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Ayo theres a reason why niggas is still fuckin wit this joint b. The god might even owe son half a slap for this one cuz when I reviewed this shit I aint really give it the proper respect it was owed namsayin. Sometimes it aint even bout whether it was the the tightest or the most profound mind blowin shit to come out...its bout the impact namsayin. Cuz even tho homeboy borrows from mad niggas as far as his style go...these niggas invented a whole new sound. Plus he comin wit the visuals n all that n jus talkin bout the shit he really be doin. Its a lot of muthafuckas relatin to this shit. He creatin a culture within the culture...which is what niggas like Public Enemy n Dipset or the Wu all did. I aint comparin his movement to any of those movements..but Im sayin he really got the potential to do sumthin big. We all kno Pac started out jus dancin for Digital Underground n gettin his Humpty Hump on... n look where HE ended up nahmean. The nigga Kanye use to rock baggy jeans n white tees n white on white Airs n now he tourin the world in leather skirts n showin his womens clothing line at Paris Fashion Week n other shit that the average heterosexual nigga dont really be doin like that...but he Kanye so he can do shit like that. But yo...that aint really the point...n I aint sayin he on either them dudes levels at all b...Im sayin................I actually dont remember where I was goin wit this shit. But that dont even matter son. Yalls jus need to respect that this shit is like a breath of fresh air to the game namsayin. If you missed the gods review for this shit its <a href="http://bigghostnahmean.blogspot.com/2011/11/big-ghost-review-for-liveloveaap.html" target="_blank">HERE</a>.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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1. Return of 4Eva - Big K.R.I.T.<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">I think this might be the most talented dude in hip hop rite now son. He like a one man Dungeon Family...minus any medieval costumes or talk bout extraterrestrials n shit like that. Basically this a album son. This might even be one of the best rap albums of the last 10 years yo. I aint bullshittin...this shit barely got one weak joint on it...and I dont even skip that shit when I hear it namsayin. I feel guilty for not payin any doe for this shit b. Son should set up a paypal account n be like...'look...yall liked the muthafucka..why dont yall each slide me ten n we can call that shit even'. Im sayin yo...if Bow Wow got the nerve to charge niggas for his music why you givin away free masterpieces son? </div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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<div style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #e69138; font-size: large;"><b>ALBUMS & EPs OF THE YEAR</b></span></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Next we gon get into albums n shit nahmean...the official ones you either had to download off iTunes or got to cop for free or jus had to g'head n steal or whatever whatever. Wasnt as many official joints droppin as there was mixtapes n shit...but that jus lets you kno what state the industry is in nahmean. Once again yo...theres a lot of other shit I was feelin but this is the shit I wanna show some appreciation to.</div><br />
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20. Setbacks - ScHoolboy-Q<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">I kno the conversation usually go sumthin like "Yeah that nigga Q dope...but that nigga Kendrick tho???...SONNNNN" so we gon jus get that out the way. This nigga is a beast regardless of who he affiliated wit namsayin. Yeah he kinda gets looked at as Kendrick Lamar's man who also happens to rap sometimes n shit...but son actually be doin his thing too. Plus he got his own style n dont be jockin his mans flow like that. This joint dropped at the beginnin of the year so a lot of yall already forgot bout it n whatever...n he jus dropped a better one at the beginning of this year so..he definitely on his come up namsayin.</div><br />
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19. The illustrious - STS<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Normally I aint really into all that happy go lucky shit namsayin...but this dude got the right muthafuckin producers to lace these joints. Plus he doin his thing on the mic too. Either way...this aint like the shit you use to hearin nahmean. Unless you used to hearin shit that aint like shit you usually hear namsayin. Like you might think you heard some shit like this before but on the real...it probably wasnt like this shit. This shit is jus mad different b. I dont even really kno how to speak on shit like this cuz it aint really my lane or nothin...but the shit is ill. I recommend that yall not sleep on this shit.</div><br />
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18. Covert Coup - Curren$y & Alchemist<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Its hard to keep up wit what the homie Spitta be doin sometimes... it feels like he got a new mixtape or a collabo or a album comin out each week. Son dont really be takin no days off. I dig most the shit he puts out tho. Also I respect the fact that he one of the only artists that be tryin to get whole projects done wit the same producer ridin wit him from intro to outro. On this shit he linked up wit the homie Alchemist...n ALC laced son wit some laid back hazy shit for niggas to smoke to. I like Ski n Monsta Beatz as much as the next man...but these dudes got some serious chemistry (pause) happenin here. Anyways yo...summa yall might consider this a mixtape but the original plan was for the shit to have a barcode on it n drop on itunes n all that. But they decided to give it away for free in the end namsayin.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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17. LA Riot - Thurz<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">This was hands down one of the most slept on official joints of 2011 b. I can understand why son wanted to charge niggas for this shit yo...he put together some actual real conceptual shit here namsayin. You can tell he did his homework too. Its like he created a diet <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Certificate_(album)" target="_blank">Death Certificate</a> (Ice Cube's second classic solo joint...from when son was still scarier to white people than Louis Farrakhan n the thought of runnin outta mayo combined). I mean talkin bout some riots from 20 years ago in the middle of a soft nigga epidemic...at a time when yoga-hop is whats poppin...might be some tough shit to do for a whole album. So luckily son aint really overdo all that "fight the power" shit. He got some laid back joints too. Yall need to cop this shit tho.</div><br />
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16. Hell: The Sequel - Bad Meets Evil<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">What else can anybody really say bout Eminem that aint been said 850 trillion times by muthafuckas all over the planet nahmean. Pretty sure theres some Eskimo type nigga in Antarctica or wherever the fuck Eskimos n penguins live that knows the words to sons joints even. You can probably even find a sherpa in Nepal witta mule to lead you up the mountains that could name all sons albums for you...sons ey'where b. And even when he bullshittin....his talent speaks for itself nahmean. No offense to his homeboys in D12...but they was never really able to keep up wit son. That fool Royce tho...he spits like a muthafuckin dragon from the depths of hell n shit when he really wanna get busy son...nahmean. But word is bond...this is a real natural fit namsayin. One dude might be the most recognizable muthafucka on the planet...n the other might be a underground hero...but when they bless a track together they jus sound like a actual duo or some shit....like they jus click or whatever. Im sayin tho...this shit wasnt perfect or nothin...but if you jus wanna hear muthafuckas RAP...they gon hold you down b.</div><br />
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15. Charity Starts At Home - Phonte<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgAoI3rWBG5WzFHjJ2UGavh6FK153ai-0gAeOuNAnXq9HxR8LSmGbEFcSOAe6CXP1Tbd9wmr8Y-AY0Jjc29nQhTI0fTX5Pdyw-YOjU0MRF86lGsqEzAeBeAInUEuH1y-NPTNxK3CWZYsjhB/s1600/phonte.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgAoI3rWBG5WzFHjJ2UGavh6FK153ai-0gAeOuNAnXq9HxR8LSmGbEFcSOAe6CXP1Tbd9wmr8Y-AY0Jjc29nQhTI0fTX5Pdyw-YOjU0MRF86lGsqEzAeBeAInUEuH1y-NPTNxK3CWZYsjhB/s1600/phonte.jpg" /></a></div><br />
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: justify;">Imma get right to the point b...Phonte is probably the most underrated emcee NOT named Black Thought namsayin. Son can rap AND sing...n he can do both them shits well nahmean. I dont mean like that weak ass singin in the shower shit that Drake be doin neither. N as much as I can appreciate that boy Kid Cudi on a hook...we all kno son aint no singer like that b. M'man Tigalo tho? The brother can sing forreal. Son can actually carry a tune n be on some <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8HjwlUWuLU&ob=av2e" target="_blank">Freddie Jackson</a> shit if he wanna be namsayin. But the most important thing is still the fact that son can spit like a beast if he need to nahmean. This is what you call a true artist b.</div><br />
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14. Gunz N Butta - Cam'ron & Vado<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">N jus like that we back to my mans Killa n Vado namsayin...I aint really even gotta say no more. If you kno sons resume you kno what time it is b. That nigga Cam aint gon school yall on no current events or drop science on yall or nothin. It jus is what it is. The closest you might get to that is on the American Greed joint...other than that its jus pure ignorance the moment you set foot in that room son. Cam so ignorant you can almost imagine see him Harlem shakin on a cloud of popcorn chicken to the joints. This aint exactly Come Home With Me or Purple Haze Cam...its more like Crime Pays Cam. But I still fucks wit it. N that boy Vado done come a long way doggie.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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13. Thug Motivation: 103 - Young Jeezy<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhKyITMJvJIvQAJydDdzC7iQzdXSOmeEHg4J9McfMPiVq-Vr7v1rI1S4Zf2rA_r-rHma8868_cpzah0CwO9w9nBy8DkQF22aPhJ8xJNKhoxAqTA7jtYWhyphenhyphen5rE-Yi9_J15UsIKCzpT0abVAm/s1600/tm+103.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhKyITMJvJIvQAJydDdzC7iQzdXSOmeEHg4J9McfMPiVq-Vr7v1rI1S4Zf2rA_r-rHma8868_cpzah0CwO9w9nBy8DkQF22aPhJ8xJNKhoxAqTA7jtYWhyphenhyphen5rE-Yi9_J15UsIKCzpT0abVAm/s1600/tm+103.jpg" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Niggas fronted on this joint son. Personally I aint really get what the problem was nahmean. We already kno that son aint gon top TM 101 yo. Im sayin...let the nigga live. There was some tough joints on this muthafucka anyways b. Word is bond...I aint really even hate none of these songs neither yo. N son got mad features on this shit..so its like theres a little sumn sumn for ey'body...even tho it all still sounds like that Jeezy shit nahmean. Minus the <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wrf6f4e_W_A" target="_blank">I Do</a> joint...which sounds like some other shit. But son is tryin to expand his vision. Its like niggas really aint even kno what they want from son no more tho. Either way...whether yalls wanted growth or if yalls jus wanted son to go back to his old shit...he kinda did both on this joint nahmean.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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12. Dr. Lecter - Action Bronson<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Ayo this my dude rite here son. Word. Son came outta nowhere a couple years ago n its been on since that time nahmean. Look at how many joints he been doin...how many quality projects he done put together n whatever. Yeah n he be gettin the Ghostface comparisons...niggas say he sound like Tone or whatever whatever. But if you really actually <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-l-z5N0oRYk" target="_blank">pay attention</a> son got his own style n the only real similarities is the voice namsayin. But I aint really sweatin none of that g. My mans got joints for days. He dont slack a minute. Son jus tears that beat open wit his bare hands n eats it right down to the skeleton over n over n over nahmean. He a beast yo. Son jus tramplin thru the jungle like a rhino knockin over trees n crashin into huts n shit on these tracks. This exactly what rap needed son.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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</div>11. Undun - The Roots<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Even the least incredible Roots joints got moments thats jus straight genius still yo. This one is definitely not one of the less incredible albums they ever done tho. So theres plenty genius on this muthafucka. Im jus glad these dudes basically never fall off b. I mean it aint that many artists...in rap especially..that keep it this consistent namsayin. The Roots is basically the Rolling Stones of hip hop b. They gon probably still be doin this shit 20 years from now...n they already BEEN doin it for over 20 years yo. They really jus stick to what they do...you dont see em hoppin onto trends n fakin they way to longevity nahmean. They aint start makin g-funk when that shit was poppin or do no crunk shit...they aint start cat daddyin like some lames jus to get young niggas to fuck wit em or nothin namsayin. They stuck to they guns n kept makin joints that they was sincere bout. Thats basically why they still matter b.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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10. Follow Me Home - Jay Rock<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Damn...more of these young niggas need to follow this mans examples b....if they capable of it I mean. By followin examples I dont mean niggas need to start glorifyin drug sellin n actin like they really be on some trap or die shit when they actually be on some workin in the seasonal department at Lowes shit. If you bout that "nonfat half-caff soy latte wit extra whip" life...do you. I just mean these niggas need to grow the fuck up n channel they inner manhood (pause) n try to percolate they testosterones or some shit. Its no secret that the Estrogenerationâ„¢ been mad cool wit lettin some corny shit slide nahmean. Niggas been rockin colorful bracelets n tuckin they jeans down into the bottom of they hi-tops n wearin snug ass jacketss for too long now namsayin. Lemme put it this way...if you was waitin on Game's <a href="http://www.blogger.com/"><span id="goog_1338799317"></span>R.E.D. Album<span id="goog_1338799318"></span></a> all that time...you really shoulda jus copped this shit n let the boy Rock hold you down. This is what R.E.D. SHOULDA been....but instead it was some hot dirty diapers nahmean. This shit was en fuego tho namsayin.</div><br />
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9.We Are Renegades - Pharoahe Monch<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">PHAROAHE FUCKIN MONCH AINT A DAMN THING CHANGED....I guess a few things changed now tho. Son definitely still a animal on these tracks...but he also sayin a lot more. If the Clap joint aint come out in 2010 that shit woulda been in my top 10. Matter fact...stead a me sayin anything else bout the album...Imma let jus that joint do the talkin.</div><br />
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8. The PL3DGE - Killer Mike<br />
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</div><div style="text-align: justify;">This my mans rite here b. He gotta be one of the humblest industry dudes I ever came across son. But like I said I aint really playin favorites jus cuz a individual happen to show me respect or cuz I be cool wit em namsayin. Same go for anybody on any these lists that be showin me love or whatever. Anyways yo...son is the last of a dyin breed...the intelligent rapper who makes hardcore rap nahmean. Son basiclly came from that trap life n picked up a book or two along the way namsayin. Not only is these joints some fire...son is buildin wit niggas n spittin real jewels here par. But he puttin all that knowledge on tracks that make you wanna eat the thorns off a rose bush. Not to mentiuon he gotta couple joints thats jus on some ignorant shit. So...you kno...he balances out all that brain food he throwin on ya plates n be givin u some gravy to go wit it namsayin. </div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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</div>7. Self Made Vol. 1 - MMG<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Theres a lot of shit you can talk when it comes to this nigga Rozay. Yeah he grown ass man who also happens to be a straight compulsive liar... Son was a corrections officer... Son looks like he about 3 years pregnant n refuses to wear a shirt 97% of the time.... Oh n son is successful as fuck. That hurts a lot of muthafuckas namsayin. Niggas be losin sleep at the thought of this nigga coppin more Audemars n Bugattis son. Niggas be prayin to they maker that this nigga gon run outta words to rhyme wit yacht n palm trees soon. Or l<a href="http://www.complex.com/music/2012/02/dmx-takes-shots-at-rick-ross-drake-and-jay-z" target="_blank">ike DMX was sayin</a>..."how much can a nigga eat?". "Bottom line tho...is this muthafucka makes good ass music son. You also get to hear the verbal acrobatics of that lyrical wizard Meek Mill n the less emotional side of Olubowale Folarin on this shit. ......Oh n Pill.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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6. Well-Done - Action Bronson & Staik Selektah<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Im tellin you...son is jus ILL. What made this shit even more crazy than the Dr Lecter joint to me is how Statik provided son wit nothin but marvelous shit. Im sayin all these joints is cooked to perfection son. There aint no filler. Both these dudes came correct n cheffed up some incredible shit tho. This joint kinda got slept on tho. So if you made time in ya life to go cop the Pink Friday joint but you slept on this shit SHAME. ON. YOU.</div><br />
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5. Fear Of God II - Pusha -T<br />
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</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Most the original joints off Fear Of God ended up on this shit too. And son padded this shit out wit more bangers...so its basically the same joint minus the freestyles n wit extra heat. Son still talkin all those usual rap nigga fantasies...that throwin money out the windows of they 2 million dollar Bugattis n flyin in helicopters to they private islands to go splash magnum bottles of Krug on exotic broads whose names you cant even pronounce while eatin beluga caviar off the stomachs of winged virgins n coppin wardrobes hand stitched by Martin Margiela hisself for they whole crew type shit....but he do be makin it sound good. He also kno how to make niggas think tho. The hands down illest bars on this shit go like this..."Im what dreams are made of /cocaine Ronald gave us /then Nancy tried to save us / by that time we had motorola pagers....". You 90s n 00s babies might gon have to google who Ronald n Nancy was n what pagers is to understand how ill this shit is tho namsayin.</div><br />
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4. The Greatest Story Never Told - Saigon<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Son most this shit was like 4 years old before this album even dropped. But it sounds like some shit that could come out 4 more years from now n still sound fresh namsayin. Timeless music is timeless music b. Son basically missed all the opportunities he had to blow up. I kno it wasnt his own fault or nothin...major labels will fuck up more artist careers than they help nahmean. Son was on Entourage witta crazy ass opportunity to snatch up some of those millions of viewers n really get shit poppin. But instead this shit sold like 20k copies. That jus lets you kno how fucked up the game is. Cuz Im pretty sure when a corny nigga like Tyga drops his joint he gon sell 20k in bout a day. Fuck rap.</div><br />
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3. The Dreamer/The Believer - Common<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Who would think that a dude who been around for like 20 years would drop some of his most potent shit this late in his career? M'man sounds fresh...like he jus wanna remind yall what he capable of. This how you balance out that rugged shit wit that shit that broads can lay back n twist they hair to. Son can go from rockin on a gritty ass joint wit Nasir one minute to talkin bout blue skies n celebratin shit to slappin the moisturizer outta Drake to lettin his Pops get some shine again...its a beautiful thing happenin here son. No I.D. produced the whole shit from top to bottom. Son deserves half the credit for the victory.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;">2. Section.80 - Kendrick Lamar</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjiRT1QUZpYlF7oQWjQajO0FwDRMtscNo7_AJhOE7DYWcXFpLGaS1wkVTWYZGuoykMWBHyZq1ic3CH0TDUksj2vILHdU2EyLrW3ZiQvRtn7WydhoQTnAV1_dOlTUYUCW6TJc-Gcsw4jqUzf/s1600/section+80.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjiRT1QUZpYlF7oQWjQajO0FwDRMtscNo7_AJhOE7DYWcXFpLGaS1wkVTWYZGuoykMWBHyZq1ic3CH0TDUksj2vILHdU2EyLrW3ZiQvRtn7WydhoQTnAV1_dOlTUYUCW6TJc-Gcsw4jqUzf/s1600/section+80.jpg" /></a></div><div style="text-align: left;"><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">There aint a lot else you can say bout this dude. Son aint only showin yall what the future gon bring as far as this rap shit goes...he IS the future of this rap shit. There aint a lot niggas in the game that can straight rape n dismantle the fuck outta a beat n still find a way to cater to the females somehow namsayin. Look at the way he cooked this shit up. Other niggas aint let the baking soda bubble out. Niggas wont scrape that bullshit off the top. Son..this that novocaine...only that uncut raw....jus that hard white....that shit that makes ya whole face numb...that shit that could stop ya ass from breathin. Yall should be afraid of what son is cookin. He got shit thats gon paralyze ya arms... Son ignorant. Im tellin yall...they fucked up lettin this nigga rap. Matter fact dont even worry bout Section.80...Jus understand what kinda animal yall dealin wit. Jus listen to this shit...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/B5eT6TaEtPI?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
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<span style="color: #e69138; font-size: large;"><b>And the album of the year is....</b></span><br />
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<b><span style="color: #e69138; font-size: x-large;">....definitely not that shit.....</span></b><br />
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</div>1. Watch The Throne - Jay-Z & Kanye West<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Aint a lot else niggas can say bout this joint...whether yall loved it or hated it or thought it was a success for em or jus a big ass disappointment...this shit gon go down in rap history as one of the most important albums of all time either way. This shit aint bout numbers..its bout impact b. Its bout changin the way muthafuckas think or the way they live namsayin. There was a couple moments of fruitiness on this shit that I could still not fuck wit in a trillion years...Im sayin there aint no muthafuckin way Im gon ever listen to LIFT OFF ever again basically. But even the Sweet Baby Jesus joint grew on me after a while. Im sayin...this collaboration was an event. This was a time yall gon look back on...n remember all the facebook statuses n tweets quotin a line from Niggas In Paris or muthafuckas sayin *Otis scream*...or talmbout "plankin on a million" or laughin at the clown who got "That Shit Cray" tatted on his arm n seein these niggas tour together n make history namsayin. Yeah I mean....Take Care n Carter 4 sold more...but did they have the same impact on the culture? Thats debatable I guess yo...but I aint like them shits at all. So it is what it is. This wasnt necessarily the most consistent joint of the year in my opinion...but the highs was crazy high even tho the lows was low as fuck namsayinn. Yeah it coulda been better....but the fact these niggas said they was doin a album together...n actually DID it was good enough for most folks. If yall aint peep the review by the god its right <a href="http://bigghostnahmean.blogspot.com/2011/08/ayo-this-p-tones-review-for-watch.html" target="_blank">HERE</a>.</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br />
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</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><span style="color: #e69138; font-size: large;"><b>JOINTS OF THE YEAR</b></span></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">For this shit I tried to keep it to one joint per artist...minus features n shit like that. Otherwise I woulda had like 300 joints on this list...n I aint tryin to spend any more time on this muthafucka than I already done spent namsayin.</div><br />
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30. One Day At A Time - 2Chainz ft Jadakiss<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/6ZKEQd8AzsY?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Word is bond...this video jus dropped yesterday or some shit. Its good to see some visuals for this joint. I mean the shit aint nothin but some lazy broads n these niggas chillin...but at the same time that man Jim Jones kinda did his thing behind the lense namsayin (yeah...<a href="http://www.rapbasement.com/images/xxl-111cover_dipset.jpg" target="_blank">THAT</a> Jim Jones...shoutouts to Capo). Shit is mad laid back...some shit for all yall lean sippers. Its jussa cool ass track to let float thru the air when you aint really doin too much namsayin. It aint no hype shit. You aint really gon go lift weights n hit the heavy bag to some shit like this...its jus some shit to reflect on life to nahmean.</div><br />
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29. Catch Me - Amanda Diva<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Summa yall already know this the homegirl. But I dont play favorites son. I love this shit. I already was feelin the joint at the time...but I musta watched this video bout 10 times in a row when I first seen it. The stories n the visuals jus made it even more real to me nahmeain. Basically this shit is jus pure love for the art form that I be tryin hard as fuck to not let get destroyed by corny niggas n basic ass broads. If yall aint kno bout this renaissance woman...I got you. You can peep most her shit n cop her joints or her art or watch her videos or whatever whatever at her <a href="http://www.amandaseales.com/" target="_blank">official site</a> namsayin. Word is bond.</div><br />
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28. Bonfire - Childish Gambino<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><object class="BLOGGER-youtube-video" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0" data-thumbnail-src="http://1.gvt0.com/vi/qL1B_r9nC9k/0.jpg" height="266" width="320"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/qL1B_r9nC9k&fs=1&source=uds" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /><embed width="320" height="266" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/qL1B_r9nC9k&fs=1&source=uds" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Ayo normally the god dont really fuck wit none of that quirky shit namsayin. Like my dude come from sitcoms n shit like that...but soon as I heard this joint I knew that son wasnt really no joke namsayin. I mean...son might run kinda funny....n that plungin neckline he got on his t-shirt in this video might require some kinda explanation n shit....but he a talented dude. Like forreal...this joint go kinda hard b. </div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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27. Random Call - Random Axe<br />
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</div><div style="text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/G-xUs4rHLro?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">If you can scroll thru your ipod n find mad Kreayshawn n Soulja Boy joints on that muthafucka theres a good chance you wont enjoy this shit b. This shit is for niggas who appreciate straight up hip hop minus the gimmicks n all the bullshit. You wont be able to Dougie or wobble or whatever the fuck kinda dances yall be doin these days to no shit like this b. This aint the kinda joint you gon see strippers slidin down poles to or nothin...its jus pure hip hop shit witta sprinkle of that ignorance namsayin.</div><br />
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26. Druggys with hoes- ScHoolboy-Q<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">This nigga jus STOOPID son. Im tellin yall...these Black Hippy muthafuckas is takin over nahmean. Jus when you think the joint wont get any more ignorant the homie Ab-Soul comes n grabs the wheel n takes the ignorance up to the next level namsayin. Im tellin yall new rappers...you wanna be able to fuck wit these dudes then yall gon have to STEP YA IGNORANCE UP B.</div><br />
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25. Off & On - 50 Cent<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">This that Fif that the game been missin b. Yall can hate on the nigga...but he never was bout that brain surgeon rap. He back on his "Get Rich..." shit for 2012 hopefully...cuz this shit rite here is a good example of what he be doin best. The god threw up the "censored" version of the video cuz the other one was on some NSFW shit....n this a family friendly blog n shit namsayin. Word.</div><br />
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24. Last Days - Mobb Deep<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">I can still remember when these niggas use to carry sickles n had matchin baldies yo. They done come a long way son. The only thing that aint changed over the last damn near 20 years is the fact that Mobb Deep still supplyin yall wit that hardcore QB shit. This was jus some more of that...but witta updated sound.</div><br />
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23. Just Chill - Travis Barker ft. Beanie Sigel, Bun B & Kobe<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/2H6H5rSerws?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Lotta yall mighta forgot that the before he started actin like Jay-Z's scorned ex broad...Beanie Sigel was actually The Broad Street Bully..aka one of the realest rappers the game ever seen namsayin. He back on his "real nigga rap" shit on this joint wit the legendary Bun B ridin shotgun yo. This was lowkey one of the most important songs of the year son.</div><br />
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22. My Sunshine - Blu<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/8Cmfc4xMvio?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Son really needs to slow down sometimes b...I mean its dope that he stays on his grind n all that but its like son jus be sittin around sometimes n thinks yo Imma drop a album today or some shit nahmean. I dont even kno how many mixtapes n albums my dude got. All I kno is when I heard this shit I thought damn...why cant he always keep his shit at THIS level yo? This joint is like hope for the future to me son. I love this shit.</div><br />
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21. Make My - The Roots<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/zQGhUnFnvS4?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Some artists n groups fall off after they been doin it for 2 decades or more namsayin. The Roots jus get more ON tho. They dont ever let you down son. This the difference between niggas who rap over beats n artists who make music. Feel me? This is MUSIC son.</div><br />
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20. The World - Smoke DZA<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/X96SR8sdf1U?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Ayo forreal...the god heard this beat in a dream before it ever came to his ears. Its like this shit was jus meant to be. Like how you gon front on some shit like this? You gotta straight up hate yaself to not be fuckin wit this shit namsayin. I swear I saw doves fly out my speakers when I first heard this shit g. This joint jus touches my soul yo (pause).</div><br />
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19. Ambition - Wale<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">That boy Olubowale aka Nigeria's forgotten son dont always be gettin the a whole lotta respect...or what I actually meant to say is son gets shitted on a lot namsayin. But even tho Ambition was basically a whole album of yoga music...he actually had a couple decent joints on that muthafucka. This shit in particular nahmean. Imma jus give credit where its due namsayin.</div><br />
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18. Opium - M.O.P.<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Ayo if its one thing that the Mash Out Posse known for its for droppin some bangers son. Billy Danze n Fizzy Wo' got anthems for days nahmean. The types of shit where when you hear it you wanna jus grab a chair n break it over the head of the muthafucka thats next to you namsayin. I heard this joint n I went outside n tore the mailbox off of the sidewalk n threw it at a school bus son. This shit had me whylin the fuck out....cant even lie son.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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17. Warning (Remix) Uncle Murda ft. French Montana, Jadakiss, Styles P, Vado, Jim Jones & Cam'ron<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">The original was already hot...but the remix is straight fire nahmean. Even tho ey'body did they thing...once again my nigga Killa jus out-ignoranted the rest of these muthafuckas. Son straight up tellin you he gon smack the shit out a hater, smack the shit out ya neighbor, smack the shit out the mayor AND smack the shit out ya pregnant baby mom while she in labor. Now whats fuckin wit that b?</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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16. Shot Caller - French Montana<br />
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</div><div style="text-align: center;"><object class="BLOGGER-youtube-video" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0" data-thumbnail-src="http://0.gvt0.com/vi/HSrVIX_jfdg/0.jpg" height="266" width="320"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HSrVIX_jfdg&fs=1&source=uds" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /><embed width="320" height="266" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HSrVIX_jfdg&fs=1&source=uds" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Contrary to popular belief...Frenchie is NOT the best rapper alive. I kno a lot of yalls is probably shocked to hear that...but you kno. It is what it is. I mean...lets jus say son has his "limitations" as a muthafuckin rapper. But it dont mean you cant enjoy that shit. Sons buzz is kinda crazy rite now for a reason b. Son got mad iggy shit on deck. And word...all yall die hard 90s heads already kno the sample of the horn sample came from that old <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-eMDCliY6s" target="_blank">Lords Of The Undergound</a> joint. But the way the shit got flipped on this track was dope anyways.</div><br />
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15. Intro/Interlude/Outro - Lil Wayne ft. Tech N9ne, Andre 3000, Bun B, Nas, Shyne & Busta Rhymes<br />
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</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/cCjqjH9z32U?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">This shit probably woulda sounded better as one long ass outro instead of 3 different parts on the Carter 4 joint...but I guess Weezy felt like he needed to stretch his wings out on this shit all alone or whatever. Even tho the bars Drake wrote for him included that suspect ass line that had muthafuckas all over the world rewindin to make sure he had said what they thought he said ("Boy Im goin in...like my water broke") and corny shit like "my shit wont ever stop...suck my green light"...this was actually summa the better shit he spat on the whole album. But we all kno the real reason the shit became 3 parts was cuz he aint wanna have his bars so close to what the fuck Nas n Tech N9ne did to this shit. Pretty much ey'body went in tho...Bun did his thing...Bussa bodied that shit as usual namsayin. But lemme jus say that if there was a way to surgically remove Shyne from this muthafucka permanently I wouldnt mind hin that.</div><br />
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14. Ready Set Go (remix) - Killer Mike ft T.I. & Big Boi<br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">NoI.D. on the track...let the story begin. Im sayin son....my dude jus keeps on craftin bangers like he bout to retire or some shit. Plus he got so many sounds that he can make joints for pretty much any artist out there forreal. But yo...the remix is basically the same joint as the original...except Big Boi blesses the track this time around. Tip still did his thing on the hook...n my dog Killer Mike goes straight for the throat...straight clownin these effeminate ass niggas out here....my favorite pastime. This shit jus knocks like a muthafucka tho.</div><br />
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13. Not Enough Words - Action Bronsosn<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/n8APYF0kkas?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Statik Selektah LACED this shit b. This beat was perfect for son to go in on. And my G straight up waxed this muthafucka. Outta all the shit Bronsolino put out last year this was my hands down favorite shit son. This shit was inspiration to me nahmean. I listen to this joint like once a day at least...shit gon help yall stay on point. If you aint do it yet...yall need to cop that Well-Done LP. Im tellin you....</div><br />
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12. Be With Me - Cam'ron & Vado<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/yFRyLrh7wic?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<span id="goog_32777228"></span><span id="goog_32777229"></span><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">This shit reminded me of the "old Cam'ron". His boy Vado blesses the first half witta solid verse n then Killa comes in to share one of his tales that any real nigga can relate to...a chick sent a ass pic to his phone n his main girl seen it n now she throwin shit n losin her mind over it namsayin. That shit done happened to most niggas at least once. Its some real shit nahmean. But besides that...the beat is some vintage Cam. Matter fact if Vado wasnt on this shit n it had Juelz Santana doin his "Ay!" thing on the hook n Capo threatenin to bury lames who aint bout it bout it at the end it coulda been a Dipset joint...</div><br />
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11. I Love My Bitches - Rick Ross.<br />
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</div><div style="text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/2zZj0MtoTzc?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Say what you want bout his abilities as muthafuckin "emcee" but this nigga got some heat...son can flow. More important than that shit is the fact that this Oreo cookie-eatin, pickle juice-drinkin, chicken gristle-eatin muthafucka can hear a beat that sounds like the gates of Heaven openin in music form from 7 miles away n have that shit knockin in his headphones while he rhymes bout his latest expenditures to that shit in under 15 minutes flat son. Son is like a magnet for retarded beats. And Just Blaze killed that shit Rozay copped from him for this joint. I aint even care what this song was bout son. Coulda been bout foldin laundry for all the fucks I give b. Shit is fire.</div><br />
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10. Demons - A$AP Rocky<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/pYfDG5Ff9HQ?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">There was too many crazy joints to choose from off that Live.Love.A$AP shit son. Could been Brand New Guy...coulda been the Trilla joint...coulda been Peso...but this shit jus gotta special vibe to it. Like that shit can jus have you zonin namsayin. Aint no real way to explain why some shit jus hits harder than other shit. I jus let the music speak for itself tho. Let the beat chill.</div><br />
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9. Swim Good - Frank Ocean<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/PmN9rZW0HGo?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">There aint never been no shit that sounded like this before son. This gotta be one of the most original joints I heard in a minute still. I mean he had some cool shit on his mixtape n whatever but there was definitely some magic happenin when he recorded this shit son. I heard muthafuckas say this shit is bout suicide...n some even think its bout murder. But forreal...I think its jus bout movin on after a relationship goes bad namsayin. Now that might sound like some corny shit...but thats jus how life is namsayin. Now if son was talmbout he lonely n he drunk n now he gon call his ex girls n tell em they niggas aint shit...NOW we venturin into corny land nahmean.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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</div>8. Country Shit (Remix) - Big K.R.I.T. ft Ludacris & Bun B<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/9G49Tdw4KDw?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">The original joint dropped in 2010 but the remix aint come out til the Return Of 4Eva mixtape...so this shit counts. Son brought Luda n Bun B along for the ride this time. Luckily this aint the Luda that spit that struggle shit durin the last BET Cyphers...its the good Luda. Bun always on point n the homie Krit of course does his thing. Had to be the best joint off the best mixtape of the year.</div><br />
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7. Nasty - Nas<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/wo97R0ib1CE?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Ey now n then the boy wit the chipped tooth gotta come back n show niggas why he one of the nicest ever. The thing you gotta love bout son is his ability to not give a fuck. On paper this looks like some stupid shit as far as career decisions go namsayin. Like son jus gon drop a single wit him spittin like its '88 on some <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFxvgg6m_mo" target="_blank">Wrath of Kane</a> shit over some milk crate breakbeat joint wit no hook or nothin? In the the middle of the Electro-estro-emo era of rap? But thats how the boy Nasir get down rite? You gotta love how he be stickin to his guns nahmean. Sometimes you gotta lead by example tho...stead a jus followin the pack namsayin. You sacrifice yaself to break the cycle nahmean. You might not live to reap the rewards n shit but you plantin the seeds so that the next muthafuckas gon have they little plants to cop they vegetables from n whatever whatever. Thats what separates the legends from the leeches b.</div><br />
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6. Sweet. - Common<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/fAo6s94X2sk?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">It aint a diss song its jussa real song. First thing I thought when they heard this muthafucka was "Damn this shit GOTTA be bout that sanctuary for a stripper ass nigga from Toronto wit Tang in his blood"...otherwise known as that rest haven for your inner low self esteem havin teenage broad and/or muthafuckin drunk off Nuvo all by his lonely self cockblockin ass simp...Aubrey. Yall probably thought the same. The nigga Com basically unleashed the fury of a million slaves on that muthafucka without sayin his name. But yall already knew he was takin it to that particular honeycomb ass beige muthafucka's neck when you heard him say "little bitch". No I.D. gave his man one of the hardest beats of the year to tap dance on the little homie's dignity to. But EVEN IF it wasnt bout the nigga who could moisten a entire desert witta single teardrop... I would STILL fuck wit this joint. My man was possessed by the ghost of boom-bap era <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWkhJFX1RG8" target="_blank">KRS-One</a> on this muthafucka. And thats just what kinda greatness a lot of these McRappers out here jus aint capable of son.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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5. Rich & Black - Raekwon ft Nas<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><object class="BLOGGER-youtube-video" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0" data-thumbnail-src="http://1.gvt0.com/vi/1WFTDSx_-uk/0.jpg" height="266" width="320"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/1WFTDSx_-uk&fs=1&source=uds" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /><embed width="320" height="266" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1WFTDSx_-uk&fs=1&source=uds" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Anytime the boy Nas n Lex Diamond get on a track together the shit is a classic b. Verbal Intercourse...Eye For An Eye n whatever whatever...these niggas really feed off each other (pause) namsayin. Im sayin they bring out each others A-game (no homo) tho. Niggas brought the 90s back on this joint b. My speakers smelled like cooked rubber after I heard this shit the first ttime son. Shit sounded like Viking theme music. Niggas aint just hop on this track n spit bars...they invaded that muthafuckin beat nahmean. Niggas raped n pillaged the shit outta the track on some barbarian shit son. This is grown nigga hip hop rite here b. You wont never hear no little niggas come up wit some shit like this. This is experience namsayin. This is how verterans put it down...you gotta have stripes on ya muthafuckn arms to do some shit like this son.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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4. HiiiPoWeR - Kendrick Lamar<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/ep0hay4Qw54?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Anybody that follows my shit knows I consider that boy Kendrick the future of Rap nahmean. Son is a serious alien b. Like I dont even kno how this nigga be speedin his shit up right past the beat n then comin back round the other side of it to approach it from behind again namsayin. Its like son splits into 4 different niggas n jus ambushes the track on some prison showers shit. This my favorite shit off the Section 80 joint yo. The funny thing bout this track is the homie Young Eeyore aka J Cole laced this shit. But how he gon bless his nigga wit some fire like this n then put out his own album wit beats soundin like they was made 10 years ago on Cubase 1.0 or some shit son? I swear I dont understand that dude one bit. But Im thankful that son passed this shit to his man...cuz this shit came out superb son.</div><br />
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3. My God - Pusha-T<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/Clo0U1BMR5I?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">I dont wanna judge this shit by the video...because they aint even rent the right color Murcielago for this shit namsayin. Im sayin Kanye mighta slid son the CyHi budget on this shit...which aint cool b. Cos that boy Pusha Ton made one of the greatest joints of the last 100 years n he gettin disrespected here son. This muthafucka shoulda had the All Of The Lights budget. This shit shoulda had angels wit trumpets ridin on the backs of golden elephants n gorillas c-walkin on the walls of the Vatican or mermaids floatin on clouds wit mountains explodin in the background or some shit. But it dont change the fact that son blessed us wit some majestic shit.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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2. The Morning - The Weeknd<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/NRUKozmkPPY?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Yeah thats rite son. Any nigga thinkin 'what the fuck this soft ass OVOXO shit doin on here???' can kiss my ass b. This shit is a work of art rite here son. Never mind the fact that under that cool ass laid back shit you hearin...this nigga actually jus singin bout drugs, strippers n hoes. It aint even no sucka shit like that. This joint is glorious son. It sounds like the morning after the party...that 5am shit. When shit make the most sense...jus before you crash. Before the hangovers n shit. In some ways this joint could be #1 to me.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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1. Who Gon Stop Me - Jay-Z & Kanye<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/ePwM4WzborQ?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Before all yall little corny know it all ass niggas start sayin to yallselves "B-b-b-b-but...them niggas just jacked that shit from Flux Pavilion... that aint fairrrrr... weep weep weep...(insert more bitch ass keepin it really reaaaally real I hate mainstream niggas type fuckboy shit here)..." while you cry puddles all over yall laptops n throw ya bowls of Alphagettis at the Jedi Mind Tricks posters on ya walls n shit....jus remember that the equation for the amount of fucks Im capapble of givin multiplied by the amount of times I would spare yall that fuck Im spose to give you looks sorta like--> 0 x 0 = ___ namsayin. Anyways yo...this shit makes me wanna punch a eagle outta the sky son. Yall cant even ignore the shit that occurs on this muthafucka neither b. This aint the Kanye n Jay show. This aint Otis b. I mean...niggas was sharin the spotlight right up til bout the 2:18 mark...then Hovi steps up in front of Yeezy n decides he gon go for dolo namsayin. By 2:39 in Jay be like "Nah...pardon me Ye...I got this". At 3:01 in you can almost hear the sound of Kanye gettin thrown across the room as Jiggaman starts spittin like his life dependin on it n disrespectin pretty much any nigga that he encountered in his muthafuckin life. This is what separates basic rap niggas from niggas who basically run rap namsayin. Jay showin yall muthafuckas why charisma n mic presence gon always matter more than BARS namsayin. Yall nerd ass muthafuckas who chose some word that most niggas never heard of before outta the dictionary as your rap name probably aint never gon understand that shit tho. Like that nigga Pain In Da Ass once said...<span style="text-align: center;">"Why don't you go get outta here. Get lost. Go kick a freestyle or something". Word is bond. Grown folks is talkin here son.</span></div><br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">Word...n since I aint a hater like that Imma let yall kno what was the hottest joints of the year. It aint necessarily got nothin to do wit my own personal preferences or nothin...but I wasnt mad at none of this shit either way nahmean. But FUCK NO there wasnt no Kreayshawn, Tyga n Breezy joints that I even wanna pretend to give a fuck bout. Technically one of these joints dropped at the end of 2010...but it was poppin like a 2011 joint still....so...</div><br />
<br />
<div style="text-align: center;"><b><span style="color: #e69138; font-size: large;">The Hottest Joints of The Year</span></b></div><br />
<div style="text-align: center;">5. Ima Boss - Meek Mill ft Rick Ross</div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/V1cxP2nCBdU?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><br />
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br />
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</div><div style="text-align: center;">4. Im On One - DJ Khaled ft Drake, Rick Ross & Lil Wayne</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/Z09lYqdxqzo?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
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<div style="text-align: center;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: center;">3. Niggas In P**** - Jay-Z & Kanye</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><object class="BLOGGER-youtube-video" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0" data-thumbnail-src="http://2.gvt0.com/vi/gG_dA32oH44/0.jpg" height="266" width="320"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/gG_dA32oH44&fs=1&source=uds" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /><embed width="320" height="266" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/gG_dA32oH44&fs=1&source=uds" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object></div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
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<div style="text-align: center;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: center;">2. 6'7 - Lil Wayne ft Cory Gunz</div><br />
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</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/c7tOAGY59uQ?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: center;">1. Otis - Jay-Z & Kanye</div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/BoEKWtgJQAU?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
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</div><div style="text-align: center;"><div style="text-align: left;">Word is bond. Im done b. I was gon do a couple other lists...but this shit could fill a book already. </div><div style="text-align: -webkit-auto;">Aight peace.</div><div style="text-align: -webkit-auto;"><br />
</div></div>BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com101tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-88703830539393995072011-12-31T17:20:00.000-08:002012-01-01T02:51:30.907-08:00Big Ghost's Message of Hope for 2012<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgWPNQN3iGxxS9wdS_M_KNip8yzEE44zs3mHnzdlGm_mcGb4sGfp6FvUZm39H7rm4bz0f1G-o2LgRfSNRqdWZApcEXzpyA6bBlh5PPOkSQtTNZxnZUGIO3Cmp2tXcpcw1xWVPq8qh2ByaC2/s1600/rio+brazil.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="250" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgWPNQN3iGxxS9wdS_M_KNip8yzEE44zs3mHnzdlGm_mcGb4sGfp6FvUZm39H7rm4bz0f1G-o2LgRfSNRqdWZApcEXzpyA6bBlh5PPOkSQtTNZxnZUGIO3Cmp2tXcpcw1xWVPq8qh2ByaC2/s400/rio+brazil.jpg" width="400" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Ayo whattup yall...you now in the presence of the Grand Imperial Volcano Hands aka Phantom Raviolis the Inventor of Slaps...otherwise known as The Hands of Zeus aka Cocaine Biceps aka the illustrious Galaxy Knuckles...but yall kno the god as the infamous Big Ghost aka Thor Molecules the panty melter. First off Imma apologize for the delay. Its been mad long since the god blessed yall wit some scrolls. But like I be tellin niggas...life happens namsayin. N yo.. we dont choose inspiration...it chooses us son. The god sat down to bless yall a few times...n truth be told I wasnt feelin the shit the way I wanted to be feelin that shit. I asked one of my muses bout it n she told me thats jus how geniuses is nahmean. But regardless of that shit son 2011 is a wrap....n we gettin ready to pop those corks on another year namsayin. But before we load up the choppers we gon end this one the rite way first. Now I aint wanna spoil the surprise but the god had planned on sumthin bigger...but I aint finish it. I had a year end extravaganza I was workin on which Imma jus have to push into 2012. My bad yo... but Im tryna provide yall witta a turkey n that shit takes time to cook the rite way. Other niggas might be able to whip up some bullshit ass Stouffers tv dinners n say to you aight niggas...FEAST...but I aint bout that shit b. If you come to the table for a meal I aint gon put a McNugget on ya plate feel me? I aint gon say word...eat that McNugget n may God bless you namsayin. Nah son we gotta have principles n morals n shit like that in life. So I aint gon pull ya shirt over ya head n just punch you like that. I aint gon blindside niggas on some "Yo whats that shit over there?!" shit n then run the other direction nahmean. Nah yo...the god is jus a man b. The god stay humble par. I may not got too many imperfections but I be makin mistakes here n there too b. </div><div style="text-align: justify;"></div><div style="text-align: -webkit-auto;"></div><br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhZ_TCxOlPKvGtHs9cDUwkImlLFJwDyi_huwTjxsfDjQGQJZdMBxzSfuWXjAg5VrLszyAtvMswPmTgeBjsh5h8Kfp9Nsam_Ob0CE6o01EEmeoAW4K1SljO7v7yHM8L83guu9_wD4PKZWBtS/s1600/kids+1.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="267" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhZ_TCxOlPKvGtHs9cDUwkImlLFJwDyi_huwTjxsfDjQGQJZdMBxzSfuWXjAg5VrLszyAtvMswPmTgeBjsh5h8Kfp9Nsam_Ob0CE6o01EEmeoAW4K1SljO7v7yHM8L83guu9_wD4PKZWBtS/s400/kids+1.jpg" width="400" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">So as I was kickin back on my cloud I seen sumthin...I got splashed witta moment of honesty b. Word is bond n the shit made me think son. I seen children playin outside namsayin...n yall kno how little niggas dont give a fuck bout no rain or wind or nothn like that... n they was feelin life par. They wasnt dwellin on no stress or none of that shit. Basically these little muthafuckas is goin thru life on some fuck it Imma jus do me type shit son. N thats that innocence nahmean. We all had that shit at one time yo...but as we grow life starts throwin plates at you whenever you start thinkin shit is jus cool nahmean. You kno how like you be on some whattup good morning shit n the bitch start throwin coffee mugs n dishes at you type shit....word is bond n you jus get the fuck outta dodge n you aint even kno for sure why that shit was happenin. That shit dont happen to kids b. You can tell these little muthafuckas they goldfish Joey died n they gon look at you on some ayo FUCK LIFE type shit n then 10 minutes later they fuckin wit Yoshi namsayin. They gon be playin that Wii shit or kickin it wit they imaginary friends or whatever nahmean. But I seen that shit namsayin...these little innocent niggas enjoyin life n the shit hit me son. Tears jus burst out my wig son. I flipped the table over n had to slap the butler yo. A niggas emotions jus overcame him n shit. Son i be lettin the pressure get to me sometimes. Muthafuckas start tellin you you great...niggas start wantin to throw cake at you...people be hollerin at you makin you offers askin if they can buy you...they wanna work wit you...they want you to be on the next mission to the moon...this that n the third. But you gotta stay true to who you is par. Otherwise you jus goin thru the motions. You aint creatin...you jus recreatin. Either that or you start fixin shit that aint broke. You start reinventin the wheel n sayin ayo why dont we try makin a square wheel or a triangle wheel or a trapezoid wheel or some shit... Fuck all that b. You start thinkin outside the box too much n pretty soon you forgettin how to boil water. You start gettin stupid ideas like ayo Im outta coke so Imma sniff some table salt. Fix ya face little nigga. I see you muthafuckas takin shit way too personally. Have some dignity b. Correct yaself. Theres only so long that you can keep sprayin cologne on your stank ass when in actuality you need to be takin a shower b. Reinvigorate ya pores or whatever. Niggas is sprayin they cologne ey'where tryin to mask they odors. Fuckouttahere you dirty ass muthafuckas.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"></div><div style="text-align: -webkit-auto;"></div><br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj7pxXjgi_Vr4hOE6ZBGAPMfKd3-ed-QieYqnHgBRscl5j89Uwju5_D8vSY51H6wg6PABv4GcF_zKwYw3PbMiV4lSCruJswwuAQhmpAwGZFzZ4AjGZj3mEFUq8-J5SvS2_fvUN_KlzzbIHf/s1600/children+doves.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="295" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj7pxXjgi_Vr4hOE6ZBGAPMfKd3-ed-QieYqnHgBRscl5j89Uwju5_D8vSY51H6wg6PABv4GcF_zKwYw3PbMiV4lSCruJswwuAQhmpAwGZFzZ4AjGZj3mEFUq8-J5SvS2_fvUN_KlzzbIHf/s400/children+doves.jpg" width="400" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">Plus I got cowardly ass niggas tryin to test the gods hand skills ey'day. I wanna send a personal fuckouttahere to those niggas rite there. Niggas want that fade nahmean. They can have that shit b. I dont make threats I destroy lives son. Yall dont wanna catch that Zeus slap nigga. Son Imma make sure ya future kids would feel that shit n cease to muthafuckin be born due to that slap b. Your ceased to even exist future children's children would feel that shit b. No matter what dimension they exist in. The friends n family members of those children that dont exist except in another dimension's children who will never exist whose kids also dont exist's children would feel that slap vicariously thru YOUR face b. I been told niggas that shit n where they at now son? Niggas gon crawl out another niggas ass to say some disrespectful shit to the god but dont in actuality want that shit to escalate par. Imma slap you niggas so hard that you gon wake up lookin up at dinosaurs son. Im gon slap you niggas into prehistoric times namsayin. You gon feel the mighty hand of god on your face you disrespectful ass niggas. Im gon slap protons n neutrons n shit outta you. Other niggas gon innocently be walkin by n seein the god smackin mathematical equations out ya head you nerd ass niggas. Imma smack the algebras outta you. I dont care where I bump into you niggas at. I catch you at a Footlocker waitin to pay for ya little Reebok ZigTechs n Imma knock the shit out ya hands n emasculate you niggas. Imma take offf my belt n whip you in front of ya kids n ya lady or ya moms...whoever you wit son. Imma lacerate you niggas. Thats the best case scenario. I might catch you in that Footlocker n jus put hands on you n smack you thru that walll n have you flyin thru 3 different stores before you stop flyin thru walls nigga. You gon start off in a Footlocker n get slapped thru a Baby Gap n a Gizmobies before you land on a sofa in Victorias Secret nigga. </div><div style="text-align: justify;"></div><div style="text-align: -webkit-auto;"></div><br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiQtAl-5q5fREHnAsiw1etWrSoZFMv8EqwievQ9NgDiDx1IUnFzyBTGk_Ptpqd2i4-ZO22XvAZ8bYlx9vluJP5TAC4W_6J0mMjXN-708Ma6msDB4AqqddsQ9uqFXfr2Al95oEvH4wbVNmmh/s1600/beaverrock.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="300" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiQtAl-5q5fREHnAsiw1etWrSoZFMv8EqwievQ9NgDiDx1IUnFzyBTGk_Ptpqd2i4-ZO22XvAZ8bYlx9vluJP5TAC4W_6J0mMjXN-708Ma6msDB4AqqddsQ9uqFXfr2Al95oEvH4wbVNmmh/s400/beaverrock.jpg" width="400" /></a></div><br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">But yall already kno that shit...thats neither here nor there namsayin. I aint sweatin shit like that son. Im bout makin these positive moves for 2012. Imma continue to spread joy nahmean. But if niggas disrespect me Imma impregnate they broads son. Straight up b. Imma send a lightning bolt to they cribs. Imma strike they broads wit lightning n have them seeded up on some 'now you havin a niggas baby you very welcome' type shit. N you gon be goin thru life thinkin the shit all good like 'ayo she havin my baby' or whatever...but nah. Word is bond n when that baby pops out n got a hand the size of a baseball glove...n that shit is glowin wit fire you gon kno what the deal is. That baby gon put hands on you n slap the manhood out you b. Niggas wanna make checkers moves on a niggas chess board. Fuckouttahere little nigga. I aint bout all that. Imma knock ya little Jenga tower over if you wanna play games son. I been made niggas examples. Niggas still wanna play games tho. Ayo Imma take the whole monopoly board n Imma have hotels on all those shits. You gon have ya little Baltic Ave n Mediterranean Ave... n Imma be knockin ya little green house out the way n runnin over ya little thimble n shit. Cos you a little nigga makin little nigga moves. But yo...like I said Im bout makin these positive moves for 2012 so I aint gon even say no more. Happy New Year Muthafuckas.</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Aight peace.</div><br />
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/bI3u4jzTdBE?feature=player_embedded' frameborder='0'></iframe></div>BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com80tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-9212460093428914282011-11-29T17:28:00.000-08:002011-12-01T01:16:20.003-08:00Backseat Muthafuckas<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br />
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</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ayo whattup yall its ya boy Thor Molecules aka Phantom Raviolis the panty melter aka Galaxy Knuckles aka the Hands of Zeus otherwise known as the high n exalted Cocaine Biceps n the mighty inventor of slaps nahmean. Ayo we livin in a time where ey'body wanna be a boss namsayin. Im sayin even the muthafuckin weed carriers in the crew feel like they be entitled to shit that the nigga who actually give him the weed to carry is entitled to b. The shit aint rite son. Back in the day muthafuckas like Mopreme or Big Syke...or whatever them niggas names was in Thug Life or the Outlawz wit 2Pac....they all knew they place within the organization namsayin. Pac use to heat up quarters wit his lighter n leave em on those niggas foreheads if they fell asleep in his presence b. Thats jus disrespectful yo. But those niggas aint even say shit to him for it nahmean. Niggas knew they place son. They knew that Pac was the bread winner n that they basically wasnt shit without the nigga namsayin. </div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Which is why it broke my heart son...it broke my muthafuckin heart to see a dude like Busta Rhymes...a muthafuckin veteran who been in the game for bout 20 years...when half the niggas in Young Money was either toddlers or muthafuckin zygotes n shit....go n sign to a label like YMCMB. A whole crew of backseat muthafuckin niggas. Aint like they gave the homie some kinda executive position at the label b. They aint brought him to the company as a boss...they jus signed son like he was a little nigga yo. They signed my dude like he was Cory Gunz or some shit par. Like this aint a cat who rocked on joints wit Biggie n helped put Dilla on son. Nah yo...it aint rite to be puttin the illustrious niggas in the backseat par. The backseat is for the underling niggas namsayin. The ones who need to stand under somebody else umbrella cos they aint equipped to deal wit some storms n shit theyselves namsayin. But we livin in different times b. This Estrogenerationâ„¢ of little niggas is makin all the rules now b. </div><br />
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</div><div style="text-align: justify;">I touched on all this shit back when that cabbage patch nigga Drizzy started talmbout niggas was stealin ideas from him n Weezy son. The nigga said Jay n Kanye was bitin they whole idea to do a duets album n shit. Cos I guess son figured him n Dwayne was the only ones who had thought of that shit. What son aint acknowledged was that Jay had already did 2 albums witta singin ass R&B nigga hisself when he did the R Kelly joints. So really...singin ass Aubrey was the one steppin on toes....but that aint even what had a nigga vexed. Who was THIS little backseat ass muthafucka thinkin he was to be gettin outta pocket n talkin sideways bout niggas who birthed him b? Basically the god had to get som shit off his chest n this is what was said...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 15px;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: inherit;">"Ayo I just seen this video wit that nigga Drake talkin foul bout his elders n shit. Son be splashin his cologne on niggas nahmean. He tryna rub his cologne on niggas n keep his ass in the picture namsayin. He like that nigga in the backseat of the car pokin his head between the front seats tryna stay in the conversation wit front seat niggas nahmean. Ayo Jay n Kanye be some front seat niggas son. Niggas got seat warmers n shit. Niggas can change the station on the car stereo namsayin. The nigga Drake be tryna play wit the knobs on the stereo nahmean. Son can’t adjust the heat controls n shit cos he a backseat nigga namsayin. Nigga you jus look out the side windows aight. You aint built for no windshield views n shit. Niggas like Drake aint built for the front seat son. Son in the back with the child locks n shit. You aint no airbag havin nigga Aubrey. You need another niggas permissions n shit to crack ya windows nahmean. Niggas need to open ya doors son. Muthafuckas in the front seats open they own doors namsayin. Front seat niggas got legroom son. Niggas push back they seats n take yours nahmean. Ayo Drake niggas is takin ya legroom if they see ya ass. Ya backseat ass muthafucka."</span></span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 15px;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: inherit;"><br />
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</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 18px;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: inherit;">Now did the god overreact? Naw son. Matter fact most niggas jus underreacted to that shit b. N son jus kept pokin his head into the front seat. You kno like when you be orderin food at the drive thru n theres that one nigga in the backseat hollerin bout "throw some extra pickles on that" n whatever. Thats some real life shit. Now we got all these backseat type niggas runnin the game tryin to get they extra pickles. Dwayne went n let the human tambourine slide into the front seat wit him n now all these other backseat ass muthafuckas is hoppin out they booster seats n tryin to move up to the front. That muthafuckin Chester Cheeto lookin ass cornball Wiz Khagina be frontin on some boss shit too now yo. If that aint some fucked up shit to you I hope you a twelve year old girl forreal son. No grown ass man should be seein that as some righteous shit b. That shit is jus wrongteous yo. </span></span><br />
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<span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 18px;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: inherit;">Remember Ma$e tho? Son wasnt necessarily no backseat nigga...but he definitely belonged in the passenger seat namsayin. When he was the #2 to Puffy in all the videos he was doin good for hisself. Then what happened? Son tried to boss up n slide into the drivers seat n start his own shit. Son decided he was jus gon take the wheel all a sudden. N what was the product of that shit b? Thats right. Harlem World son. Niggas flyin outta cannons n cheesin like the Cream Of Wheat nigga while strugglin to put together one decent song. Ayo you aint gon make no monumental shit wit niggas like Blinky Blink in ya crew son. Niggas even had Kanye n Just Blaze beats n the shit was still wack. </span></span><br />
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<span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 18px;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: inherit;">Other backseat muthafuckas who tried to move into the front include that nigga Game. Now heres a dude who had no business tryin to take matters into his own hands at all yo. Son let his ego get in the way tho. We aint gon get into who did what to who n all that shit...but bottom line is the nigga a habitual "bite the hand that feeds his ass" muthafucka. This nigga can call shotgun as many times as he want n he still gon end up in the backseat at the end of the day par. You wont never see the nigga ridin in the front adjustin his seat n gettin his climate control on or glancin at the GPS namsayin. Sons window only rolls down halfway. Black Wall Street? Son got like 87 weed carriers in that muthafucka. I dont even understand if that shits spose to be a record label or what yo. Son is a fan b. He aint gon determine the destination of nothin son. He a passenger. A BACKSEAT passenger my nigga. The kind that wanna lean forward n give his opinion to the nigga navigatin thru all the traffic....yellin directions from the back at the dude who actually knows his way around namsayin. I guarantee you the happiest day of sons life was when Hov mentioned his name subliminally in those bars that ended up on the first joint off Blueprint 3. Son was so excited to hear the nigga ALMOST respond to him after 6 years of baitin him that he recorded a whole song bout Jay 25 minutes later to celebrate b. Then another one. Then another one...But who is THIS nigga to try n call out other rappers b? Sons verses use to sound like he was jus readin the "thank yous" off the cd jackets yo. But his new shit is transformin into whoever the nigga he doin a joint wit. If he on a joint wit Tyler he become Tyler. If he on a joint wit Jeezy he become Jeezy. If he on a joint wit Nas he become Nas. So if he ever do get to do a song wit Jay you already kno Jayceon gon be gettin his "IT SOUNDS SO SOULFUL DONT YOU AGREE?" on during the intro.</span></span><br />
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</div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 15px;">See Jayceon is more like on the level of a Papoose...or any other nigga who suffers from extreme dellusionalness n shit. See Pap is a backseat muthafucka in ey single way imaginable b. But sons whole backseat passenger status is at a even higher level than most backseat niggas tho. Son been in the game since the 90s n still cant get a album out...mainly cos NOBODY CARES BOUT PAPOOSE JOINTS namsayin. Son makes joints for motorbike passengers...niggas who ride on the back of the bike clutchin the nigga drivin nahmean. This nigga truly believes in his heart that he the king of New York tho son. Im sayin...like 3 million niggas would have to die first before son is even in the top 100 to be a contender for that title par. N most of those niggas dont even rap. There are niggas who aint even been born yet who got more right to call theyselves the king of NY. There are muthafuckas wit crack pipes in they mouths that get half they meals from Taco Bell dumpsters that got more right to call theyselves the king of NY son. Soon as this niggas "wife" Remy Ma gets outta jail he gon be right there...on the back of that motorbike again nahmean. Til then he gon continue gettin his mediocre on n disrespectin other niggas beats. Get this McNigga the fuckouttahere b.</span></div></div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 18px;"><br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 18px;">But the boy Young Eeyore? He know how to play his position b. Thats why Jermaine finally winnin. Cos 1) he accepted his fate as a backseat muthafucka n 2) he dont step on nobody toes. As you can see in the video son dont even sit in the front seat when he jus hangin wit his boys. Thats a humble ass nigga rite there b. Mind you son got his backseat order on at the Krispy Kremes...but he was jus overjoyed to be eatin I think nahmean. Son wasnt seein a whole lotta meals before he dropped his Lolmatic joint n sailed to the top of the charts namsayin. So Im happy for him par. I think Jay even started answerin the niggas calls. So Im happy for that boy Cole. Far as the rest of these backseat muthafuckas go...learn from the little homie n stop fuckin up the game.</span></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 18px;">Aight peace.</span></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 18px;"><br />
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</span></span></div>BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com91tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-7715797159278564642011-11-09T06:18:00.000-08:002011-11-10T04:11:06.192-08:00Big Ghost Presents: The Take Care Review<div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ayo whattup yall...the Hands of Zeus aka Thor Molecules aka Phantom Raviolis aka Cocaine Biceps... otherwise known as The Blog King n the Inventor of the Slap...is now officially back in the building namsayin. As summa yalls already kno...the god aint really no big fan of the nigga whose album Im bout to discuss nahmean. But Imma give this shit a unbiased real ass nigga persective yo. Imma ga'head n introduce the nigga now namsayin. Ayo...kinda like ya boy Big Ghost...son goes by many names b...Drizzy or Aubrey or jus Aubs...n the Artist Formerly Known as Wheelchair Jimmy nahmean. But yalls might know him as The Kitten Whisperer aka The Harvester of Pauses aka The Taio Cruz of Hip Hop aka Young Garnier Fructis the pre-cum baby aka Jennifer Aniston's favorite emcee....n the muthafucka most likely to have a gateway to Narnia in his closet aka The Michael Buble of Rap or that nigga witta beatin vagina for a heart that you be hearin on the radio sandwiched between Katy Perry n Lady Gaga joints all day aka Justin Biebers beard n the only nigga on earth capable of turnin sandpaper into moist towelettes wit the touch of his hands...the vagina nectar-garglin nigga who makes lambs look dangerous hisself.....otherwise known as the Human Electric Slide... OctobVariesOwn....Drake. Now I promise yall...I aint got no expectations or plans to hate on this nigga unless the shit jus so happens to be wack nahmean...Word is bond. Truth is...I aint really got nothin against son like that yo. Aight lets go...</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ayo fuck this nigga b. First off...this nigga gotta stop wit this lonely mobster image he tryin to portray these days yo. This nigga said this shit was bout him feelin like he a king tho. Son said "I used to stare at this world through a glass window and, like, two to three years later, I become a king in that world. That's who's sitting on that cover..." They give this nigga a muthafuckin goblet n a table for one witta candle n a bronze owl n now he runnin rap? Nigga ya respect from ya peers is as deep as the success you got in the mainstream. Aint nobody in rap lookin up to you like that cos you dope. Your success is whats dope to these niggas son. King tho? Fuck outta here b.</div><br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">1. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-over-my-dead-body-lyrics" target="_blank">Over My Dead Body</a> - A forreal....this sounds like the soundtrack to some Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants type shit son. I forget who the broad he got singin the hook on this muthafucka is...but i think its Renee Zellweger or some shit. I feel like Im inside a Barnes & Noble or a Starbucks b... This joint is more light in the ass than the fushigi gravity balls you see in those infomercials at 3 in the mornin son. But yo...how the first words that this nigga got the nerve to utter on this muthafuckin album gon be "I think I killed errybody in the game last year man"? Pardon me son? Word? You mean the same year that Kanye dropped another classic album in...while yo overrated ass uhhh....DID NOT? That year b? You mean the year when niggas predicted you was gon do a milli the first week out n you did 450k instead...n then a few days later Eminem dropped n he did like 750k in HIS first week n kept YOU from gettin back to the top of the charts? The same year that Em n Jigga won all the Grammys YOU was spose to take home? THAT year son? Oh.<br />
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2. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-shot-for-me-lyrics" target="_blank">Shot For Me</a> - I dont even know what to say b. Like forreal...after hearin this shit...I wouldnt be surprised if this nigga could pollinate a flower wit his fuckin breath son. Im pretty sure that son gets up in the morning n plays his harp for his cats n then slides down the muthafuckin banister in his satin man nightie n has a full glass of breast milk before he goes to the studio n hammers out some pooned out shit like this b. Sons talkin to a broad thru the whole song on some bitter shit n at one point the nigga even says "The way you walk...thats me. The way you talk...thats me. The way you got your hair up...did you forget? Thats me" Son... Thats you? Aight then... But the boy aint done yet yo...at the end of the joint he proposes a toast. This is how that shit go...<br />
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</div><div><div style="text-align: center;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #8e7cc3; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><i>"May your neigbors respect you</i></span></div><div><div style="text-align: center;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #8e7cc3; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><i>Trouble neglect you, angels protect you</i></span></div><div><div style="text-align: center;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #8e7cc3; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><i>And Heaven accept you".</i></span></div><div><br />
</div><div>Ayo I gotta toast for you too Drake..."May you shut the fuck up"<br />
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</div><div>3. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-headlines-lyrics" target="_blank">Headlines</a> - Lets be real...lotta yall muthafuckas dont wanna accept that this shit was a crime against heterosexuality...but thats cool. Yall feel like the human croissant did his thing on this shit. I respect that. But anyways...the god already had a few thoughts on this shit a few months ago namsayin. Yall can peep that shit rite <a href="http://bigghostnahmean.blogspot.com/2011/08/ayo-this-nigga-drake-cannot-be-serious.html" target="_blank">HERE</a><br />
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</div><div>4. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-crew-love-lyrics" target="_blank">Crew Love</a> (ft The Weeknd) - Ayo I been startin to accept that maybe ALL these joints is gon be bitchmade son. Truth is I fucks wit The Weeknd tho b. The music on this shit aint that bad...but it aint really no kinda beat namsayin. But then here come Young Angel talmbout havin "soldiers" n niggas "who came up off the strip" for him n "come up off the hip" for him if he need em to. I mean......jus stop that shit son. Niggas kno ya pedigree b. Like you wasnt the little nigga ridin ponies n doin cartwhels in the backyard livin that upperclass suburban life before you became a Canadian teen soap opera star n shit b. Now you the nigga tuckin napkins in ya shirt while you eat cos you "mobbin like that" n orderin hits on niggas who disrespect you...jus stop it Aubrey. Son said "I think I like who Im becoming..." Im sayin the boy Aubs is startin to feel hisself a little too much b. Anyways son...when I thinks of Crew Love I think bout Beanie Sigel movin J Cole's mentor out his way so he could body the fuck outta a glorious ass beat while Jiggaman in his prime delivers a hook that sticks to ya ribs namsayin. Thats what Im gon always think of son...<br />
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5. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-take-care-lyrics" target="_blank">Take Care</a> - Is this shit house? This shits like some kinda African disco shit b. Nothin wrong witta nigga gettin his international on but sons spittin those cream-filled bars again. Ayo son actually dropped the words "tears all over the pillowcase" namsayin...like I aint even had to make that shit up b. But dont worry ma...Aubrey got his cape on again ...tellin the broads of the world exactly what yall spose to be thinkin n feelin n how "Somebody shouldve told you something...<b>to save you</b>". The moisture levels on this shit got clouds formin over my speakers b.<br />
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<div style="text-align: left;"><i><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #674ea7; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;">"Pushin me away so I give her space</span></i></div><div style="text-align: left;"><i><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #674ea7; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><br />
</span></i></div><div style="text-align: left;"><i><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #674ea7; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;">dealin witta heart I didnt break</span></i></div><div style="text-align: left;"><i><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #674ea7; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><br />
</span></i></div><div style="text-align: left;"><i><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #674ea7; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;">I be there for you, I will care for you</span></i></div><div style="text-align: left;"><i><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #674ea7; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><br />
</span></i></div><div style="text-align: left;"><i><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #674ea7; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;">I keep thinkin you jus dont kno..."</span></i></div><br />
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6. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-marvins-room-lyrics" target="_blank">Marvin's Room</a>/<a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-buried-alive-interlude-lyrics" target="_blank">Buried Alive [Interlude]</a> (ft Kendrick Lamar) - Aka the "Player HATER'S Anthem". This nigga jus gon use bein drunk as a green light to talk to a broad while her man aint around n tell her that son aint shit. This is what little marshmallow ass muthafuckas do tho. Word. Now clown ass niggas is gon try n justify this shit as son jus dealin wit real nigga emotions n shit...or like he aint afraid to jus be honest. Nah. Fuck ya real emotions b. Thats like sayin "oh son was jussa little tipsy off them 4 flirtinis he had n so he dropped dime on his mans who was violatin his parole but he was jus dealin wit some real nigga emotions..." Nah yo. Fuck THIS nigga b. But my dude Kendrick Lamar continuin his streak of rockin on other niggas high profile joints n stealin the whole spotlight from em by spittin the illest shit on the album. Problem is that the genius nigga that sequenced these joints tacked the muthafuckin interlude onto the end of this bullshit ass song yo...so you gotta either sit thru this audio progesterone ey'time or fast forward thru the muthafuckin lotion dispensatizing takin place jus to hear that muthafucka son. Im tellin you tho son....this nigga BEEN alignin hisself wit the niggas he most threatened by...the muthafuckas he sees comin for a piece of HIS pie nahmean. Yall jus aint seein it. He wanna keep muthafuckas like The Weeknd under his wing for a reason b. Theres a reason why son had J Coles ass openin for him (pause?) on tour. Theres a reason why son got Kendrick n ASAP Rocky openin for his ass on THIS tour b. These niggas might appreciate what son doin for em...but I see what the insecure shook nigga who be goin thru broads purses while they in the bathroom is doin son. Imma need somebody to edit Aubrey off this track for me tho...<br />
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7. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-underground-kings-lyrics" target="_blank">Underground Kings</a> - Imma speak on this speak on this song one time one time Awwwwh. The beat is kinda trill. Yeah the beat is kinda trill Awwwhhhhhhh. But ahh cant take how son raps...no not even a liiiitlebit. Not even a liiiiittlebit. Naw ahh don't really giiiiveashit. Nawwwwww...<br />
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Cos really ahh dont giveashit. They - keep - tellin - me that - ahh - jus - need - to - learn - to - giiiveashit. Maybe if you was in my shoes youd kno why ahh jus cant giiiiveashit. Ahh think its deliberate. Yeah ahh think its deliberate.<br />
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This song is too much homosex. Bwoy ahh aint into homosex. This nigga is so homosex....nothin against homosexuawwwwwwwls....But ah dont give a fuck what boobie say. He - might - be - cool - wit - Bun - but - nigga - Aubrey - aint - no -U-G-K....<br />
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Nawwww.....cos nigga you be gay. Ah - think- that - the - whole - world - thinkin - you be into bootie play Ahh....Nigga ahh jus think this songiswack...I - wasted - 3 - whole - minutes - of - my - life - nigga...I wannumback Ackhhh<br />
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8. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-well-be-fine-lyrics" target="_blank">We'll Be Fine</a> - This shit got some bump to it. I was thinkin Young Angel might even try n lace this shit yo. This nigga jus lazy as fuck now tho son. Say what you want bout this niggas inability to display masculine tendencies n shit par..but son use to kno how to rap kinda namsayin. The nigga aint exactly spittin those sewage bars he been slidin to Wayne...but son had a few Carter 4-worthy moments on this shit too yo. "I heard you got your ways...I never woulda known. She said "yer such a dog...I said yer such a bone".<br />
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Birdman gettin his handrub on all over the end of this shit too. Shit had niggas worried cos he sounded like he was bout to rap....instead the nigga jus did his best to paint this nigga witta gangster brush....."Toronto stand up for one of the realest niggas...Drizzy wit the realest flow...y'kno? Toast to this gangsta shit fellas...." Word yo...jus look at this gangsta ass nigga....<br />
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">"And shout out to Toronto bitch Im Tony in my city"</td></tr>
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9. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-make-me-proud-lyrics" target="_blank">Umso Umso Umso Umso Usmo Proud of You</a> (ft Nicki Minaj) - I aint even mad at this beat son...but the shit this nigga be sayin yo...."I love it when your hair still wet cos you jus took a shower...runnin on a treadmill n only eating salad...sound so smart like you graduated college". I cant even stomach that shit b. Son always gotta be on some "Gurl you kno you look yo best when you jus gettin up in the morning n you got them creases on yo face from yo pillow n that crusty shit all in yo eyes cos thats the real you gurl awwwwwhhh" shit. That or he feedin broads that "you aint even kno how special you is cos other niggas dont be noticin it...but I do" shit. Ayo pardon me if you a female that happens to fall for this cornball shit...but most niggas DO be knowin bout these muthafuckin covert broad tactics namsayin. This nigga tellin you what you wanna hear n throwin all the other niggas you talk to under the bus....n got you convinced that he actually feel that way ma. Son be preyin on the weak. The nigga jus gon parallel park his top down bitchmobile on the track n do nothin but wait for these low self esteem havin broads to come flyin across the hood of his shit n take that bait. But its whatever namsayin. Let this nigga get his false Beyonce female empowerment on. But that hook son. Ayo is this nigga still attached to a placenta sack b?<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjTd98kjrxFMyLTCPkHGjb3Vq3yFHu1lYUWt9eQofaUjkR0OO-V-KV5x7hfeP18cCgj2gnGuWK_sqPRUL_I0yNZCSSSVvrQ4gmjws83Y-PPcm8-4mhRcn6XxB8bs4cUe4bjoi0jIT-i6Pyd/s1600/drake+ross.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="177" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjTd98kjrxFMyLTCPkHGjb3Vq3yFHu1lYUWt9eQofaUjkR0OO-V-KV5x7hfeP18cCgj2gnGuWK_sqPRUL_I0yNZCSSSVvrQ4gmjws83Y-PPcm8-4mhRcn6XxB8bs4cUe4bjoi0jIT-i6Pyd/s320/drake+ross.jpg" width="320" /></a></div><br />
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10. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-lord-knows-lyrics" target="_blank">Lord Knows</a> (ft Rick Ross) - Anybody remember the last time Just Blaze produced a wack joint now? This beat is some incredible shit my nigga. Rozay does his thing too...n if I couldnt understand what the homie Young Playtex was sayin...I would say his shit was aight too. But listen to this niggas bars son.....<br />
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<div style="text-align: center;"> "So Im goin thru her phone if she go to the bathroom n her purse rite there...I dont trust these hoes at all"</div><br />
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<div style="text-align: center;">"Thats why I walk around wit all this gold on...n every time I run into these niggas they want no problems"</div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjhf0pkRkRP5YPD4na_B70yqHObkWhRIqUZnkzCSZdyOYd8xFhYtbM9Pm9dnkBbvyaCfdRYbDsQxDWElp7u58_Tkn-uF7XT-77BL9P-KD6qmVtNmU8mKM7VtsCmf2YpwA-y2eGKeapsGuV5/s1600/drake+child.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjhf0pkRkRP5YPD4na_B70yqHObkWhRIqUZnkzCSZdyOYd8xFhYtbM9Pm9dnkBbvyaCfdRYbDsQxDWElp7u58_Tkn-uF7XT-77BL9P-KD6qmVtNmU8mKM7VtsCmf2YpwA-y2eGKeapsGuV5/s1600/drake+child.jpg" /></a></div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
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<div style="text-align: center;">"They take the greats from the past n compare us...I wonder if theyd ever survive in this era"</div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
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</div><div style="text-align: center;">"I know of all the things that I hear they be pokin fun at...never the flow...they kno I run that"</div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
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</div><div style="text-align: center;">"Im a descendant of either Marley or Hendrix"</div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgXTlGMR0-TQ9BFoMXxcZu02aSag7QWKF0kW3_3rULcdF5QE9NxTlHqq3Fnn9AKPhq-QYrNaRJay3swR7fATcgjjl4tCVrRc_6xOz3COgJc9CEeTb8mCI618iF8FvhwWgZ950Mam0QsJFav/s1600/bob+marley.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="211" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgXTlGMR0-TQ9BFoMXxcZu02aSag7QWKF0kW3_3rULcdF5QE9NxTlHqq3Fnn9AKPhq-QYrNaRJay3swR7fATcgjjl4tCVrRc_6xOz3COgJc9CEeTb8mCI618iF8FvhwWgZ950Mam0QsJFav/s320/bob+marley.jpg" width="320" /></a></div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg_VJOxXaE9xwcG4i-5Tv23BCT-qXkDpgtCqXhtkYMHgT4pGLsRqWik9ObJS7Hn01xemi8XExaVwxgYcrhirfsxGlMUwxqXaS3Zms4ln2x_bUBL-RmPfzkuCgDNDso3RS8QXbBHR30L7Fp_/s1600/hendrix-fire.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg_VJOxXaE9xwcG4i-5Tv23BCT-qXkDpgtCqXhtkYMHgT4pGLsRqWik9ObJS7Hn01xemi8XExaVwxgYcrhirfsxGlMUwxqXaS3Zms4ln2x_bUBL-RmPfzkuCgDNDso3RS8QXbBHR30L7Fp_/s320/hendrix-fire.jpg" width="311" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgPo9Sntw6aDtmj6hi5FLKkwDEl957RUxG1n74RI-Z4VtkqihEiXJJCGBc3JcsCX7tgS76lEe3WaSbeKKuZRAenxIz-6X69ssdgr_6j7oGZlkSyVfiu8CRY4wtG4hsVJRJpcVv04dIEbjr7/s1600/drakefall.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="241" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgPo9Sntw6aDtmj6hi5FLKkwDEl957RUxG1n74RI-Z4VtkqihEiXJJCGBc3JcsCX7tgS76lEe3WaSbeKKuZRAenxIz-6X69ssdgr_6j7oGZlkSyVfiu8CRY4wtG4hsVJRJpcVv04dIEbjr7/s320/drakefall.jpg" width="320" /></a></div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: center;">"Im hearin all of the jokes...I kno they tryna push me...I kno that showin emotion dont ever mean Im pussy"</div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg9d8UVUm8HnP5Gxzz5ksNmN5BdqrPUksSe2EvEOLAaL9Ya5zKS2WeDVj9QsJcGQWYXO8J7mcG1_DmFRorH-1hskHtnWT_SeXHzdk-CVi9roMgejHk3SfQH6jiStGgIaaXKRmJCmgXAa4hm/s1600/drake+hand.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="400" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg9d8UVUm8HnP5Gxzz5ksNmN5BdqrPUksSe2EvEOLAaL9Ya5zKS2WeDVj9QsJcGQWYXO8J7mcG1_DmFRorH-1hskHtnWT_SeXHzdk-CVi9roMgejHk3SfQH6jiStGgIaaXKRmJCmgXAa4hm/s400/drake+hand.jpg" width="266" /></a></div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: center;">"A lot of niggas came up off a style that I made up...but if all I hear is me ...then who should I be afraid of?".</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhvbO0qIbhN9vljSEjwzKjNvTLaT2Xjf1NP69UoksBHBSSscH0LFoxF8zAI-x-cX2EHQntDWvyasAyupfOEFQqucHfs6fP1WR3-4Edj3rz7TZ68ANruu0o70cH8a4YLjfGIZWyve94HrhSC/s1600/kendrick1.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="246" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhvbO0qIbhN9vljSEjwzKjNvTLaT2Xjf1NP69UoksBHBSSscH0LFoxF8zAI-x-cX2EHQntDWvyasAyupfOEFQqucHfs6fP1WR3-4Edj3rz7TZ68ANruu0o70cH8a4YLjfGIZWyve94HrhSC/s320/kendrick1.jpg" width="320" /></a></div><br />
But yo..I fucks wit this joint son. Real talk tho...I woulda fucked wit it even if there was no vocals until the Bawse comes in n gets his ignorant on anyways. If somebody gets me a instrumental of this joint Imma jus play the shit outta that muthafucka too son. Matter fact Im lookin forward to hearin OTHER niggas body this shit namsayin (no...not you Papoose). Cos son gave this nigga one of the top 3 beats of the year nahmean. Plus Just Blaze beats is like jeggings son....they can make almost any bitch ass look good.<br />
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11. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-cameras-lyrics" target="_blank">Cameras</a>/<a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-good-ones-go-interlude-lyrics" target="_blank">Good Ones Go (Interlude)</a> - That Jon B I hear son? Anyways this nigga jus gon get his Lil Tunechi froggy flow on now. At the end of the day this is jus some more of that "Here nigga hold my purse music" that son been specializin in for the last few years. But its almost like a cherub came n whispered in the niggas ear after he recorded this shit n told him "Son...this shit aint moist enough b...you need to come do a duet wit me now" for the interlude...<br />
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<a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgIX4-vI45VKaH5DjhwQxyuoE3BGw2v37ed5f1lkINz0ClV6VFHRWeX1PBhDboAGz6AHFEM5WXScGmJqfTOzz-KH458l9BaFxHotVFIO22GcU8LiEHE14Q6kRvjMPCLrr3HYSr2xg2qGPCJ/s1600/Drake+tears.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="193" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgIX4-vI45VKaH5DjhwQxyuoE3BGw2v37ed5f1lkINz0ClV6VFHRWeX1PBhDboAGz6AHFEM5WXScGmJqfTOzz-KH458l9BaFxHotVFIO22GcU8LiEHE14Q6kRvjMPCLrr3HYSr2xg2qGPCJ/s200/Drake+tears.jpg" width="200" /></a><br />
<div style="text-align: left;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #8e7cc3; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><i>"Dont you go gettin married...dont you go get engaged</i></span></div><br />
<div style="text-align: left;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #8e7cc3; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><i>I know youre gettin older...dont have no time to waste</i></span></div><br />
<div style="text-align: left;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #8e7cc3; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><i>I shouldnt be much longer...but you shouldnt have to wait</i></span></div><br />
<div style="text-align: left;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #8e7cc3; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><i>Cant lose you..cant help it...Im sorry Im so selfish"</i></span></div><br />
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</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgszuvGQTTkWu6ohiJu104Btvqmho8-oPvdj2XZS05AmAtzSUpTiJKJYr9ZWlpwLEU_btS20VU6lgnQLOwPlhj4BLFTRBg8b8jyQiein41nNsvkppribQ9RQfbyMc1LUdgI9GQMj3GrSlnw/s1600/drake+stevie.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgszuvGQTTkWu6ohiJu104Btvqmho8-oPvdj2XZS05AmAtzSUpTiJKJYr9ZWlpwLEU_btS20VU6lgnQLOwPlhj4BLFTRBg8b8jyQiein41nNsvkppribQ9RQfbyMc1LUdgI9GQMj3GrSlnw/s320/drake+stevie.jpg" width="304" /></a></div><div><br />
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12. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-doing-it-wrong-lyrics" target="_blank">Doing it Wrong</a> (ft Stevie Wonder) - This nigga jus took bitchassedness in hip hop to a whole new level on this one b. Like son jus discovered new frontiers in softness that aint nobody EVER explored my nigga. I cant even believe what the fuck this dude sayin yo.<br />
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<span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #8e7cc3; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><i>"When a good thing goes bad its not the end of the world...its jus the end of a world that you had wit one girl"</i></span><br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgOqWN_7DrQm-0X7BtYGeDVYSCgMthHj8C6557wNcNWWxyIN-mburcAwIo9JkyLoSEvJsbEKjh4xEOsivbKT3iTJv9cSd-y4X8XN28fGDYmg4KQ3MNTQE0Lj2eIHgOBLTi-ogHnBRUOKrPc/s1600/drake+crying.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="267" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgOqWN_7DrQm-0X7BtYGeDVYSCgMthHj8C6557wNcNWWxyIN-mburcAwIo9JkyLoSEvJsbEKjh4xEOsivbKT3iTJv9cSd-y4X8XN28fGDYmg4KQ3MNTQE0Lj2eIHgOBLTi-ogHnBRUOKrPc/s400/drake+crying.jpg" width="400" /></a></div><br />
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No dignity whatsoever b. None. ZERO son. Not a single solitary snowflake of fuckin decorum left in this nigga. I tried to type out the muthafuckin words to the hook n that delicate ass shit jus floated off the screen when I did it yo...so you jus gon have to listen to that shit yaself son. This nigga gotta orchard of pauses blossoming all over this muthafucka. If yall enjoy these audio vagina injections thats cool...but I cant fuck wit this shit nahmean. I kno son is legedary as fuck...but Stevie playin his harmonica over that shit at the end dont mean shit to me neither b. Might also be time for my dude to jus think bout lettin go of those braids already par. Those muthafuckas start like 8 inches further back than they did in the 80s nahmean. No disrespect to the legend but Im jus sayin b...<br />
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13. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-the-real-her-lyrics" target="_blank">The Real Her</a> (ft Lil Wayne & Andre 3000) - Now its time for this niggas ode to savin strippers. Havin 3 Stacks on this joint dont make this shit any less unacceptable b. But whenever the citizens of Los Hopeless get tired of lettin niggas slip singles down the crack of they asses they jus flash that muthafuckin vagina spotlight up on the clouds n wait for this nigga to slide down a rainbow witta cape on his back n a tote bag full of sweaters he jus finished crocheting to come save they asses son. The boy Drake is fightin on the front lines of the war for keepin broads from takin they clothes off for money b. This nigga saves more hoes before 9 am than most niggas gon save in they whole life namsayin.<br />
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14. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-hyfr-lyrics" target="_blank">HYFR</a> [Hell Ya Fuckin Right] (ft Lil Wayne) - If this muffin-top havin ass nigga wasnt jus squirtin out another sonnet bout the same shit n talmbout textin a broad the whole time I woulda said son killed the first 40 seconds of this muthafucka. Anyways yo....I dont hate this shit. I mean...I dont really fuck wit it like that neither...but I aint mad at it yo. Im sayin I dont see myself wantin to smack a nigga witta light post or nothin if he play this shit in front of me or nothin. Like I dont feel like I gotta slap a nigga into another realm of the universe n go seed his broad up if he accidentally lets this shit come thru the speakers namsayin. I aint gon necessarily throw a volcano at a nigga if he got this shit playin in his crib n I can hear the muthafucka nahmean. I mean...thats definitely some kinda improvement over the rest of this bullshit yo.<br />
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</div></div>15. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-look-what-youve-done-lyrics" target="_blank">Look What You've Done</a> - Im havin Sideline Story flashbacks b. This nigga nearly put me to sleep wit this shit yo...but this shit probably one of the better joints on this muthafucka still. Its like this nigga on a roll now wit back to back joints thats still kinda bitchmade but not as horrible as all the other bitchmade shit on this album nahmean. You could even say that if son jus did more bitchass shit like this instead of the other bitchass shit he do...he would be aight. This shit is so delicate that playin it out loud wit no headphones actually jus made my clothes softer b. But it was definitely a step in the slightly less bitchnigga direction for son.<br />
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</div></div></div><div>16. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-practice-lyrics" target="_blank">Practice</a> - The fuck is this shit b? This nigga turned Back That Azz Up into a ballad? Thats like some shit only a rape nigga coulda imagined son. Anyways b...the message to this muthafuckin joint is basically that all the other niggas that this broad done fucked wit was jus practice for her...for when she would eventually meet Aubrey's beige ass n be able to show him what she done learned namsayin. Again yo...Im sayin...who says shit like that? Wack ass creepy rape type niggas is who b. Niggas who hang out by the pool at night time n scare broads away...like this nigga rite here...</div><div><div style="text-align: center;"><br />
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</div></div>17. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-the-ride-lyrics" target="_blank">The Ride</a> (ft The Weeknd) - Ayo my illegally downloaded version of this muthafucka aint come wit this track par.<br />
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</div></div><div>18. <a href="http://rapgenius.com/Drake-the-motto-lyrics" target="_blank">The Motto</a> (ft Lil Wayne) - So niggas is really still jerkin yo? Son...this shit jus makes me wanna hurt innocent creatures b. I might need to go punt my neighbor's dog across the fuckin block jus to relieve my muthafuckin tension after listenin to this bullshit rite here again son. This shit was like havin herpes in my ears b. You might only live once son...but apparently you can keep makin gay ass music forever if you wanna.<br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div>So thats the whole album son...or what Im gon refer to as that cascading waterfall of invisible dicks that sons fans call his music. Swear this nigga got the most forgiving fans on earth tho b. The nigga gets that exotic budgie tatted on his shoulder..."Nah chill...he jus doin him son". The nigga drops a million odes to savin broads..."Ayo chill...son jus tryna live par". The nigga starts rockin sweaters from 1983 Sears catalogs n shows up to awards shows wearin grandmother cardigans made from old sofas..."Nah chill...son jus stayin tru to hisself"...Im sayin b...the nigga could show up at a awards show wearin a unitard n niggas would still be like..."Jus let that nigga do him....he jus doin him son". Yall muthafuckas should be ashamed of yallselves tho....for lettin it come to this shit in the first place namsayin. Yall LET this niggas get to the top like that. Im talkin to niggas who emcee too. Yall done allowed this nigga to come in the door...n now he done opened the floodgates to a million other soft ass muthafuckas jus like him son. Ayo nobody disrespected Father MC n Candyman like that back in the day b. Them niggas was makin careers outta droppin soft ass shit too. Dudes aint try to crush they whole existence or nothin...but niggas aint exactly say "Ayo Father MC n Candyman yall niggas should be showin the rest of us muthafuckas what direction to take Hip Hop in yo...". But I dont even blame Drake b. That nigga SHOULD be able to have his lane. Its all good son. I hate that niggas music n he definitely that corny nigga at the club who pops open a bottle of champagne n then sniffs the cork...but he allowed to follow his dreams b. But yall niggas put that muthafucka on a pedestal. Like I said b...I dont blame Aubrey tho. Drake is what happens when ya son is conceived during a period week namsayin. That nigga was jus conceived on the wrong end of a menstrual cycle yo. These niggas gon always exist bruh. But I aint no follower son. If I dont like some shit...I dont jus rock wit it cos thats what broads be listenin to... n cos I want broads to be feelin me. Thats like sprayin yaself wit perfume jus cos chicks be enjoyin that shit...Yall effeminate ass niggas smarten up. Niggas always callin Drizzy homo tho. Im sayin yo...I dont think thats even the case b. N if it was...I aint judgin the nigga based on none of that yo. I mean...maybe son is kinda homo-esque. But either way par...this niggas masculinity been terminally ill for a hot minute now...that shits been on life support since Thank Me Later dropped b. But Im sure that muthafucka done kicked the bucket forreal wit this album son. If you niggas cop retail versions of this shit dont forget to take the cd in for a yearly pap smear b. Ayo fuck this shit son. Aight peace.<br />
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By the way yo...Imma give this shit...<br />
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<b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: large;">1 Zeus Slap outta 5</span></b><br />
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or<br />
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<span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #8e7cc3;"><b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: large;">5 Drake Pinky Salutes outta 5 </span></b> </span><br />
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Take ya pick b.<br />
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</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com505tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-58253873079608361132011-11-08T22:11:00.000-08:002011-11-08T22:11:49.999-08:00RIP HEAVY D<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhmcKjIIERYeohXhz5_gKcqt5EBiKbelP_aPM4rUBsoRebiPdcZfQ8UOZvbTOV6J4r7C5SKnlEn7OAh4qPa7L97VOekfNCSYVivrwegoDo1n3vW7Z97asHxvJRyi2IVxYLBd8BffHjJqeBN/s1600/heavyd.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhmcKjIIERYeohXhz5_gKcqt5EBiKbelP_aPM4rUBsoRebiPdcZfQ8UOZvbTOV6J4r7C5SKnlEn7OAh4qPa7L97VOekfNCSYVivrwegoDo1n3vW7Z97asHxvJRyi2IVxYLBd8BffHjJqeBN/s1600/heavyd.jpg" /></a></div>BIG GHOSThttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17173451638533006682noreply@blogger.com11tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1247522493868782777.post-59853829578172705642011-11-05T19:09:00.000-07:002011-11-06T04:38:24.930-08:00Big Ghost Presents: The Live.Love.A$AP Review<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br />
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</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Ayo whattup its the Hands of Zeus back in the building nahmean aka Phantom Raviolis aka The Panty Melter aka Cocaine Biceps the inventor of the slap. Word is bond Imma skip all that other talk n get right down to the bone gristles namsayin. I had this shit sittin in my iTunes for a hot minute now n I still aint really listen to that muthafucka without no distractions all the way thru yo. So Im bout to give this ASAP Rocky joint a real thoro ass Zeus Hands inspection n give yalls the prognosis one time namsayin. Im sure by now a lot of yall already heard The Purple Swag or Pe$o joints...or maybe one of them older freestyles son dropped when he was still on some Kanyeezy type shit. Either way tho...son done come a long way from that shit...n he been movin his pieces on the chessboard correct yo. Son jus got hisself a 3 million dollar record deal even. Im sayin...my dude even on tour wit the Harvester of Pauses hisself now nahmean. Regardles of how I feel bout that boy Aubrey... it was a smart business move so I cant really front yo. But son might need to chill far as how he be puttin that nigga on a pedestal namsayin. Matter fact the dude said some shit bout how he would slap a nigga for that boy Drizzy. I aint kno what would possess homeboy to say some Captain Save a Hoe type shit like that but he did b. N even tho that kinda shit sound way too romantic for a dude to be sayin out the blue bout some effeminate ass nigga...we aint gon necessarily hold it against sons music. We gon jus pretend that the young brother aint play hisself wit that shit n let his music speak for itself namsayin.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Im sayin tho..."Club Paradise"?...Shit sounds mad homogenized b.</td></tr>
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</div><div style="text-align: justify;">1. Palace - Ayo this a fresh ass way to start ya joint off son. Homie aint no beast or nothin but he aint no slouch neither. I also appreciate that son be acknowledgin how he jockin the fuck outta that Houston shit too. But I respect the sound cos he still puttin a NY twist on that shit. This muthafucka gon have little niggas runnin up in Walgreens rackin all the Benadryl n Nyquils tryin to get they lean on tho nahmean. Little niggas is gon be fallin asleep on the sidewalk from that shit all across the country. It aint always easy to cop that promethazine when you need it namsayin...little niggas jus improvise. Ayo this sounds like some Black Hippy meets Bone Thugs meets ATLiens meets actual aliens type shit to me. Word is bond... I digs this shit son.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">2. Pe$o - This that joint that kinda gives you some idea of what Wiz Khagina would sound like if he still had a little talent n dignity left b. I still fucks wit this shit even tho I think I kinda heard it enough times now son. This beat is mad hypnotic yo. You can jus zone n imagine gettin pulled around the streets of Shanghai in a rickshaw by golden pandas or whatever when you hear some shit like this yo. This aint the kinda beat you need to go hammer on tho. You dont wanna be tryna murder this type a shit par. This the kinda beat you jus ride nahmean. You make love to this kinda beat namsayin...you dont be tryna sodomize a beat like this yo. You aint gotta blow its back out. You wanna caress some shit like this par. N son understands that less is more on a joint like this nahmean.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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<tr><td><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj82mRHbSfsGDPx5o0YpIpwI0vCyhJ_bXO_faFyqBT12xoewsHNaRdEP1bFi6GK1uyZt3Pl0-cVY5-WV9eIjTsDHv7FhtnaqM1hkZy_w0YXYV880BFrrxtyD68DqtNtAdMA9GygkC7fX3ri/s1600/wiz+n+amber.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="400" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj82mRHbSfsGDPx5o0YpIpwI0vCyhJ_bXO_faFyqBT12xoewsHNaRdEP1bFi6GK1uyZt3Pl0-cVY5-WV9eIjTsDHv7FhtnaqM1hkZy_w0YXYV880BFrrxtyD68DqtNtAdMA9GygkC7fX3ri/s400/wiz+n+amber.jpg" width="285" /></a></div><div style="text-align: center;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-small;">STRUGGLE ON A HUNDRED THOUSAND TRILLION</span></div></td></tr>
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</div><div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">3. Bass - By this track I be thinkin ok maybe son need to slow down on that Darth Vader voice that Pac use to OD on back in his Strictly For My N.I.G.G.A.Z. days. You dont gotta screw down all this shit bruh. Might be a little toooooo much Houston shit happenin now b. But I fucks wit this still. Son definitely more style than substance tho...but that shit was never no secret nahmean. I aint really expectin him to spit no complex ass Pharoahe Monch type shit namsayin. If you aint no crazy intelligent nigga like that you shouldnt even be tryin to kick knowledge anyways yo. Nobody wanna hear dumb niggas tryin to drop jewelz. Thats why we got stupid ass niggas like Soulja Boy...who got the intelligence of a goldfish...tryin to get they KRS-One on. That nigga tried to get political n he jus ended up sayin some retarded shit like 'fuck the troops". Then he like "Wait...whuhhh? You mean yalls aint cool wit my ratchet bonjanglin ass sayin "fuck the troops'? But they aint like po-leeeese doh?" Nah you mongoloid ass nigga...stick to superman'n hoes n crankin n twerkin or whatever it is a grown nigga wit the intelligence of a toddler be doin. Scientists told that muthafucka that he only had 430 brain cells n the nigga thought "daaaaaayyyymmmmmmn thats a lot mayne"... Anyways I forgot what I was sayin... but I like this joint son.</span></div></div></td></tr>
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</div><div style="text-align: justify;">4. Wassup - this beat sounds like some straight Kendrick Lamar n Schoolboy Q type shit b. The beat sound like when you be nice off a fifth of that Goose n you start sniffin a little coke so you dont fall asleep but then that shit dont really be mixin too good wit the dust joint you was takin pulls off 2 hours before that n you start feelin like you walkin down these empty hallways n ey'thing be echoing n soundin extra close to your eardrums n you start seein shit that cant be real like dinosaurs liftin weights n niggas rockin durags n Avirex jackets who got open books in front of them n shit namsayin...word...but I think thats what I likes bout this song yo.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">5. Brand New Guy (ft Schoolboy Q)- I aint even know my nigga Q was actually on this mixtape til like 5 minutes ago yo. Q's flow is jus so disrespectful son. You can already tell this nigga don't hold no doors open for old ladies or chew wit his mouth closed yo. Son dont give a microfuck b. These Niggas sound like they could be in a group together tho. Not in the way that Pras was in Fugees n niggas was like "Ay why this nigga even in the group?"...but like...these dudes got actual chemistry on the track n shit. I fucks wit this shit heavy son.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh_FlHSIJGaLvrLqM6ItbDBCwdUn-EOrc0kxRp8CgKknQapAESmuVXlHM4t5cEKTlm3A7bQhZL7vSsX_O97fAjmMbKAUri68kwRqyEk_9PCwLDDoYppa3aWBex1vQKtVA5zkMfIZv3S74PF/s1600/Asap+purple+swag.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="224" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh_FlHSIJGaLvrLqM6ItbDBCwdUn-EOrc0kxRp8CgKknQapAESmuVXlHM4t5cEKTlm3A7bQhZL7vSsX_O97fAjmMbKAUri68kwRqyEk_9PCwLDDoYppa3aWBex1vQKtVA5zkMfIZv3S74PF/s400/Asap+purple+swag.jpg" width="400" /></a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: justify;"><br />
</div></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">6. Purple Swag Chapter 2 (ft Spaceghost & ASAP Nast) - This shits basically jus the original witta couple extra niggas jumpin on the shit wit him nahmean. I cant really tell all these ASAP niggas apart like that but them niggas all seem decent anyways namsayin. Niggas is switchin shit up n soundin like the one chubby muthafucka in Bone Thugs who cant really rap as fast as the rest of the niggas in the group but still be spittin. Like I said tho...these niggas aint really here to separate protons n neutrons from electrons n rap math equations over the beat like that nerd nigga Canibus or nothin namsayin. Forreal tho....I respect the ignorance they droppin on this shit son. </div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">7. Get Lit (ft Fat Tony) - Outta all these laid back ass joint...this one gotta be the most laid back one so far son. I mean...this shit is almost gentle b. I aint mad at it but this aint the kinda shit I be listenin to unless I dont plan on doin shit for like a week straight namsayin. This muthafucka can have niggas fallin asleep at the wheel n rollin they whips into bus stops n pedestrians...so it definitely aint no shit for the ride son. This that shit for when you end up gettin so high that you cant even move ya limbs n you gotta coach yaself on how to open ya mouth so that you can call ya mans to come help you get up off the couch cos you feelin like you bout to start urinating on yaself any minute namsayin. </div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">8. Trilla (ft ASAP Twelvy & ASAP Nast) - Ayo I still cant really tell none of these ASAP niggas apart like that namsayin...but this joint is my favorite shit on this muthafucka so far son. I played this shit 5 times in a row jus now yo. Word is bond...that beat is a menace my nigga. This like some shit where you jus be picturin yaself ridin across the desert in one of those Mad Max type joints wit the armor plates n the big ass wheels n shit n you got like 2 broads rockin black leather bikinis wit some furry thigh high boots on n fly ass blowout afros n these vultures is circlin above yall while the sun is settin n the sky be lookin all orange n burgundy n shit namsayin........n you got like gargoyles on Harley Davidson's shootin ya whip up so you gotta like start doin donuts n shit to make big ass clouds of smoke n dust start appearin so you can park ya shit n hop out n start blammin em muthafuckas n throwin grenades or whatever nahmean...but suddenly the ground starts to shake n cracks open n you start seein the core of the earth n some dragons made outta fire start to emerge from the flames n be swoopin over you n shit so you gotta look to the clouds n summon the angels from the heavens to come help you handle these niggas but then you see like a sorcerer who got lightning comin outta they eyes n shit he be strikin the angels wit the lightning from his eyes n so you start thinkin bout how can you approach the nigga from behind (pause) n strangle the muthafucka nahmean...so you be doin like somersaults n rollin across the ground to camouflage yaself wit the earth as you approach the sorcerer n he aint noticin you so you spring up n try to yoke the nigga n he fightin back n now lightnin bolts is shootin out the niggas hands n he tryin to maneuver outta the choke hold so you gotta like flip the muthafucka in the air n he go flyin n then he lands on top of one of those pointy ass rocks that look like upside down icicles n shit...n he explodes n all the gargoyles n dragons n shit start freezin while they fightin against the angels n then they turn to like black ashy statues n crumble or whatever...n then the two broads start dancin on top of the hood of the car n they start doin lesbian shit nahmean. Word yo.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">9. Keep It G (ft Chace Infinite & Spaceghost Purrp) So we got Chace Infinite droppin some know-the-ledge for these little niggas on the intro n then Rocky spits his bars. This beat is type slowmo son. Shit sounds like some old Black Moon shit wit some Sade sprinkled on top. Shit is mad laid back yo. Then this Spaceghost nigga takes the second verse namsayin. Ayo son sounds like he jus learned to rap 3 hours ago b. I aint even sayin he wack...he jus dont sound like he kno how to rap yo. Son kinda be soundin like a high pitched MC Eiht...I fucks wit this joint tho. </div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Jus 2 grown shirtless niggas on one bike yo...at least son aint ridin on the back of it...</td></tr>
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10. Kissin Pink (ft ASAP Ferg) - That hypnotic shit is back yo. This shit jus sounds like drugs son. I mean a lot of these joints be havin that Houston influence namsayin. Niggas is talkin bout all that purple drank shit n be havin that chopped n screwed feel...so its mad obvious that thats what son be vibin off of on his free time...but this shit got that boom bap feel too. Shit kinda sounds like a 90s joint...but futuristic at the same time nahmean. It aint my favorite shit or nothin but Tone definitely aint mad at it son.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">11. Houston Old Head - This is jus even more of that laid back g. Ayo personally I was thinkin that son coulda used a more uptempo type joint by this point jus to switch shit up a little...but that aint even the problem son. I swear this shit sounds like Medium Sean doin a Kanye impersonation yo. I jus kept waitin for son to say "Oh thats yo GIRL? I imaginary fucked yo GIRL? Boi? I do it."...word...I aint really feelin this shit like that b.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">12. Acid Drip - Aight so you could probably guess that shit was gon be some more drugged out shit by that song title. I aint mad...but this shit too laid back for me again son. I mean its cool...jus not my type a shit. He dont need to start gettin his Bussa Bus on or nothin...but shit jus went from slow to slower to fuck it Imma throw the shit in neutral n if the muthafucka wanna keep rollin it can son...Its aight tho. I jus dont feel nothin from it nahmean.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">13. Leaf (ft Main Attrakionz) - Now this some shit I jus straight up fucks wit b. This still that slow n laid back shit but theres some muscle on this joint son. My dude sharin how a lot of muthafuckas feel when he says he "sick of all these hipsters" too. Son also acknowledgin how niggas say he sound like Yeezy n Wiz on this shit...which aint even really how he sound on 90% of these joints...but its whatever nahmean. I swear I heard that homo ass Wiz laugh in the background durin the hook tho. The other niggas aint really doin nothin too crazy lyrically... but Rocky came wit that good shit namsayin. This shit got a couple rewinds from the god already b.<br />
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</div><div>14. Roll One Up - Ayo maybe the last thing the world needed was another song bout rollin weed...but this shit still ill son. There aint really nothin else that needs to be said bout this shit. The beat is some fly shit n son does his thing far as the rhymes go. Sometimes thats all you need par. I definitely fucks wit it. </div></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">15. Demons - DRUGS. Cant believe this nigga jus said "Oh thats yo girl huh? Well I jus hit it" like that tho. Now a nigga gotta eat his own words. Damn son. Real talk tho...I love this joint yo. The hooks ill n the beat got some serious mood to it par. This shit sound like the credits rollin on a niggas life son. Might be my favorite shit on the mixtape.</div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
</div><div style="text-align: justify;">16. Out Of This World - Think this is a bonus track...but this a fly ass joint to close the shit out to b. Probably the livest shit on the whole muthafucka n this shits still easy like Sunday morning namsayin. But now son jus namedroppin all the dudes he feel like niggas been comparin him to. I aint really mad at son for rockin like all his influences do tho. He still got his own style anyways yo. The Big Beat drums kinda keep this shit grimy too. I dig it yo. </div><div style="text-align: justify;"><br />
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<tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi9btZYSHImGESTW53hrDY15js4iToMDiSxIGiUyoOCbPb5B6yNTjhszraDx22kaRd2EUEyncQ_XydyOLcPrDVFVX1IAdNpCuCrWqNAMX2YouFhyphenhyphenkrY5VtgGDk-WtFOtEh5OHSkaOMR3GiU/s1600/asap+rocky+bike.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="212" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi9btZYSHImGESTW53hrDY15js4iToMDiSxIGiUyoOCbPb5B6yNTjhszraDx22kaRd2EUEyncQ_XydyOLcPrDVFVX1IAdNpCuCrWqNAMX2YouFhyphenhyphenkrY5VtgGDk-WtFOtEh5OHSkaOMR3GiU/s400/asap+rocky+bike.jpg" width="400" /></a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Im sayin tho son...</td></tr>
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</div><div style="text-align: justify;">This shit aint what I would call a straight classic namsayin. Also son aint like the nicest nigga to ever touch the mic or nothin...but this whole joint jus been mad consistent namsayin. Also it really dont sound like nothin else out there yo. Like that boy Spitta kinda be touchin on the exact same topics pretty much but his shit dont sound nothin like Rockys shit n vice versa namsayin. The beats is mellow n laid back but they got some grittiness to em nahmean. I dont even think they mixed this shit down son. Word is bond it sounds like it was recorded in a crackhouse bathroom on a cellphone yo. I think I even heard a toilet flush durin this muthafucka par. But yo...straight up...I fucks wit this shit son. Niggas dont gotta be doin no verbal gymnastics on a joint for it to be hot namsayin. The beats is on point n there really aint no songs that I be feelin like I jus gotta skip son. Ayo the god gon give this shit 4 Zeus Slaps outta 5 nahmean. Word.</div><div style="text-align: justify;">Aight peace.<br />
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</div><div>Ayo one more thing yall....</div><div><br />
<div>The god cant really do no reviews for ALL the shit that he really wanna...but this one joint yall need to go support. My dude Gangsta Gibbs is still hitin niggas over the head wit that good shit namsayin. Son dropped his latest joint last week n he kept it all the way street yo. This that shit for niggas who slap box wit they moms out on the corner son. This shit for muthafuckas who snack on bullets n eat the bark off trees when they hungry nahmean. This joint for niggas who do push-ups on broken glass n punch sidewalks when they happy namsayin. This the type a shit that gon put hair on the chest of a infant son. This joint for broads who be carryin razor blades under they tongue when they go to the mall yo. This the type of shit that make a nigga slap a muthafucka thru 3 layers of concrete for makin eye contact b. This shit gon make you wanna throw niggas off balconies. I approves of this joint mightily son. Theres a lot of shit that either ya boy dont got time to speak on or it jus dont make sense for me to speak on....but I jus hadda salute the homie for this one yo. Word.</div><div><br />
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</div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="http://l-r-g.com/blog/2011/10/31/colddayinhell/">CLICK THIS SHIT</a></div><br />
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